Friday, August 21, 2009

Boro prepares for fall’s swine flu cases

By Anna Gustafson
Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:14 AM EDT


Metropolitan Funeral Directors Association Director Martin Kasdan addresses individuals in Forest Hills last week about a possible swine flu surge this fall. Photo by Anna Gustafson

City officials are bracing for a surge of swine flu cases this fall and funeral home directors need to be prepared to accommodate a possible related 50,000 to 85,000 deaths, the director of the Metropolitan Funeral Directors Association told a gathering of funeral home representatives in Forest Hills last week.
“As funeral directors, we really need to know what we’re about to face,” Martin Kasdan said. “When swine flu comes back, it could possibly be devastating.”
About 15 officials from area funeral homes attended the meeting sponsored by the MetFDA at Schwartz Brothers in Forest Hills Aug. 6. The MetFDA is holding four meetings in the city and one in Westchester this month to better prepare funeral homes for a possible increase in deaths as well as a rise in the number of sick and absent employees.
MetFDA officials said they were also relaying information from the meetings to city agencies, including the city Health Department and the medical examiner’s office, with which they have been working in preparation for a potential second wave of swine flu.
Swine flu, otherwise known as H1N1, first hit the city in May in a group of St. Francis Preparatory students in Fresh Meadows. The outbreak occurred after the students had arrived home from a trip to Mexico, where the World Health Organization said the global pandemic originated.
As of July, more than 900 New Yorkers had been hospitalized with H1N1 and 47 had died, including two Queens residents, according to city statistics.
Flushing resident Mitchell Wiener, an assistant principal at IS 238 in Hollis, became the city’s first swine flu casualty May 17. A second unnamed woman from Queens died from swine flu May 24, according to the city.
City residents continue to come down with H1N1, but the numbers have continually decreased since the spike of cases in May, health officials said.
“The Health Department monitors influenza-like illnesses every day in New York City,” said city Health Commissioner Thomas Farley. “While every hospitalization is concerning and every death is a tragedy, our surveillance data indicate that the number of people newly infected is declining.”
The Centers for Disease Control has predicted a 2.1 percent to 3.3 percent death rate among those who come down with swine flu this fall, which translates into an additional 52,000 to 86,000 deaths in the city over a three-month period, Kasdan said.

“It’s mind-boggling,” Kasdan said of the possible death rate. “Is the CDC right? Who knows — hopefully not. But you need to be prepared.”
The potential upswing in fatalities poses a wide array of questions for city officials and funeral directors, such as where to store bodies, how to hold funerals in a climate where swine flu is passed easily from person to person and how many extra supplies will be needed.
“You may have to wait for funerals because the family is sick or until the cemetery says they’re able to do the burial,” Kasdan said. “You might have to store bodies longer.”
Kasdan said the city medical examiner is already looking into possibly using vacant city buildings to store bodies, and the city has contracted for a unit to be built in Germany that will handle hundreds of bodies. Link:

FBI: Arm Boston Police With Assault Rifles- Menino Criticized Proposal

POSTED: 6:31 pm EDT August 18, 2009

BOSTON -- An FBI official said Boston police officers should be armed with assault rifles to make the city more prepared for a terrorist attack. Read more here:

Climate plan calls for forest expansion

By Traci Watson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — New forests would spread across the American landscape, replacing both pasture and farm fields, under a congressional plan to confront climate change, an Environmental Protection Agency analysis shows.
About 18 million acres of new trees — roughly the size of West Virginia — would be planted by 2020, according to an EPA analysis of a climate bill passed by the House of Representatives in June.
That's because the House bill gives financial incentives to farmers and ranchers to plant trees, which suck in large amounts of the key global-warming gas: carbon dioxide.
The forestation effort would be even larger than one carried out by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression, says the U.S. Forest Service's Ralph Alig. The CCC, which lasted from 1933 to 1942, planted 3 billion trees, says the Civilian Conservation Corps Legacy, an alumni group for workers and family members.
The environmental benefits are clear. More trees would not only lower carbon dioxide levels, but they would improve water quality, because they need lower levels of pesticides and fertilizers, says agricultural economist Bruce McCarl of Texas A&M University, who contributed to the EPA analysis.
The plan would, however, be hard on ranchers and farmers and potentially food prices, says American Farm Bureau chief economist Bob Young.
In the Senate, which is likely to consider a similar bill this fall, there are some who worry the loss of farmland would lead to increases in food prices worse than those seen in mid-2007, when costs spiked 7% to 8% above 2006 levels.
If those food prices seemed high, "wait till you start moving agricultural acres into climate-change areas," warns Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., Agriculture secretary for President George W. Bush.
McCarl says food costs would stay roughly the same.
The latest EPA analysis does not say where the farmland would be lost. However, an EPA study done in 2005 that analyzed climate-change policies similar to the House bill found that trees would overgrow farms primarily in three areas:
Great Lake states: Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
The Southeast: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
The Corn Belt: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio.
Forests once grew there, says study author Brian Murray of Duke University, so trees would sprout quickly in those areas if farmers got financial incentives. The House climate bill would allow landowners who reduce carbon dioxide to sell carbon permits to polluters, such as power plants.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack last week hailed the possibility that climate-change action could help forests. "We have our own deforestation problem right here in the U.S. of A," he said. "Just keeping forest as forest is a significant challenge."
Roughly 1 million acres of forests every year were flattened to make way for homes and other development in the 1990s, Alig says. Without a climate bill, a net total 26 million acres of forest will be lost to development by 2050, he says. Link:

Ten Things That Are Missing from Obama's Health Care Reform Debate

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) You can't fix one broken system by replacing it with another broken system. Sure, the current health care system of "that's a pre-existing condition" insurance companies, employer-funded health insurance and miserable Medicaid is a public health disaster, but if we're going to fix the system, we have to come up with something that actually addresses the root cause of disease in America.
The current health care reform debate in Washington is really just a distraction -- a ploy to keep everyone focused on all the wrong topics while quietly refusing to talk about the big issues that threaten the health of an entire nation.
Here are the top 10 things missing from Obama's health care reform plan (and often absent from the debate):
#1) Ending the FDA's suppression of natural cures and safe, effective nutritional supplements.
#2) Initiating a real investment in public education to teach people about how to prevent disease with nutrition.
#3) Ending Big Pharma's monopoly on drug prices and drug patents (not to mention patents on human genes and animals).
#4) Restoring the ability for local doctors to practice local medicine without being controlled from bureaucrats in Washington.
#5) Cracking down on junk food advertising, soda advertising and pharmaceutical ads that convince people to purchase products that will only harm them.
#6) Banning dangerous chemical ingredients that cause diseases in the first place (aspartame, MSG, sodium nitrite, etc.)
#7) A real effort to improve school lunches and serve food that's nutritious instead of food that's cheap and convenient.
#8) Ending bizarre food subsidies on crops like corn that end up making high-fructose corn syrup the cheapest sweetener for manufacturers to use.
#9) Affirming health freedom for parents who wish to opt out of the current system of forced vaccinations and gunpoint-enforced chemotherapy.
#10) Requiring honest food labeling where irradiated and GMO foods are clearly labeled as such. Read more here:

Top Ten Natural Ways to Remove Heavy Metals

by Kirk Patrick, citizen journalist for NATURALNEWS.COM
(NaturalNews) Toxic heavy metals such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and uranium are pervasive in much of the environment. While it may not be possible to completely avoid exposure there are many safe, organic and affordable products that help detoxify and eliminate these toxins from the body. This article will provide ten such examples.
1) Bentonite (Clay) - Aluminium Phyllosilicate (Montmorillonite)
Bentonite clay is a form of volcanic ash that has the ability to physically remove from the body up to 25 times its weight in impurities through a process called adsorbtion. Bentonite has laxative properties and contains high levels of iron, magnesium and silicon. Available in two forms (sodium and calcium) bentonite clay is used in cement, ceramics, acne medication, facial clay, cat litter and to clarify wine. Higher grades of clay are safe for ingestion while lower grades are for external use only and thus are of questionable benefit.
2) Bladderwrack (Sea vegetable) - Fucus vesiculosus (Fucaceae)
Bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed found in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The stem is used medicinally while the thallas (air filled pods) help the algae float. Containing the active components iodine, fucoidan, alginic acid and phenols in varying amounts based on the water where it grew, bladderwrack is used to relieve heartburn and to stimulate both the immune system and thyroid. Bladderwrack has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
3) Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) - Anabaena sphaerica (Cyanophata)
Blue green algae such as Chlorella contain chlorophyll, an antioxidant and deep green pigment. Bacteria such as Fecal Coliform cannot coexist with chlorophyll, which helps keep fresh water clear. Algae not only contain nearly every required vitamin and mineral, but also have the effect of increasing oxygen while reducing nitrogen and carbon. Chlorella appears to bind to heavy metals to both detoxify and remove them. Studies in Japan following the nuclear disasters at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 showed that 8 grams of Chlorella daily caused a five-fold increase in the amounts of uranium, lead and cadmium that were eliminated.
4) Burdock (Root) - Arctium lappa (Compositae)
A potent blood purifier, burdock root removes heavy metals such as mercury along with other toxins. Containing up to 45% inulin along with arctiopicrin, arctiin, tannins and volatile oil, burdock is used to treat skin conditions such as acne. Burdock helps to purify the liver and is used as a natural cancer treatment. Burdock has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-tumor properties.
5) Cilantro (Leaf and stem) - Coriandrum Sativum (Umbelliferae)
Cilantro contains the antioxidants camphor, carvone, elemol, geraniol and limonene. A natural deodorizer, Cilantro relieves nausea, indigestion and bloating. Consuming cilantro (the seeds of which are the spice Coriander) helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cilantro kills Salmonella and removes heavy metals such as mercury from the body. Cilantro has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and can be easily grown in the home garden.
6) Garlic (Clove) - Allium Sativum (Liliaceae)
Garlic contains the antioxidant allicin, which is formed from alliin and allinase when the cloves are crushed. Garlic helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol while cleansing the liver. Offering unique health benefits when consumed in raw versus cooked or aged, Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
7) Glutathione (GSH)
Glutathione is a type of amino acid chain called a tripeptide. Glutathione modulates the order of cell life, a process called homeostasis. Glutathione is essential for handling environmental toxins as it detoxifies carcinogens (in particular arsenic) and helps the body to remove heavy metals such as cadmium, iron and mercury. This helps the metabolism and immune system by removing dead weight. GSH has antioxidant properties.
8) Onion (Bulb) - Allium Cepa (Liliaceae)
Onion contains the antioxidant quercetin. Onion relieves allergy symptoms and congestion along with helping reduce cholesterol. Onion can treat and prevent cataracts, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and helps remove heavy metals from the body. Onion has antimicrobial properties.
9) Selenium (Mineral)
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that functions as an antioxidant and promotes a healthy immune system. Required in remarkably small amounts (the RDA is measured in the millionths of a gram), selenium is highly toxic in larger amounts. Selenium has strong anti-cancer effects and is known to help detoxify the body and remove heavy metals including mercury.
10) Zeolite (Mineral)
Zeolite is a natural combination of volcanic ash and sea water. With a honeycomb-like structure it forms (teeny) tiny cage-like structures that physically trap heavy metals without removing critical minerals. Animal studies show zeolite to actually improve overall nutrition. A patented process purifies zeolite (since it is a heavy metal magnet it is already 'full' when found naturally). Purified zeolite has been shown to help prevent and reverse the growth of cancer cells. While it seems promising, it appears that more independent studies on zeolite are needed as most of the research is published on "Tribute to Zeolite" style web sites that enshrine the product. Link:

Thursday, August 20, 2009


By Michael Cutler
August 20, 2009
An important article appeared in Washington Times. It's important for a number of reasons.
First of all, while I greatly respect the work that the reporter who wrote the news article, Stephen Dinan, has done in covering immigration and other important issues, I have to disagree with his use of the term "Immigrants Rights Groups" to describe those who are seeking a massive amnesty program for unknown millions of illegal aliens whose identities, backgrounds, affiliations, intentions and even arrival information are unknown and unknowable.
As I have often noted, the difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a houseguest and a burglar.
I know that all too often those who advocate for open borders and massive amnesty programs are referred to as being advocates for "immigrant rights." However a massive amnesty program for virtually all of the illegal aliens who are currently present in our country and God only knows how many more would flood our nation if such an amnesty was enacted, claiming fraudulently to have been residing in our country for the requisite period of time in order to claim to be eligible to participate in such a fatally flawed program would do far more harm to true immigrants and their families than you could imagine. Read more here:

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show

By ANDREW POLLACK New York Times, Published: August 17, 2009
Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricateDNA evidence, undermining the credibility of what has been considered the gold standard of proof in criminal cases.

The scientists fabricated blood and saliva samples containing DNA from a person other than the donor of the blood and saliva. They also showed that if they had access to a DNA profile in a database, they could construct a sample of DNA to match that profile without obtaining any tissue from that person.
“You can just engineer a crime scene,” said Dan Frumkin, lead author of the paper, which has been published online by the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics. “Any biology undergraduate could perform this.”
Dr. Frumkin is a founder of Nucleix, a company based in Tel Aviv that has developed a test to distinguish real DNA samples from fake ones that it hopes to sell to forensicslaboratories.
The planting of fabricated DNA evidence at a crime scene is only one implication of the findings. A potential invasion of personal privacy is another.
Using some of the same techniques, it may be possible to scavenge anyone’s DNA from a discarded drinking cup or cigarette butt and turn it into a saliva sample that could be submitted to a genetic testing company that measures ancestry or the risk of getting various diseases. Celebrities might have to fear “genetic paparazzi,” said Gail H. Javitt of the Genetics and Public Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University. Read more here:

Mass graves could be dug for autumn bout of swine flu

Last updated at 1:18 PM on 19th August 2009
The government is planning to create a series of mass graves to cope with a second outbreak of swine flu in the autumn.
A Home Office document warns that a mass burial site may be needed to cope with the potential crisis.
The proposals were discussed between government officials and council bosses last month, and will affect those areas where there may not be enough graves for victims of the illness.
Within weeks of a full-blown pandemic, the number of burials could more than double and inner city areas "may experience a shortage of grave space", according to the report. Read more here:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nationwide Revolt Against Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Accelerates

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The nationwide revolt against government plans to implement a mass swine flu vaccination program in the United Kingdom has picked up steam, with a poll revealing that a third of NHS nurses will refuse to take the shot.
Despite nurses and frontline health workers being the primary target group to take the vaccine, just 37 per cent of them said they would take the swine flu vaccine in a survey conducted byNursing Times magazine. 30 per cent said they would not be immunized and 33 per cent said they were unsure.
Of the 30 per cent who said they would refuse to be vaccinated, 60 per cent said the reason was due to fears about the safety of the vaccine, following revelations that the shots will contain mercury and squalene and have also been linked with the killer nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Another 31 per cent said they would refuse the vaccine because they did not consider the risk from swine flu to be great enough.
The government responded to the poll by claiming that nurses have a duty not to infect their patients and urged them to take the vaccine, but it seems that many fear the health consequences of taking the vaccine will be worse than catching the virus itself.
Interestingly, a London Times article on the story reveals that fewer than one in seven nurses in the UK receives the annual flu shot, highlighting the fact that health workers, who would be in a position to be well educated on the issue, are already fully aware of the dangers associated with vaccines in general.
The swine flu vaccine is being rushed through safety procedures while the government has provided pharmaceutical companies with blanket immunity from lawsuits arriving out of the vaccine causing deaths and injuries.
It was previously revealed that some batches of the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.
It was also recently reported that the UK government sent a confidential letter to senior neurologists telling them to be on the alert for cases of a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.
Following the leak of the letter a senior neurologist told the Daily Mail, “I would not have the swine
flu jab because of the GBS risk.”
The last attempt to mass vaccinate the public against swine flu, during the 1976 outbreak in the United States, killed more people than the virus itself.
The vast majority of respondents to the London Times article about the nurses’ refusal to take the shot commented that they too would refuse to take the vaccine, mirroring sentiment across the country.
At this stage only a deadlier return of the virus backed by a massive government fearmongering campaign is going to make anything like a majority of the population take the swine flu shot.
Since the majority of the population will refuse to take the vaccine, the government’s only option will be to institute a mandatory program backed by force, or to drop plans for mass vaccination altogether. Link:

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Second Wave of The Depression: Hyperinflation is Likely

Webster Tarpley
August 17, 2009
The second wave of the world economic depression is coming soon. Larry Summers, the economics czar of the Wall Street puppet regime currently in power in Washington, recently confessed to the Financial Times in an unguarded moment: “I don’t think the worst is over ..” A few weeks earlier, Jacques Attali, who served in the 1980s as the main economics adviser to French President Mitterrand, told an audience at the International Economic and Financial Forum (FIEF) in Paris that the world might well soon face a planetary Weimar “in the form of a hyperinflationary depression similar to the German events of 1922 – 1923.

The world depression of the 1930s was made irreversible by the British bankruptcy of September 1931, when the Bank of England ceased gold payment.
During the last world economic depression, the first wave came in the form of the famous New York Stock market crash of October 1929. But this was only the beginning, and hardly the main event. The world depression of the 1930s was made irreversible by the British bankruptcy of September 1931, when the Bank of England ceased gold payment. At that time, the vast majority of international trade was financed by pounds sterling bills of exchange drawn on London. When the British Pound began to float through a series of competitive devaluations, the lack of a stable reserve currency – and not the US Hawley-Smoot tariff – strangled world trade, thus making that depression as severe as it was. British default in turn undermined the US banking system, setting the stage for the banking panic which ravaged the United States in 1932 and 1933, to the point that not a single bank in the country was still operating by the time Franklin D. Roosevelt assumed the presidency in March of 1933. The United States would almost certainly have been lashed by additional waves of depression had it not been for the banking triage implemented by the Roosevelt administration during the bank holiday, and for other New Deal measures which succeeded in mitigating the Depression. Other countries, notably Germany, went into a permanent depression which was expressed in a series of military campaigns which aimed at the economic looting of the other countries of Europe. Whatever the ideological fanatics of the discredited Austria and Chicago schools of economic analysis may claim, there is no automatic business cycle capable of lifting the modern world out of serious economic disintegration. The depression will end when adequate New Deal style policies are implemented, and not before, as I show in my new book, the second edition of Surviving the Cataclysm.
Today, therefore, we are, so to speak, in the trough between the October 1929 wave (which corresponds to the derivatives crisis and banking panic of 2008) and the September 1931 wave, which this time around is highly likely to take the form of a hyperinflationary dollar crisis, or in other words a hyper stagflation and depression of the world economy radiating out from Wall Street and the City of London. What then might be the leading characteristics of the next wave of the current world economic breakdown crisis?
The next wave is likely to involve a worldwide dollar panic. Using ballpark figures, we can say that there are about $4 to $5 trillion sloshing around the world in the form of hot money, US Treasury securities, Euro dollars, and various forms of zeno-dollars. Japan has about a trillion, China almost $2 trillion, and so forth. It is naturally very unwise for a developing country like China to hold so many dollars rather than using them to purchase needed infrastructure and capital goods, and the Chinese leaders are now very uncomfortable with their own foolish decision, which was of course taken under heavy US pressure. But the point is that this $4.5 trillion overhang is by its very nature exceedingly unstable. Every country that holds large sums of dollars or US Treasury bonds is nervously eyeing every other such country to see if they show signs of bolting for the exit. Up to now, so far as we know, no large holder of dollars has attempted to reduce its exposure to the battered greenback by dumping these dollars on the international market. If anyone did so, it would cause a true universal financial panic which would create chaos and mayhem not just in the United States and Great Britain, but in the vast areas of the rest of the world as well. This is concretely how hyperinflation could now very well arise: if one or more US creditor nations attempts to abruptly lighten up on dollars, the value of the US currency could undergo a catastrophic collapse, and that would spell runaway hyperinflation on the US domestic front.
World Dollar Panic Imminent?
We need to recall that the value of a modern currency is not determined inside the country, but rather on the international foreign exchange markets. This is where the fatal vulnerability of the US dollar is located. In the ruined form of the Bretton Woods system which has prevailed for almost 40 years since Nixon’s colossal historical vandalism of August 15, 1971, the US has emerged as the only country with a permanent license to finance imports by simply printing more of its own currency and sending those banknotes overseas. Every other country has to manufacture and export something that others want to buy in order to earn the necessary foreign exchange to pay for its own imports. The US license to print has made this country the buyer of last resort and the dumping ground for the unsold junk of the world, leading in the process to high permanent unemployment here. There are many signs that this inherently unworkable arrangement has now reached the breaking point.
International Currency Relations, Not Money Supply, Are The Key
Ms. Ellen Brown, who apparently supports the doctrines of the social credit movement of the 1930s, has recently argued that deflation is now on the agenda, and that hyperinflation can be ruled out. She bases this analysis on the fact that the private credit markets in this country have largely collapsed, and on the contention that the M1 and M2 money parameters have either declined or increased only slightly. But all of this is beside the point. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury have so far provided almost $13 trillion of new loans to banks, insurance companies, credit card companies, and other purely financial institutions.
This is being done in an effort to bailout the $1.5 quadrillion world derivatives bubble, of which something like two-thirds or more, meaning one quadrillion dollars, can be located inside the dollar zone. The world depression started when this derivatives bubble went into reverse leverage, meaning that super losses instead of super profits were generated at the apex of the speculative pyramid, as seen in the case of the $3 trillion AIG hedge fund located in London. The Obama regime is engaged in an hysterical attempt to restart derivatives production in the form of securitization, i.e. the creation of more and better asset backed securities derivatives. At the same time, the Obama regime has cynically and deliberately driven the Detroit automakers into bankruptcy, destroying hundreds of thousands of the few remaining industrial jobs here in the United States. Read more here:

Obama's "Recovery" Brings Homelessness to More Families

August 16, 2009 (LPAC)—A report from Michigan, demonstrates that the economic devastation there is changing the face of homelessness from the once typical middle-aged male with mental illness or drug-related issues, to include educated, but unemployed professionals and households, often headed by single mothers. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than half a million family members used emergency or transitional housing between Oct. 1, 2007 and Oct. 1, 2008. The number of homeless families rose 9%, and 56% in suburban and rural areas; women make up 81% of adults in homeless families and tend to be younger than 30 years old, with children under the age of 5. In some areas of the country, homelessness has tripled since 2007. Marc Craig, president of the Community Housing Network in Oakland County, Michigan told the Washington Post that the situation is going to get a lot worse. "Thousands of people will lose their unemployment benefit in the next few months," he said. "Many of them will become homeless."
Kevin Roach, executive director of the South Oakland Shelter in Royal Oak, Mich., reports a dramatic increase in the number of women and children seeking help, but his shelter only has 30 beds. "We turned down 320 children" last October. "That's a number that's burned in my head."
Roach further reported that in the last months, the number of people with a bachelor's degree seeking help overtook those with mental health problems. "A third of our clients once had a steady income," he said. There are so many homeless children in Oakland County schools, that Susan Benson, director of Oakland Schools Homeless Student Education Program, estimates that "The average age of a homeless person in Oakland County is just under 9. Most [homeless families] are doubled up, living with friends, hours away from their schools."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mutated Virus from Vaccine Causing Polio Outbreaks in Africa

August 15th, 2009

See The Polio Vaccine: A Critical Assessment of Its Arcane History, Efficacy, and Long-Term Health-Related Consequences by Neil Z. Miller(pdf).
Via: Boston Globe:
Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, it’s caused by the vaccine used to fight it.

Experts have long believed epidemics unleashed by a vaccine’s mutated virus wouldn’t last since the vaccine only contains a weakened virus strain — but that assumption is coming under pressure. Some experts now say that once viruses from vaccines start circulating they can become just as dangerous as wild viruses.
“The only difference is that this virus was originally in a vaccine vial,” said Olen Kew, a virologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The Dubious Monetizing Efforts Of The Fed

Posted: August 15 2009 The International Forecaster
Fed plans to monetize and cause inflation, Writing off debt no easy task, the big institutions should have been allowed to fail, unemployment and other metrics to move only sideways, trade friction between US and China,
The 10-year note auction yielded 3.73%. The bid to cover was 2.49 to 1 versus the average of the last ten auctions of 2.48 to 1. Indirect participation was 45.7% versus an average of 30%; we believe this is because foreign central banks are buying in behalf of the Fed via money they swapped with them.
As we discussed previously we expect this second half of 2009 to improve slightly. 2010 should pick up more about mid-year. We believe second quarter GDP figures were not minus 1.5%, but closer to minus 4%. We see real GDP at even by the end of the year and into the first half of the year with a plus 2% in the second half of 2010. If another stimulus package of $2 trillion is not passed and banks continue to reduce lending, the economy will begin to slide again. Our guess is if the stimulus package is not increased the Fed will instruct the banks to increase lending, which will monetize money and start higher inflation. It is really a tragedy for the American people and particularly business interest to have to deal with bogus government figures and continued lies. If neither events occur then the economy will resume degeneration and that will force the Fed to further monetize fund injections into the economy to avoid being overwhelmed by deflation. If economic and financial stability is to be maintained over the next ten years trillions of dollars will have to be injected and monetized into the economy and no lasting growth will be achieved.
In the meantime de-leveraging will have to be dealt with, especially among the banks and Wall Street; coupled with their terrible losses on their balance sheets. This will be a mean feat. As this transpires we will experience chronically rising unemployment. No economy can intrinsically grow under such conditions and it can only end in stagflation indefinitely. As we move along over the next five years people will finally discover that free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing have robbed them of their once vibrant economy. The public will finally demand tariffs on goods and services in order to save what is left of their economic structure. In time world economic weakness will be reflected in commodity prices, which will slowly retreat. All of the above will advance government intrusion into the economy via regulation, as consolidation of monopolizations takes place. This will lead to increased corporatist fascism and America will slip deeper into socialism.
It will take three more years for residential real estate to bottom out and then we’ll have seven to 20 years of bumping along the bottom. That is if the derivative market and the financial system don’t implode. The fall in housing, the market and bonds will pauperize many who do not hide in gold and silver related assets. For those who survive net worth will have been decimated. As we have said previously things will be like they were in the 1950s and 60s.
All those who see recovery are the same group that saw recovery 1-1/2 years ago. It is just more propaganda and misdirection. Even if a recovery took place it would barely take growth to more than even and it would take years to recover. Writing off debt will be no easy task.
Read more here:

Obama's Montana Event--Eyewitness Report

August 15, 2009 (LPAC)—Yesterday in Bozeman, Montana outside the Obama, ticket only, town meeting, there were thousands of protesters outside in the fields adjacent to the hangar where that meeting was held. LaRouchePAC representatives were on the scene to distribute material to the crowd.
People from all over the state were not happy with their President and the Congress and they didn't mind saying so. The Obama mustache posters, downloaded from the web-site, were gobbled up and proudly waved by eager Americans. Within the span of 2.5 hours at least 2-300 publications from LaRouchePAC were distributed to the hungry crowds. Pamphlets as far back as 2004, from Abraham Lincoln to FDR, to Felix the fixer, fat Al Gore, George Soros, the BAE, and many others. It didn't matter, the people wanted them and they were happy to receive the material. The Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007 was also well received by more than 100 individuals.
In spite of the constantly changing weather, from bright sun to literal downpours to hail, the people stayed to register their discontent with their government. From the very young to the very old, America is truly enraged with the sell-out of their nation. Many people were glad to hear that there is an organization that is prepared to take back our Constitutional republic; some were skeptical of the possibility of that happening, but were reassured by LPAC Reps.

Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America

Last updated at 11:05 PM on 15th August 2009
A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter.
The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins.
It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.
GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.
The letter, sent to about 600 neurologists on July 29, is the first sign that there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications.
It refers to the use of a similar swine flu vaccine in the United States in 1976 when:
  • More people died from the vaccination than from swine flu.
  • 500 cases of GBS were detected.
  • The vaccine may have increased the risk of contracting GBS by eight times.
  • The vaccine was withdrawn after just ten weeks when the link with GBS became clear.
  • The US Government was forced to pay out millions of dollars to those affected.
Concerns have already been raised that the new vaccine has not been sufficiently tested and that the effects, especially on children, are unknown. Read more here:

The Rumsfeld Plague: Aspartame Brings Horror

Saturday, August 15, 2009 by: Hesh Goldstein, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) The aspartame horror began in 1981 due to Donald Rumsfeld, as head of the G.D. Searle pharmaceutical company, when he used his political clout to put a known carcinogen on the market to poison a nation all in the name of money.
In a Washington Post article of December 12, 2001 about Donald Rumsfeld, there was a one liner that was so incredibly relevant. That sentence was:
"He could be swilling Diet Coke with the secure knowledge that if not for his turnaround of Big Pharma giant G.D.Searle & Co. and successful touting of the sweetener aspartame, the beverage would not be possible".
If Donald Rumsfeld had never been born think of how many millions of people the world over would not sufferheadaches and dizziness. Thousands blind from the free methyl alcohol in aspartame would have sight, and there would be much fewer cases of optic neuritis and macular degeneration. Millions suffering seizures would live normal lives and wouldn`t be taking anti-seizure medication that won`t work because aspartame interacts with drugs andvaccines. Think of the runner, Flo Jo, who drank Diet Coke and died of a grand mal seizure. She, no doubt, would still be alive. Brain fog and memory loss, skyrocketing symptoms of aspartame disease, would not be epidemic.
Millions suffer insomnia because of the depletion ofserotonin. Think of Heath Ledger. He took that horrible drug, Ambian CR for sleep, which makes your optic nerve and face swell and gives you horrible headaches. Plus, he drank Diet Coke and took other drugs and died of polypharmacy.
Since aspartame has been proven to be a multi potentialcarcinogen, would Farrah Fawcett still be alive?
Consider the constant plague of fallen athletes. Aspartame triggers an irregular heart rhythm and interacts with all cardiac medication. It damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death. Thousands of athletes have fallen. Doctors H.J. Roberts and Russell Blaylock wrote these alerts: msg scd.htm
and and arrhythmias.htm
Epidemiological studies should be done on MS and lupus because of their link to aspartame use. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from aspartame induced multiple sclerosis and lupus, and if not warned in time could lose their lives as many have. Hospice nurses have reported Alzheimer`s disease in 30 year olds as it skyrockets from Rumsfeld`s plague. Think of Michael Jackson, a former Diet Pepsi spokesman. He developed lupus, then came the drugs, then came the serious joint pain, and then he died of cardiac arrest which aspartame causes.
As the phenylalanine in aspartame deletes serotonin, it triggers all kinds of psychiatric and behavioral problems. The mental hospitals are full of patients who are nothing but aspartame victims. If Donald Rumsfeld had never been born, the revoked petition for approval of aspartame would have been signed by FDA commissioner Jere Goyan and the mental hospitals would house probably 50% less victims. Jere Goyan would never have been fired at 3:00 AM by the Reagan transition Team to over-rule the Board of Inquiry. Instead, FDA commissioner Jere Goyan would have signed the revoked petition into law. See: http:/ petition1.doc. The FDA today would still be Big Pharma`s adversary instead of being their "hooker".
If aspartame had not been approved, Lou Gehrig`s Disease, Parkinson`s and other neuro-degenerative diseases would not be knocking off the public in record numbers. Michael Fox, a Diet Pepsi spokesman, would never have gotten Parkinson`s at age 30. He would probably still be making movies, young and healthy. Aspartame interacts with L-dopa and other Parkinson drugs. Parcopa has aspartame in it and the pharmaceutical company refuses to remove it.
One has to take a deep breath when you think how heartless it is that there is not even a warning for pregnant women. Aspartame triggers every kind of birth defect from autism and Tourettes` Syndrome to cleft palate. Aspartame is an abortifacient (a drug that induces abortion). As an example, out of 9 pregnancies, 8 were lost and the one that survived is schizophrenic. Multiply that all over the world due to Rumsfeld`s Plague. ADD and ADHD would be rare instead of rampant.
It`s normal for young girls to look forward to marriage and children. Yet, many sip on diet soda or use aspartame products not realizing that aspartame is an endocrine disrupting agent, stimulating prolactin, which is a pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production at childbirth, changes the menstrual flow and causes infertility. Many go through life never knowing why they couldn`t have children. Aspartame even destroys marriages because it causes male sexual dysfunction and ruins female response.
Aspartame causes every type of blood disorder from a low blood platelet count to leukemia. Because aspartame can precipitate diabetes the disease is epidemic. To make matters worse, it can simulate and aggravate diabeticretinopathy and neuopathy, destroy the optic nerve, cause diabetics to go into convulsions and interact with insulin. Diabetics lose limbs from the free methyl alcohol; professional organizations like the American Diabetes Associationpush and defend this poison because they take money from the manufactures. How many millions would not have diabetes if Rumsfeld had never been born?
Aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/E951/Candere/Benevia, etc) and MSG, another one of Ajinomoto`s horrors, are responsible for the epidemic of obesity the world over. Why? Because aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates and causes great toxicity to the liver.
http:/ aspartame makes you fatter.htm
The FDA report lists 92 symptoms from unconsciousness and coma to shortness of breath and shock. Medical texts list even more: "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic", by H.J. Roberts, M.D., and "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills" by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., There is simply no end to the horrors triggered by this literal addictive, excitoneurotoxic, genetically engineered carcinogenic drug. This chemical poison is so deadly that Dr. Bill Deagle, , a noted Virologist once said it was worse than depleted uranium because it is found everywhere in food.
The formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA according to the Trocho Study done in Barcelona in 1998. Even with this devastating study showing how serious a chemical poison aspartame is, the FDA has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to it. With Monsanto attorney Michael Taylor now appointed as Deputy Commissioner to the FDA by Obama, it`s nothing more than Monsanto`s Washington Branch Office. Even before the Ramazzini Studies showing aspartame to be a multi-potential carcinogen, the FDA knew it. Their own toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, even admitted that it violated the Delaney Amendment because of the brain tumors and brain cancer. Therefore, no allowable daily intake ever should have been able to be established. Aspartame caused all types of tumors from mammary, uterine, ovarian, pancreatic and thyroid to testicular and pituitary. Dr. Alemany, who did the Trocho Study, commented that aspartame could kill 200 million people. When you damage DNA you can destroy humanity.
Dr. James Bowen told the FDA over 20 years ago that aspartame is mass poisoning the American public and likewise in more than 70 countries of the world. No wonder it`s called "Rumsfeld`s Plague".
Big Pharma knows all about aspartame and they add it to drugs, including the ones used to treat the problems caused by aspartame. Big Pharma has made America a fascist government. People are so sick from aspartame and yet they keep selling these dangerous pharmaceuticals at outrageous prices.
Dr. H.J. Roberts said in one of his books that you have to consider aspartame with killing children. We are talking about a drug that changes brain chemistry. Today children are medicated instead of educated.
Death and disability is what Donald Rumsfeld has heaped on consumers just to make money. Think of the death of Charles Fleming who used to drink about 10 diet sodas a day. Then he used creatine on top of this, which interacts, and is considered the actual cause of death. Yet his wife, Diane Fleming, remains in a prison in Virginia convicted of his death, despite being the very one who tried to get her husband to stop using these dangerous products containing aspartame in the first place.
The list never ends. At least six American Airlines` pilots, who were heavy users of aspartame, have died with one in flight drinking a Diet Coke. When American Airlines was written about removing aspartame they said, "leave the flying to us". Pilots too are sick and dying on aspartame, and when you fly your life is in the hands of the pilot. There was a case with a Delta pilot that died from esophageal cancer and had a history of consuming huge quantities of diet sodas. This was brought to the attention of the Delta management that refused the pilot`s wife`s request to alert other pilots.
Then there`s the Persian Gulf where diet sodas sat on pallets daily in temperatures in the 100 to 120 degree range for as long as 9 weeks at a time before the soldiers drank them all day long. Remember, aspartame converts to formaldehyde at 86 degrees; it interacts with vaccines and damages the mitochondria or life of the cell, and the whole molecule breaks down to a brain tumor agent.
There`s a book out there called, "Rumsfeld, His Rise, Fall and Catastrophic Legacy", by Andrew Cockburn that will substantiate all of this. And fittingly, Rumsfeld appropriately lives in a place called Mount Misery.
In the video, "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World", which you can view at, attorney James Turner explains how Rumsfeld got his poison marketed for human consumption. To learn about how the CDC investigation was covered up - The Rumsfeld-Pepsi-Nixon Connection, go to or view it in its entirety at
For over a quarter of a century there has been mass poisoning of the public in over 100 countries of the world by aspartame because Donald Rumsfeld, as he put it, "called in his markers". The aspartame industry has paid front groups and professional organizations to defend them and push it on the very people it can cause the most harm to. A suit was filed against the American Diabetes Association in 2004 for racketeering but they got out of it.
The hands of physicians are tied. Most are clueless that a patient is using aspartame, and the drugs used to treat the aspartame problem will probably interact and may even contain aspartame. This is the world that Donald Rumsfeld is responsible for!
My eternal thanks to Dr. Betty Martini, Founder, of Mission Possible International for her undying efforts in exposing this heinous crime against humanity. Link:

California board votes to drop healthcare coverage for 60,000 children

Reporting from Sacramento - The announcement by state officials that California has enough cash to stop paying bills with IOUs did little to take the sting out of other budget news Thursday: Tens of thousands of poor children are about to lose their healthcare coverage.
A state board voted Thursday to begin terminating health insurance for more than 60,000 children Oct. 1 as a result of the budget amendments signed into law recently by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Those children would be up for an annual review of their coverage next month, but instead they may be dropped from the California Healthy Families program under the action by the state Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board.
The board is scrambling to secure funding from other sources, including money set aside by voters for early childhood education, but so far it has come up short.
If additional funds are not found, board officials said, the program could ultimately drop 669,296 children in the current fiscal year, which ends June 30, 2010. Currently, 921,000 people age 18 and younger are enrolled in Healthy Families.
"There are not sufficient funds for the services we are providing," said board chairman Cliff Allenby. "We will work to do what we can do" to find additional money.
The budget cuts made by Schwarzenegger and the Legislature left the Healthy Families program with a $194-million shortfall.
On Thursday, the First 5 California Commission, which administers tobacco-tax funds that voters directed toward early childhood education, agreed to provide $81.4 million for Healthy Families. That is enough to cover 200,000 children through next June, but not enough to stop the vote to begin removing youngsters from the program.
Several advocates for children urged the board to put off a decision and find other ways to compensate for the budget shortfall.
"Families are extremely confused and frightened about what is going to happen to their kids," said Suzie Shupe, executive director of California Children's Health Initiatives.
Clifford Sarkin, a senior policy associate with the Children's Defense Fund California, called the board's vote "devastating. . . . During these economic times, these families rely on the Healthy Families program more than ever."
Meanwhile, a coalition of advocates for the disabled announced Thursday that it has filed a lawsuit against Schwarzenegger to force the restoration of millions of dollars he cut with line-item vetoes from programs that help the sick and disabled. A similar suit was filed this week by state Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento).
Despite the money cut from the current budget, California will need to borrow $10.5 billion this year, according to state Treasurer Bill Lockyer and Controller John Chiang.
The borrowing would allow the state to pay all of its bills between late summer and next spring, a period when state accounts typically run short. The loan would be repaid when the usual flood of tax receipts arrives after April 15.
If approved by a state financial board later this month, the borrowing would allow California to stop issuing IOUS -- and begin paying existing ones -- by Sept. 4. Lockyer said a loan would "rid us of the financial hardship and stigma caused by IOUs."
The state controller's office began issuing the notes July 2, when its projections showed the state would not have enough cash to pay all of its bills.
The warrants went to vendors, local governments, students on financial aid, some welfare recipients and taxpayers who were due refunds. The state has issued 327,000 IOUs totaling $1.95 billion.
Officials had planned to wait until October to begin redeeming IOUs, but better cash projections than expected will allow that to start sooner.
Chiang said Thursday that the issuance of IOUS, for only the second time since the Great Depression, has been a "difficult, and frankly, shameful chapter in the state's history."