Friday, November 13, 2009

Has the swine flu virus mutated to become more like the Spanish flu?

The Flu Case November 1, 2009
Has the H1N1 swine flu virus in Ukraine mutated to become more like the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 to 100 million people across the globe?  Just like the current H1N1 swine flu virus sweeping the globe, the 1918 Spanish flu was a virus strain of subtype H1N1.  Just like the current H1N1 swine flu virus, most of the victims of the Spanish flu were healthy young adults.  Now news has come out that the patients that are dying in Ukraine are experiencing the total destruction of their lungs – just like the 1918 Spanish flu.
Recombinomics has posted a translation from an announcement by the Ukraine Ministry of Health that describes what is happening to these patients and how their lungs are being absolutely destroyed by this virus:
The symptoms are observed at different stages of disease – a fever with a temperature over 38 C, cough, respiratory disorders. When cough was characterized by negligible allocation phlegm or dry unproductive cough with blotches of blood. All the patients come to hospital on average by 3-7 days of onset, were in serious condition. Period of time from onset to death averaged from 4 to 7 days. In all patients during a hospital for signs of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees, which quickly rose and manifested accelerated respiration rate, shortness of breath and effectiveness of independent breathing. X-ray studies were performed on 1-2 day hospitalization. Most patients experienced a double-headed particles of lower lung lesion, followed by a trend towards total destruction.
Reports such as this, along with the fact that the WHO has not released the sequences from the samples taken from patients in Ukraine is leading Recombinomics and others to fear that the H1N1 swine flu virus has indeed mutated and become more like the 1918 Spanish flu.
In fact, infectious disease expert Dr. Donald Lau claims that the odds of the Ukrainian pandemic virus being the exact same H1N1 virus that is infecting the rest of the world are extremely low: “The statistical probability of this being the same H1N1 virus are infinitesimally small.”
    In any event, the situation in Ukraine is quickly becoming worse.  As we reported yesterday, almost 1 million people in Ukraine have now reported flu-like symptoms.  In addition, 6 health care workers have died and more than 2000 other health care workers are now seriously ill in Ukraine with flu-like symptoms.
    But what is most striking is how incredibly similar the virus ravaging Ukraine is to the 1918 Spanish flu.  Recent reports from Ukraine indicate that victims of the virus have been bleeding from every orifice.  Now consider the following description of the 1918 Spanish flu from Wikipedia:
    “One of the most striking of the complications was hemorrhage from mucous membranes, especially from the nose, stomach, and intestine. Bleeding from the ears and petechial hemorrhages in the skin also occurred.”
    Not only that, but pneumonia has been so prominent in Ukraine that it led many to speculate that it was actually pneumonic plague that was killing people there.  In addition, one of the most prominent features of the virus in Ukraine is that it causes massive hemorrhaging and destruction in the lungs.
    Considering that, check out how Wikipedia describes the deaths that were caused by the 1918 Spanish flu:
    The majority of deaths were from bacterial pneumonia, a secondary infection caused by influenza, but the virus also killed people directly, causing massive hemorrhages and edema in the lung.
    So has the H1N1 swine flu virus mutated to become more similar to the 1918 Spanish flu?  If not, it sure is acting a whole lot like the 1918 Spanish flu.
    And that would be really, really bad news.  The 1918 Spanish flu killed approximately 3 percent of the world’s population.  Tens of millions of people died.
    Nearly a hundred years later, humanity circulates around the globe so much faster thanks to our amazing advances in transportation.  Therefore, a truly horrific virus could spread to virtually every corner of the globe in record time.
    In addition, if the H1N1 swine flu virus has mutated, it is likely that the swine flu vaccine will not do an ounce of good to fight the mutated virus.  Instead, many natural health experts are warning that taking the H1N1 swine flu vaccine will fry your immune system and make it even more likely that you will catch the next virus to come along.
    Not only that, but reports of adverse reactions to the swine flu vaccine are quickly coming in from all over the globe.  In particular, pregnant women who have taken the vaccine (remember they were pushed to the front of the line for the vaccine) are reporting absolutely horrific miscarriage stories.
    This whole thing is quickly becoming a total worldwide health disaster.

    Now they’re going to vaccinate infants too

    Lena Svensson DigDeepNews Nov 13 2009

    FDA Expands Approved Use of H1N1 Vaccines to Include Infants and Children

    But what are the dangers in vaccinating small children?

    Vaccines and infants
    SIDS and vaccines
    The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up says:


    It takes them awhile to get the two forms of mercury straight, since for several pages of the report they say methylmercury is in thimerosal rather than ethylmercury. They can be forgiven for this. On page 16, Dr. Johnson, an immunologist and pediatrician at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, notes that he would like to see the incorporation of wide margins of safety, that is 3 to 10-fold margins of safety to "account for data uncertainties." What he means is that there are so many things we do not know about this toxin that we had better use very wide margins of safety. For most substances the FDA uses a 100-fold margin of safety.

    The reason for this, which they do not mention, is that in a society of hundreds of millions of people there are groups of people who are much more sensitive to the toxin than others. For instance, the elderly, the chronically ill, the nutritionally deficient, small babies, premature babies, those on certain medications and inborn defects in detoxification, just to name a few. In fact, in this study they excluded premature babies and low birth weight babies from the main study, some of which had the highest mercury levels, because they would be hard to study and because they had the most developmental problems related to the mercury.

    The article goes on to say:

    In fact, on page 163, Dr. Robert Brent, A developmental biologist and pediatrician at the Thomas Jefferson University and Dupont Hospital for Children, says that we don't have data showing accumulation and "that with the multiple exposures you get an increasing level, and we don't know whether that is true or not." He redeems himself somewhat by pointing out that some of the damage is irreversible and with each dose more irreversible damage occurs and in that way it is accumulative.

    In other words, you may have been “fine” getting all those other vaccinations, but that next one might be the one that causes sudden, irreversible damage.

    Several times throughout this conference, Dr. Brent reminds everyone that the most sensitive period for the developing brain is during the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, he pinpoints the 8th to 18th week as the period of neuromaturation. In fact, the most rapid period of brain maturation, synaptic development and brain pathway development is during the last three months of pregnancy continuing until two years after birth. This is often referred to as the "brain growth spurt." This is also not mentioned once in this conference, again because if mothers knew that their child's brain was busy developing for up to two years after birth they would be less likely to accept this safety of mercury nonsense these "vaccinologists" proclaim.

    And then we have Aluminum phosphate:

    In a study of some 92 patients suffering from this emerging syndrome, eight developed a full-blown demyelinating CNS disorder (multiple sclerosis). [Authier FJ, Cherin P, et al. Central nervous system disease in patients with macrophagic myofasciitis. Brain 2001; 124: 974-983.] This included sensory and motor symptoms, visual loss, bladder dysfunction, cerebellar signs (loss of balance and coordination) and cognitive (thinking) and behavioral disorders.
    Dr. Gherardi, the French physician who first described the condition in 1998, has collected over 200 proven cases, One third of these develop an autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis. Of critical importance is his finding that even in the absence of obvious autoimmune disease there is evidence of chronic immune stimulation caused by the injected aluminum, known to be a very powerful immune adjuvant.
    The reason this is so important is that there is overwhelming evidence that chronic immune activation in the brain (activation of microglial cells in the brain) is a major cause of damage in numerous degenerative brain disorders, from multiple sclerosis to the classic neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's and ALS). In fact, I have presented evidence that chronic immune activation of CNS microglia is a major cause of autism, attention deficit disorder and Gulf War Syndrome.
    Dr. Gherardi emphasizes that once the aluminum is injected into the muscle, the immune activation persists for years. In addition, we must consider the effect of the aluminum that travels to the brain itself. Numerous studies have shown harmful effects when aluminum accumulates in the brain. A growing amount of evidence points to high brain aluminum levels as a major contributor to Alzheimer's disease and possibly Parkinson's disease and ALS (Lou Geherig's disease). This may also explain the 10X increase in Alzheimer's disease in those receiving the flu vaccine 5 years in a row. (Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, in press, Journal of Clinical Investigation). It is also interesting to note that a recent study found that aluminum phosphate produced 3X the blood level of aluminum, as did aluminum hydroxide. (Flarend RE, hem SL, et al. In vivo absorption of aluminum-containing vaccine adjuvants using 26 Al. Vaccine 1997; 15: 1314-1318.)

    As for infants, they have no immune response that can use the “benefits” of vaccines, therefore they receive no real protection against what you’re vaccinating against. Oxford Study--No Evidence Flu Vaccine works in infants

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Seventy A(H1N1) cases confirmed in Ukraine, 17 die (What?!)

    Seventy A(H1N1) cases confirmed in Ukraine, 17 die
    Today at 14:51 | Interfax-Ukraine
    Seventy cases of the A(H1N1) flu subtype have been laboratory-confirmed in Ukraine, and 17 of these cases ended up lethally, Ukrainian First Deputy Health Minister Vasyl Lazoryshynets said at a news briefing on Nov. 11.

    "But this does not mean that the other deaths were not caused by this flu virus, because everything depends on the way laboratory samples are taken and transported," he said.


    I am amazed, look at almost a million sick people, 174 (or more now) deaths. Only 70 confirmed cases of A H1N1. You figure.

    Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women

    U.S. health authorities have made pregnant women one of the highest priority groups for getting the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, but is it actually safe for pregnant women and their babies? Well, the truth is that miscarriage reports from pregnant women who have taken the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are starting to pour in from all over the nation. Vaccines and pregnancy simply do not mix safely. In fact, the package inserts for the swine flu vaccines actually say that the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women has not been established.

    What you are about to read below should shock and anger you. If they are telling us that the swine flu vaccine is not safe for children under 6 months of age, then why in the world would it be safe for pregnant women and their babies? That doesn't make an ounce of sense, does it?

    The following H1N1 swine flu vaccine miscarriage horror stories are from a June 2010 birth club.....


    I am so upset. I was so excited to be pregnant after trying for a year. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I joined this birth club and I was due June 25th. We have two healthy boys with no history of miscarriage. Everything was going great. Last Monday, I got the H1N1 vaccine thimerosal reduced (mercury reduced for pregnant women). On Tuesday morning, I started cramping and on Wednesday I started bleeding heavily. My hcg was 50 on Wednesday and I was almost 6 weeks along so it was low. They still thought that I might be pregnant but on Friday my hcg was down to 22. I am an emotional wreck. I feel like I had a healthy baby and I caused this by getting the H1N1 vaccine. My doctors pushed it. I researched online and there have been many miscarriages after the H1N1 vaccine but they haven't been reported since it is hard to say what caused the miscarriages. I hope that I did not cause this. I wish everyone the best.


    I don't have an answer for you, but a friend of a friend just had a miscarriage 2-3 days after getting the shot. She was 7weeks. She had no previous history of m/c... No one can answer if they're hasn't been out long enough and there haven't been any studies done on pregnant women. I will tell you, that it has made up my mind on getting it...I won't and I'm not going to get it for my DD either. My daughter and I both had H1N1 last week, and although it truly sucks...I think I'll take my chances. One doctor will tell you to get it and the next will tell you not have to do what's in your heart.


    my heart goes out to you as i recently miscarried as well and was due in june. i had a healthy heart beat at 6wks. then at 7.5 wks my son got the h1n1 mist vaccine which has live vaccine in it. the nurse said to be careful b/c it could technically spread if he rubbed his nose and touched a surface etc. the next night i miscarried and 5 days later was diagnosed with h1n1. i work from home, kids are home, hadnt been anywhere during that time. so the chances that it is all related are very high. the flu mist vaccine warns for immunocompromised patients (which includes prego) to stay away from recipients of the flu mist for 21 days.

    This next set of H1N1 swine flu vaccine miscarriage horror stories is from an page about miscarriage.....


    I got the flu vaccine (regular not H1N1) at 8 weeks pregnant. Three days later I miscarried. I am not going to get the H1N1.


    I got both vaccines on Thursday. I was 9 weeks pregnant. I miscarried on Sunday. I was told by several doctors to get these vaccines. Now I wish I followed my gut feeling and not get them at ALL!


    i work in a hospital like setting and was told ‘the benefits outweigh the risks” 1am i got the vaccine, 3am i started bleeding and craming, 3pm miscarried. you decide


    I had the H1N1 vaccination and 24 hours later had a miscarriage.

    Linda Hill:

    My daughter in law was 10 weeks pregnant and had the H1N1 vaccine on Friday that night she miscarried.


    I was so ready to get the H1N1 vaccine last week and they were only giving them to pregnant women. I was 6 weeks along and got it and the next day I started cramping and miscarried. I already had two healthy pregnancies and never miscarried or had any problems. My doctors think I am crazy to think it was the H1N1 but if no one looks into this than other women will not know. I am so sorry that I got it.


    I also received the H1N1 vaccination on October 22nd, 2009 and went into labor on October 25th, at 16 weeks pregnant and we just heard the heartbeat and everything was fine with my pregnancy on October 16th, 2009, then on October 28th my water broke then on October 29th, I delivered a stillborn baby boy, and no one can tell me why…Everyone wants to say it did not come from the shot but I believe it did. My baby was growing at the correct pace and everyone wants to brush off the vaccination. I say if you have the vaccination and suffer a miscarriage if they are able to perform an autopsy have it done.

    I also agree something needs to be done and looked more into with this vaccination because most women are being advised it’s just something that happens, but I also had two healthy children normal pregnancies and when I received this vaccination with my third pregnancy, my baby is gone.

    sioux falls, south dakota:

    I received the H1N1 vaccine on October 16th and started experiencing cramping on the 22nd. I was nearly 17 weeks pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn baby boy on the 23rd. Like many of the other women here, the first thing I suspected was the H1N1 vaccine. I immediately asked a nurse at the hospital if that would have anything to do with it. Without hesitation, she told me “absolutely not.” I had reservations about getting the vaccine, but followed the advice of my long trusted family doctor. In a follow up appointment with my doctor 3 days after I lost my baby, I asked him if the vaccine would have had any adverse effects on my baby. He also said that it was not possible. I don’t believe that my doctor was necessarily lying to me, he was simply following the accepted practices and opinions of his field. I do, however, believe that as a nation, we are being lied to. This vaccine is NOT safe during pregnancy. There has not been enough testing done to determine this and there are far too many “coincidences” for this to be anything but a result of a vaccine that was hastily pushed into production and distribution in an effort to stop widespread panic. I have read so many stories in defense of the vaccine that will talk about how common miscarriages are, but I would challenge you to ask ANY health care professional how common second trimester miscarriages are. My baby was doing perfect developmentally and I had felt him move earlier that day. My heart goes out to all of you out there who have had to go through the same heartache and loss that I have had in the last couple of weeks. There is no reason that any woman or family should have to go through this. Get the word out to all of the pregnant women that you know. I know that if I had heard that women had been losing their babies shortly after they received the vaccine, I would have followed my gut and not gotten it myself. Maybe then Wyatt would have had a chance at life.

    Marina Rossi:

    I recently got the H1N1 vaccine and miscarried 3 days later. I thought it could have been the vaccine but didnt ask. After finding this site I believe it was the vaccine. Sorry to everyone else out there who has just experienced a miscarriage.


    I’m from a town of 2000 in SD, there are several women pregnant and we are all due within a few weeks of each other. Four of us got the H1N1 vaccine 2 weeks ago and one by one each of us started to have preterm contractions. We are all due in Nov and Dec so we are further along than most of the people that lost their babies. There is no way you can tell us that our preterm labor was not caused by the H1N1 vaccine. It may look like a “fluke” to some people when these women are scattered all over the country but we are talking about 4 of us in our small community. My heart goes out to all of you that lost your babies.


    Im not sure but not only myself, i know someone that withing 4 days of getting the shot we both miscarried, i was only 6 weeks and she was 4 months along, not sure if the shot caused it and cant find any other information but i am a little concerned about this coincidence.

    Time Machine:

    I got a flu shot in pregnancy, developed incredibly strange symptoms immediately (numb hands, feet and mouth, heart palpitations, sudden weakness in my legs, a bright red face), began bleeding and miscarried by 11 weeks. I had no idea there was mercury in most flu shots but once I found out after the fact, I was assured that I’d had the “mercury free” form. As it turned out, the shot wasn’t completely mercury free and, according to the EPA website, it still had 5,000 times the limit for mercury in drinking water– not to mention a list of other toxins (MSG, formaldehyde, etc.).

    I’d had no idea the shots were so dirty. I guess I’d been under the impression they were something like sterile water and a dead virus, that’s it.

    The strange symptoms– which I’d been told were “just pregnancy” lasted six months. No one could figure out what was wrong with me, why I couldn’t make stairs, why I felt like I’d been shot with novocaine. I learned later from a book by Jane Hightower that these were all symptoms of mercury exposure. I guess I’m one of those susceptible people. No one in my family is getting the H1N1– no one even gets regular flu shots anymore, we all read labels.

    If you are a pregnant mother, please do not take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.  Instead, do everything that you can do to avoid public places and make sure to wash your hands more than you usually would.  Take extra large doses of immunity building vitamins and research many of the great natural ways for fighting the flu that are out there on the Internet.

    The truth is that if you do take the vaccine and then something happens, you will NOT be able to sue anyone (thanks to Congress).  You will have to bear all the responsibility yourself.  That doctor who kept pushing and pushing it on you will tell you that it could not have been the vaccine and that you probably would have miscarried anyway.

    Do you honestly want to inject a vaccine that may contain mercury, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (associated with infertility), triton X100 (a strong detergent), phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) and a whole bunch of other toxic ingredients into your system when you know that your baby will absorb it too and has no defenses against most of these things?

    In the very short video posted below, you will see one health expert explain to Sean Hannity that not even the swine flu vaccine package insert says that it is safe for pregnant women.....

    The reality is that if you are pregnant, you need to hear what both sides have to say before ever subjecting your baby to the swine flu vaccine.  You do NOT want to end up like one of the mothers above.  Please help us out by sharing this information with as many people as you can.  If you know of any additional H1N1 swine flu vaccine miscarriage horror stories please post them below in the comments section. Link to this article:

    Gorbachev Says Obama Should Start Afghan Withdrawal (Update2)


    By Chris Burns and Patrick Donahue

    Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, drawing on his experience of military failure in Afghanistan in the 1980s, said the U.S. can’t win the conflict there and should begin pulling out its soldiers.

    Afghanistan, where U.S. and NATO forces are battling a Taliban-led insurgency, is too fragmented between clans to be controlled militarily, Gorbachev, 78, said in an interview today in Berlin. While he said President Barack Obama would be unlikely to take his advice, Gorbachev said he saw no chance of success even with more U.S. troops.

    “I believe that there is no prospect of a military solution,” Gorbachev said in Russian through a translator. “What we need is the reconciliation of Afghan society -- and they should be preparing the ground for withdrawal rather than additional troops.”

    Gorbachev, who became general secretary of the ruling Communist Party in 1985, at age 54, initiated a restructuring program known as perestroika that eventually led to the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. He spoke a day after he joined Chancellor Angela Merkel and current world leaders in the German capital to mark the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago.

    As Soviet leader, Gorbachev pursued a policy of detente with the U.S. while overseeing the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in 1989 after grappling with an unsuccessful decade- long presence in the country.

    Disputed Election

    Obama is considering a military request to send as many as 40,000 more U.S. soldiers to Afghanistan, on top of the 68,000 due to be stationed there by the end of the year. Other North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces, comprising personnel from 42 countries, number about 36,000.

    The U.S. troop review has been complicated by increased Taliban attacks and by a disputed victory for the incumbent, Hamid Karzai, in this year’s presidential election.

    Speaking in Berlin yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanded that Karzai step up efforts to tackle corruption. Karzai was re-appointed president by Afghanistan’s electoral commissioners Nov. 2 following former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah’s decision to pull out of a runoff election.

    In response to an Oct. 28 attack on United Nations staff by Taliban militants that killed five of the agency’s workers in a Kabul guesthouse, the UN last week announced it would move about 600 of its international staff members and remove some from the country.

    Brezhnev’s Gamble

    Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev sent tanks into Afghanistan to support a Marxist regime in 1979, betting superior firepower from the ground and air would keep the country within Moscow’s fold. Soviet aims were thwarted by an Islamist mujahedeen movement supported by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.

    While there was support in the Moscow establishment, Gorbachev as the general secretary of the Communist Party concluded that Soviet objectives couldn’t be achieved.

    “We thought that that would lead nowhere,” Gorbachev said. “So we started to disengage our troops from any kind of hostilities in Afghanistan.”

    The pullout began in 1988 and ended in February of 1989, nine months before the Berlin Wall fell.

    The Taliban, an outcrop of the mujahedeen that dominated Afghanistan in the 1990s, took control of most of the country in 1996. The U.S.-led invasion five years later, following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was meant to displace the Taliban, accused of harboring the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

    American ‘Perestroika’

    Gorbachev said that relations between Russia and the U.S. are improving as America undergoes its own perestroika, or rebuilding, which he said had begun with the election of Obama as president last year.

    “America should implement perestroika in the context of American society,” Gorbachev said. “I believe that people of America, most of them who voted in these elections -- and most of them voted for Obama -- did vote for change.”

    Asked whether Obama could trust Russia’s current leadership, PresidentDmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the former Soviet leader said it would have to be a process. He cited his first meeting with former President Ronald Reagan in Geneva in 1985; after the two leaders met one-on-one, they shared their thoughts on each other with their delegations.

    “He’s a real dinosaur, a man from the past,” Gorbachev remembered saying. “Do you think that Reagan had a better view of me? He said: ‘Gorbachev is a die-hard Bolshevik.’ So that was the beginning.”

    To contact the reporter on this story: Chris Burns in Berlin; Patrick Donahue in Berlin at

    189 Deaths Reported in Ukraine - Belarus to 223K Cases

    189 Deaths Reported in Ukraine - Belarus to 223K Cases
    Recombinomics Commentary 21:32
    November 10, 2009

    1,122,188 Influenza/ARI
    57,286 Hospitalized
    189 Deaths
    The above numbers are from the latest report from Ukraine.  Numbers in all categories continue to rise,  The two locations with the biggest increases were Kiev (8062 to 76,285) and Kiev Oblast (6,522 to 56,688).  These increases indicate the H1N1 is spreading east and the high numbers in the Kiev region may be associated with the jump of cases in the Gomel region in Belarus, with 48,754 cases in influenza/ARI (see map). Belarus also reported 8 fatal pneumonia cases fro the region, and larger numbers of fatalities had been reported earlier for Minsk.  For the entire country, Belarus reported 223,349 cases, further supporting the H1N1 spread in the region.
    Although the number of fatalities in Belarus is increasing, and may rival Ukraine, samples were sent to Mill Hill from Ukraine at the beginning of the month, and an announcement of sequencing data has been delayed.
    The steady increases of H1N1 cases and hemorrhagic pneumonia deaths in Ukraine, as well as similar numbers reported for Belarus, increase concerns about the sequencing delays.
    The sequences should be made public immediately.

    Suspected Hemorrhagic Pneumonia Outbreak Hits Ukraine - by Stephen Lendman

    Stephen Lendman November 11, 2009

    On October 29, the Australian web site reported that:

    "Western Ukraine was hit by a severe epidemic of unidentified influenza, tentatively diagnosed by doctors as viral pneumonia. The number of dead has climbed dramatically. Doctors advise Western Ukrainians to stay home and use preventive medicine."

    On October 30, Jane Burgermeister's reported that:

    "More than 30 people have died in the Ukraine as a result of a mysterious new virus that has an affinity for the lungs," according to Swiss reports. Ukraine's Health Ministry said the virus' origin is unknown and showed "no signs of mutating to become more virulent." So far, 40,000 people were reported sick and 951 hospitalized.

    On October 30, reported that Ukraine's Health Minister, Vasyl Knyazevych, said two laboratories diagnosed 11 of 33 samples tested as "highly influenza A/H1N1." As a result, he considered declaring a nationwide quarantine, even though western areas alone were affected. 

    Since October 19, 30 deaths, including one child, from "acute respiratory infections," were reported, at first called SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome, a serious form of pneumonia caused by a virus). Influenza A virus affects birds and some mammals like pigs.

    WTO Fear Mongering 

    The WTO says Swine Flu is similar to seasonal strains. Most cases are mild, and many people recover unaided. Yet it called the virus "unstoppable" and, on June 11, declared its highest phase 6 alert, saying: "The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic." On July 13, it stopped just short of mandating mass vaccinations to halt the pandemic's spread.

    On its November 1 "Pandemic (H1N1) 2009" update, it said "more than 199 countries and overseas territories/communities have reported laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, including over 6,000 deaths." 

    On November 3, it reported the outbreak in Ukraine, "confirmed (as) H1N1 (based on) samples taken from patients in two of the most affected regions," and concluded that "most (Ukraine influenza) cases are caused by the H1N1 virus.

    Infectious disease expert, Dr. Donald Lau, disagrees, saying:

    "The statistical probability of this being the same H1N1 virus (is) infinitesimally small." He believes a highly virulent new strain is to blame. Public health authority, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz sees a deadly connection between governments and the drug cartel over dangerous, toxic vaccines. On You Tube, he recently warned that:

    "These vaccinations contain highly unstable viruses that easily mutate, because they are 'live active' laboratory mutants that are being administered....People shed these 'live' viruses up to three weeks following vaccination. That means if you haven't been vaccinated, and you get near someone who has and then sneezes, you can get their H1N1 laboratory infection."

    He explained that anyone contracting H1N1, from vaccinations or other Swine Flu-infected persons, risks combining it with other internal or environmental viruses, creating a lethal mix that can kill. He expressed great concern about vaccines used to transmit dangerous viruses, capable of mutating into deadly ones, believes this may be happening in Ukraine, and thinks America and other nations may be next.

    Ukraine Reports of Overhead Aerosol Spraying

    On October 31, Kiev newspaper editors got dozens of calls about light planes doing aerosol spraying during the day. In refuting the claims, the district's Emergency Response office said "no permission had been granted for small aviation aircraft to fly within the city limits." Yet eye-witness accounts from Lviv, Ternopil, and other Ukraine cities said the same thing.

    On November 8, the South African web site reported that last June 26:

    "Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian-made long-range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew."

    "According to reports, China's People's Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading 'biological agents' in the Earth's atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu."

    These aircraft "were carrying 'waste disposal' systems that could spray up to 45,000kg (nearly 100,000 pounds) of aerial type mist from sophisticated....nano pipes" in the planes' wings - called chemtrails.

    "Then last week, (aircraft) sprayed (an unknown) substance over Ukraine days before the (mysterious) plague outbreak."

    Quarantine and Martial Law Declared

    On October 30, president Viktor Yushchenko quarantined nine regions, ordered mobile military hospitals established throughout the country, and was expected to declare martial law. Reports from western Ukraine said a "severe outbreak of UNIDENTIFIED Influenza, (is) suspected by doctors to be a form of viral pneumonia."

    On November 4, in a nationwide address, Yushchenko cited:

    -- an "emergency epidemic situation in the country," caused by "infections of viral origin, including A/H1N1 flu (that are) rapidly spreading across Ukraine;"

    -- "People are dying; the epidemic is killing doctors;"

    -- "three pathogens of viral infections came to Ukraine at the same time: two of them are seasonal flu and the third is the A/H1N1; according to virologists, such a combination of infections due to mutation may produce a new, even more aggressive virus;"

    -- "It is generally known that the only way to prevent any infection is vaccination;" Dr. Viera Scheibner, the world's foremost vaccine expert, calls it the worst way as vaccines often cause the diseases they're designed to prevent;

    -- "in early October," it was known that "viral infections in the west of the country" were spreading;

    -- "The current Constitution after alterations in 2004 makes the Government solely responsible for conducting state healthcare policy....(by) my decree I put" the National Security and Defense Council (in charge) of decision-making;"

    -- "Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities."

    In other words, Yushchenko declared martial law. He also ordered a crackdown on political protests, the arrest of public health officials opposed to mass Swine Flu vaccinations and quarantines, arrests of anyone not complying, and a ban on all infection medicines except Swine Flu vaccines.

    By November 6, Deputy Health Minister, Zinovy Mytnyk, said "633,877 people (were) suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections," and "95" had died.

    On November 7, updated the totals to "871,037 Influenza/ARI (acute respiratory infection) cases, 39,603 hospitalized, and 135 deaths, and asked if Baxter released a bioweapon in Ukraine, saying "Evidence appears to suggest" it. It cited a February 24 report that "Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error (containing) contaminated (virus) samples...." 

    The problem was discovered when inoculated ferrets in a Czech lab died. Austrian health minister, Sigrid Rosenberger, confirmed that Baxter supplied batches "infected with a bird flu virus." Company spokesperson, Christopher Bona, blamed "human error." Others were skeptical, including Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister.

    On June 10, she filed sweeping criminal charges with the FBI in addition to earlier April 8 ones with the Vienna State Prosecutor's Office against Baxter AG, Baxter International and Avir Green Hill Biotechnology AG, "for manufacturing, disseminating, and releasing a biological weapon of mass destruction on Austrian soil between December 2008 and February 2009 with the intention of causing a global bird flu pandemic virus and of intending to profit from that same pandemic in an act that violates laws on international organised crime and genocide."

    Baxter operates Biosafety Level 3 (BLS-3) labs that take strict precautions to assure against accidental H3N2 (human influenza) and H5N1 (bird flu) co-mingling contamination. Letting it happen suggests something more nefarious than an accident. 

    BLS-3 personnel are trained in handling pathogenic and potentially lethal agents and are supervised by competent, experienced scientists. In addition, these labs have specially engineered design features for added safety.

    By combining H3N2 and H5N1 viruses, "Baxter produced a highly dangerous biological weapon with a 63 per cent mortality rate. The H5N1 virus is restricted in its human-to-human transmissibility, especially because it is less airborne."

    "However when....combined with seasonal flu viruses (easily transmitted by air), a new flu virus is created which is unknown to the human immune system and which will have a severe impact on an unprotected population. A deadly virus of this kind could spread around the world in a short time and (potentially) infect millions (or) even billions of people."

    Baxter (via Avir) "distributed (72 kilos of) contaminated (live bird flu) vaccines using false concealment and  false labels to 16 laboratories in Austria and....other countries at the end of January/beginning of February, potentially infecting at least 36-37 laboratory staff, who (were) treated preventively for bird flu and ordinary flu." On the same day, 18 Avir employees were as well at Vienna's Otto Wagner Hospital.

    Burgermeister cited a Baxter-Avir 2006 contract with Austria's Health Ministry for 16 million vaccine doses in case a bird flu pandemic was declared. This "laboratory incident shows that national and international authorities are not able to fulfill their obligations to ensure the safety of the Austrian people," and indicates they engaged in a cover-up.

    "If a pharmaceutical company can breach laws - and almost trigger a bird flu pandemic, which (potentially could spread worldwide) - without being made accountable for it....then there is, de facto, no rule of law on Austrian territory."

    She also contends that Baxter's production system, "namely, the use of 1200 liter bioreactors and vero cell technology," meets "the technical criteria to be classified as a secret dual purpose large-scale bioweapon production facility (able to produce) a huge amount of contaminated vaccine material....rapidly."

    "If (this) material were added to the 1200 liter bioreactors, it would replicate and infect the entire batch of vaccine material in (it). Contaminated material could (then) be distributed among sections of the population using false labels and secretly marked batches (able to) infect millions of people." 

    Burgermeister accused high-level Austrian Health and other Ministry officials of knowledge and support of this practice. Otherwise, controls would have prevented it. In June, she named drug producers Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi Aventis; world agencies, including the WHO, UN, and CDC; and high-level officials in Austria, other European countries, and America.

    Did Baxter Release a Bioweapon in Ukraine? 

    Baxter has a facility in Ukraine. Given the above evidence, it may be behind the current outbreak. A November 1 David Rothscum article headlined: "Has Baxter International released a biological weapon," in citing an earlier Huffington Post report on a man named Joseph Moshe, a Mossad biological warfare expert. True or not, he warned, on an August radio program, about "a biological weapon....being made by Baxter International('s Ukraine facility) that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release." Having reported this two months before the outbreak lends credence to his story.

    In August, Ukraine was almost influenza free. On October 30, said only two cases of Swine Flu had been reported. According to, on March 26, reports were that "thousands of Ukrainians refused" to be vaccinated, because of fears about "diphtheria, mumps, polio, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, (and) whooping cough among others. Health officials said (this) could lead to disease outbreaks...." Perhaps unleashing a "biological weapon" is how to convince them and millions elsewhere.

    Rothscum confirmed Moshe's credentials, noting that "massive numbers of microbiologists have been dying bizarre deaths." Among them:

    -- Stephen Lagakos, Professor of Biostatistics and AIDS researcher at Harvard's School of Public Health, died in an October auto collision;

    -- Malcolm Casadaban, reknown molecular geneticist, died of plague in September;

    -- Wallace Pannier, noted germ warfare scientist, died in August of respiratory failure;

    -- August "Gus" Watanabe, former Eli Lilly and Company Executive Vice President of Science and Technology and former head of its Research Laboratories, died of apparent self-inflicted wounds from a .38-caliber handgun; a note left behind cited depression over his daughter's death;

    -- Caroline Coffey, Cornell University post-doctoral biomedicine researcher, died in June from massive cuts to her throat; and

    -- Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi, a Mind-Body-Quantum medicine pioneer and discoverer of an antitoxin treatment for bioweapons, died in February of "suspicious" causes.

    On November 7, asked:

    Is the Ukraine outbreak "the plague? A mutated virus? Or is the plague the cover for introducing a mutated virus?" Citing the South African web site, it wondered if the Ukraine Swine Flu strain "might have mutated (to) pneumonic plague."

    It reported Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Health saying his nation has a different H1N1 strain than the rest of the world because of how many were infected so fast. Other officials disagree and suggest this one may have mutated to something else because it "has a much bigger rate of filling the lungs with blood....The plague or virus in the Ukraine has 10 times the mortality rate (attributed to) normal swine flu."

    However, unconfirmed reports are that "people are going on as normal....they also say this is fear mongering" to promote voluntary vaccinations. "Everyone is waiting for the gene sequences which will confirm whether this has been hyped up, a real mutated H1N1, or just bad (Ukraine) health services." Perhaps exaggerated illness and death reports to stoke fear and be a pretext for what followed.

    Ukraine is now under martial law. Civil liberties are suspended. By government edict, anyone may be criminally prosecuted. Scheduled January elections may be delayed or cancelled. Public demonstrations are banned. Political opponents are prohibited from traveling in quarantined areas. Borders are partially closed. Mandated vaccinations are coming. WHO fear-mongering is hyping the danger. A month before the outbreak, it took part in a bioterrorism plague exercise. On November 7, Lake of the Hills, IL police conducted their own against pneumonic plague as part of the McHenry County Department of Health's emergency planning.

    Burgermeister suggests that Baxter, the: 

    "WTO and the international corporate crime syndicate that funds them may have decided they could go ahead with their plan to trigger a pandemic in Europe and the USA because the public awareness of the dangers of the vaccine has become too great, not least as a result of WHO and Baxter being caught contaminating 72 kilos of vaccine material with the live bird flu virus in February."

    Opposition to Vaccinations in Europe

    Across the continent, opposition is widespread. Few are showing up to get it. On November 7 in Paris, a public demonstration against them was held. As of November 5, less than 0.1% of the French population was inoculated despite a mass vaccination campaign. 90% of Greek health workers oppose them. Reports from Portugal say vaccine centers are nearly empty, and doctors and nurses won't take them. Sources expect a "revolution" if they're mandated. 

    A mid-October Der Spiegel article reported an "open rebellion" among general medical professionals and child physicians across Germany over dangerous Swine Flu vaccines. Dieter Ludwig, drug commission chairman of the German medical profession, said health authorities colluded with drug companies to promote them.

    In Denmark, most public officials and healthcare workers won't take them, citing the danger and saying H1N1 is no different from seasonal flu. Throughout Scandinavia, sentiment is the same with up to 75% opposition. In Sweden, as few as several thousand have gotten them. Across the continent also, in the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and elsewhere. Also large segments of the US, Canadian and UK populations voice strong opposition. Open protests are occurring in Austria. In other countries as well. Millions know the toxicity and won't touch them. Ukraine's outbreak may be a counteroffensive to force them, first there, then globally.

    Ukraine Outbreak Spreads

    On November 6, headlined, "Pneumonic Plague Outbreak in China Follows Outbreak in Ukraine." The town of Ziketan (population 10,000) reported two deaths and a dozen others infected. The "area inside a 17-mile radius" was quarantined to contain it. The "highly contagious disease, one of the most virulent and deadly diseases on earth, (is) usually fatal within 24 hours. It attacks the lungs and kills nearly everyone who catches it unless treated rapidly with antibiotics."

    On the same day, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko called the panic over Swine Flu artificially created by drug companies. He urged people not to panic, and said authorities are monitoring the situation in neighboring Ukraine. Ten deaths were reported in the Minsk, "preceded by flu-like symptoms."

    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty disseminates US propaganda in 20 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. On November 4, it headlined, "Swine Flu Fears Spread from Ukraine to Afghanistan," then reported, true or false, incidences showing up in Iran, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Serbia, and other Balkan countries. "Afghanistan has declared a nationwide public health emergency and closed all educational institutes for three weeks."

    On November 2, the Chinese web site reported that authorities in a southeast Bulgarian district declared an A/H1N1 epidemic, according to local media accounts. The "sick rate" rose "to 200 per 10,000 people," and in some towns is approaching epidemic levels. A later report said 210 per 10,000. Two deaths were reported, and Bulgaria's chief health expert, Tencho Tenev, said "at least two million Bulgarians, or 30 percent of (the) population, could become infected with the flu virus over the coming months."

    On November 9, headlined, "Russia, Belarus and Bulgaria On The Verge Of A Flu Epidemic As Cases In Ukraine Near 1 Million."

    Same day Ukraine reports said 1,031,597 people are sick with flu-like symptoms, 52,742 have been hospitalized, and 174 people have died. On November 6, Russia's Chief Health Official, Gennady Onishchenko, said most regions in the country "are on the verge of a flu epidemic."

    "Disturbing reports are beginning to surface in western Europe. In Austria, special army units based in Korneuburg (where Baxter's facilities are located), have been conducting pandemic emergency exercises and quarantining patients in hospitals. Are they expecting something to happen?"

    WHO "Whole-of-Society Pandemic Readiness Guidelines for Pandemic Preparedness and Response in the Non-Health Sectors"

    Prepared in April 2009, the same month Swine Flu was reported in Mexico, it was revised in July and now easily accessed coincidently with the Ukraine outbreak. Its aim is:

    "to prepare the whole of society, beyond the health sector, for pandemic influenza....including public and private sector organizations and essential services." 

    The says it "outlines how WHO will take over a country's essential services, including water and sanitation; fuel and energy; food; health care; telecommunications; finance; law and order; education; and transportation under the pretext of a pandemic emergency."

    The "guidelines" state:

    "National inter-ministerial pandemic preparedness committees should map out the central government's roles, responsibilities, and chain of command and designate lead agencies," answerable to the WHO that's perhaps enforceable during a "health emergency." It may work like this.

    Vaccine law attorney, Alan G. Phillips says:

    "....underlying laws.... allow states to mandate vaccines in an emergency....throw out exemptions, (and) impose quarantines and isolation outside of our homes." 

    US laws are similar. They can mandate vaccinations and let states isolate and quarantine influenza victims if authorities call the disease infectious and life-threatening. Under the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, the HHS Secretary may declare any disease an epidemic or national emergency requiring mandatory vaccinations, quarantine, or other protective measures. It's a short step to empowering WHO with authority over most nations in short order.

    Its "guidelines" also want Defense Ministries to designate military assets to enforce vaccinations and quarantines under pandemic conditions. They also say:

    "Ministries of Justice should consider what legal processes could be suspended during the pandemic and make alternate plans to operate courts" while it continues.

    According to

    "leaked (French) documents show that the Minister of Justice has ordered the suspension of the most basic rights, and people can be incarcerated for up to six months without having to appear before a judge in a pandemic emergency." 

    Might America and other nations order similar measures under a "pandemic emergency," real or bogus. 

    Internal 2006 IBM Document Reveals Advance Knowledge of a Planned Pandemic

    Titled, "Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview," it was distributed to upper-level management in France. It predicted a "100% chance (of a) planned (pandemic) occurring within the next 5 years," covering quarantines and operational procedures to be taken after an official WTO announcement. This document suggests what many believe - that governments and the drug cartel, in collusion with the WTO, orchestrated the current crisis, choosing Ukraine as the lead target. The situation there deserves close monitoring because of what may happen globally.

    Advance Pandemic Warning and Early Preparations

    Replikins, Ltd. is a small Boston-based biotech firm that "develops and markets....predictive products and vaccines....based upon the company's discovery of Replikins, a new group of peptides related to the rapid replication function in viral and other diseases (capable of) predicting the emergence of virulent strains of particular diseases." 

    On April 7, 2008, a year before the reported Mexican  H1N1 outbreak, it published a "FluForecast" stating the following:

    "Replikins, Ltd. has found that the Replikin Count of the H1N1 strain of influenza virus has recently increased to 7.6 (plus/minus 1.4), its highest level since the 1918 H1N1 pandemic....A rising Replikin Count of a particular influenza strain, indicating the rapid replication of the virus, is an early warning which has been followed consistently by an outbreak of a specific strain. The current increase appears to be specific to H1N1; there was a concurrent 80% decline in the Replikin Count of (seasonal) H3N2, for instance."

    "The current H1N1 appears to be rapidly replicating simultaneously in the US and Austria....However, the same virus replikin structures detected by FluForecast software in all three previous pandemics, namely 1918 H1N1, 1957 H2N2, and 1968 H3N2, as well as in H5N1 (Avian Flu), have not yet been detected in the currently evolving H1N1."

    In an October 24, 2007 press release, the US Treasury Department discussed the "preliminary results of the industry-wide pandemic flu exercise....More than 2,700 organizations registered to participate anonymously (which) began in September and ran for three weeks." Involved were banks, insurance companies, securities firms and exchanges, and state and federal regulators.

    "The exercise simulated a pandemic wave with a peak absenteeism rate of 49 percent....President Bush directed Treasury in May 2006 to coordinate with the banking and finance sector to better prepare its response to a pandemic crisis."

    On December 12, 2007, FEMA Region I (for New England) hosted a joint federal-state exercise "to strengthen contingency plans for an influenza pandemic. Operation PANEX 07 is the first functional exercise of its type in this country designed to determine best practices for a coordinated multi-agency response to an outbreak."

    Participating agencies included the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Defense (DOD) "in partnership with their counterparts in the six New England states."

    On July 28, 2009, CNN reported that the Pentagon will "establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials....The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with (FEMA)."

    Consider the implications. On October 23, Obama declared a H1N1 national emergency. The Pentagon will be in charge if conditions warrant it. Civil liberties may be suspended. Martial law may be declared. Mandatory toxic, dangerous vaccinations may be ordered, known to cause auto immune diseases ranging from annoying to debilitating to life-theatening. The situation in Ukraine bears watching. It may signal what's soon heading everywhere.

    Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached

    Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Monday - Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.


    The Flu Case November 11, 2009

    An Austrian judicial official has said today that the Korneuburg State Prosecutor Christian Pawle has dropped the case against the pharmaceutical company Baxter and others accused for their roles in contaminating and distributing 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine material with the live bird flu virus at its facilities in Orth an der Donau, so nearly triggering a global bird flu pandemic in February, according to the Times of India.

    The official said that the prosecutor had dropped the charges because there was no evidence a crime had been committed.

    I have emailed the Korneuburg State Prosecutor Christian Pawle in charge of the case and asked to see the file of the investigation to understand the basis of his decision.

    The requirement for Baxter to adhere to biosafety level 3 regulations makes an accidental contamination of 72 kilos virtually impossible.

    In addition, the labs Avir and BioTest, which received the contaminated material from Baxter, have gone on record saying the end purpose of the contaminated material was for use as normal seasonal flu vaccine casting doubt on claims made by Baxter that it was research material.

    Also, 36 people had to be treated preventatively for the bird flu in hospitals in Vienna and the Czech Republic because they came into contact with this material underlining its danger.

    It will be interesting to see how Pawle justified his decision to drop all charges against Baxter.
    If he fails to show that he has conducted the requisite inquiriess, gathered adequate information and drawn the right conclusions, he could expose himself to charges of complicity in a crime.
    At the beginning of September, the police chief in charge of the anti terrorism unit in Vienna that appeared to be investigating the Baxter case (I was summoned there for an interview) stepped back from his position apparently under pressure.

    Ernst Geiger, police man with a dubious record and suspended on suspicion of misusing their office returned to a key function in the criminal police after first being floated for this post.

    “How vigorous an investigation can Geiger be expected to conduct into Baxter, when his former employer, is a close associate of those very globalist pharma companies and banks?” I asked in a report on September 3rd.
    In fact, just three weeks later, the Baxter case was dropped in spite of the overwhelming evidence of a deliberate attempt to start a bird flu pandemic that could have killed millions.

    This news that the prosecutor has dropped the charges comes amid a growing row over the “politicization of the justice system,” as more and more cases where there is strong evidence of a crime fail to be investigated.
    A week ago, a British UN nuclear inspector fell to his death from 17 floors in the UN building in Vienna and the Austrian police did not open an investigation even though an autopsy performed on the inspector on the insistence of his partner revealed strangulation marks on his neck and the doctor concluded there were strong indications he had been murdered.

    It seems that the Austrian police and judicial officials are becoming increasingly complicit in crimes and so are endangering the well being of the people of Austria and of the rest of Europe.

    The decision by the State Prosecutor to drop the criminal investigation paved the way for Baxter to get approval for its Celvapan “swine flu” vaccine that is now being pushed on the Austrian people for a mild disease.

    Under the Austrian pandemic plan, forced vaccination and quarantine are possible as is the suspension of basic rights.

    The Austrian government is hyping the pandemic and pushing people to take the swine flu jab.
    Can we be so sure there will be no martial law when everything has been prepared by the government for just that? And soon.

    We, the people, have to stand up and say: enough is enough of this Mafia-style clique who have taken control of government office and who are misusing that office to enrich themselves with their various schemes, including foisting on us a toxic swine flu jab for an artificially created pandemic.

    If the government and judicial officials do not perform their duties in office as they are required to do by the Constitution and the law, and if they are even actively engaged in carrying out crimes on a gigantic scale, they must be removed from office by us the people.

    We, the people, must stand together and bring about a return to Constitution, the rule of law, accountable government and genuine democracy.

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    Pneumonia Death of Belarus Doctor Near Ukraine Border

    Pneumonia Death of Belarus Doctor Near Ukraine Border
    Recombinomics Commentary 18:41
    November 9, 2009

    A worker of the scientific and practical centre of radiation medicine in Homel has died from pneumonia.
    This fact has been confirmed to BelaPAN by the head of the Health Care directorate of Homel regional executive committee Mikalai Vasilkou.
    As said by him, the worker of the centre was taken to the emergency hospital with acute respiratory failure. "On Friday we received confirmation from anatomical pathologists that the woman died of hard total pneumonia," the head of the directorate stated.
    As the BelaPAN has found out, the deceased was about 30, she had a maternity leave recently. She worked in the ultrasonography diagnostics department of the centre.
    Mikalai Vasilkou added that there are other death cases from pneumonia, but they are to be confirmed by anatomical pathology centres still.
    The above translation describes a pneumonia death of a Doctor in Gomel, which is in Belarus near the Ukraine border (see map). The report describes additional pneumonia deaths in the area.  Belarus has acknowledged 20 deaths and widespread H1N1 including excessive absenteeism in schools.  These deaths raise concerns that the spike in cases in Ukraine is being mirrored in Belarus.
    In Ukraine the number of cases has exceeded 1 million and the latest count on reported deaths is 174. Include are 6 health care workers who have died and over 2000 have been ill. Samples have been sent to Mill Hill in London, but there has been no detail on sequencing results, and sequences have not been released.
    Comparison of sequences from fatal cases in Belarus and Ukraine would be useful.

    Timeline on WHO Silence on Ukraine H1N1 Sequences

    Timeline on WHO Silence on Ukraine H1N1 Sequences
    Recombinomics Commentary 23:21
    November 9, 2009

    "There are a lot of unknowns," he said. The crew of experts will collect samples from patients and send them to the WHO's influenza collaborating center in London for diagnosis. The WHO may have more information on Nov. 4, Hartl said.
    The above comments were made on Oct 30.  The WHO update of the next day indicated that H1N1 had already been confirmed in two labs in Kyviv and samples were being sent to a WHO collaborating center, Mill Hill.  Since H1N1 had already been lab confirmed twice, and multiple reports of symptoms of fatal cases left little doubt that the patients had died from hemorrhagic pneumonia, the main unknown question was the sequence of the H1N1.  Thus, it seemed likely that comments on sequences would be made on Nov 4.
    In the Nov 3 update, WHO acknowledged that the samples had been received in Mill Hill and it seemed that data would soon be announced, baring sample degradation.  When Mill Hill announce confirmation of H1N1 in 15 samples it seemed likely that sequence results would soon follow.
    There was no announcement on Nov 4, but there was a press conference on Nov 5, indicating that analysis was still ongoing, but there were no "big mutations" and the virus was antiviral sensitive.  Thus, at least the initial sequencing of all eight gene segments had been completed and an initial analysis had already been made.
    If there were no obvious changes, it seems that an announcement would have been made last week.  The number of cases was approaching 1 million (see map), and the number of fatalities had already exceeded 100, including six health care workers.  The infections were spreading east toward Kyviv and neighboring countries had an excessive number of cases, and deaths were mounting in Belarus.
    This morning a clinical description of 90 fatal cases again supported hemorrhagic pneumonia, which once again raised concern about genetic changes.
    However, there has only been silence on the sequences and they have not been made public.  These delays suggest significant changes have been found, and these changes are undergoing further analysis, such as receptor binding testing.
    An update on the sequences is long overdue.

    Monday, November 9, 2009

    Total Destruction of Lungs in Ukraine Fatal H1N1 Cases

    Recombinomics Commentary 04:22
    November 9, 2009

    The symptoms are observed at different stages of disease - a fever with a temperature over 38 C, cough, respiratory disorders. When cough was characterized by negligible allocation phlegm or dry unproductive cough with blotches of blood. All the patients come to hospital on average by 3-7 days of onset, were in serious condition. Period of time from onset to death averaged from 4 to 7 days. In all patients during a hospital for signs of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees, which quickly rose and manifested accelerated respiration rate, shortness of breath and effectiveness of independent breathing. X-ray studies were performed on 1-2 day hospitalization. Most patients experienced a double-headed particles of lower lung lesion, followed by a trend towards total destruction.
    The above translation is from an announcement today from the Ukraine Ministry of Health describe 90 fatalities (LATEST UPDATE SAYS 174- my comment) associated with community acquired pneumonia.  The full report included the age distribution, which exactly match distribution reported previously by other countries for swine H1N1. 52/90 fatalities were in the age group of 19-40, followed by 26/90 in the 41-55 age group. 
    Coughing up blood followed the "total destruction" of lungs again gives a clinical picture of hemorrhagic pneumonia caused by H1N1 swine flu.
    However, although the 90 recent fatalities described above are clearly due to H1N1, many reports continue to cite a low number of H1N1 lab confirmed cases, which is more reflective of limited testing than actual cases.
    Earlier reports cited pneumonia deaths not associated with the influenza/ARI category and the basis for the classification of approximately half of such deaths into a separate category remains unclear.
    The above description of these fatalities increase the need for the immediate release of sequences from H1N1 isolated from the lungs of these fatal cases. 
    Samples were sent to Mill Hill a week ago and only a minimal description (no "large" changes and no anti-viral resistance) of the sequence data.  As the number of reports of sequences with receptor binding domain changesin isolates from lungs of fatal H1N1 cases increase, the need for full and rapid disclosure of sequences from large outbreaks such as the one in Ukraine become a major health care imperative.

    Reported Ukraine Cases Top One Million - 174 Fatalities

    1,031,597 Influenza/ARI
    52,742 Hospitalized
    174 Dead
    The latest update for Ukraine includes more than 1 million reported cases (see map).  The fatalities have jumped from 155 to 174 and almost 53K have been hospitalized. The biggest jump in fatalities was in Lviv, where reported deaths rose from 63 to 74.  However, the largest jump in cases was in Kiev, raising concerns that the infections were spreading east.
    The increase in cases and deaths continue to support a genetic change in the H1N1 virus.  However, there have been no updates on samples which were sent to London over a week ago. 
    The sequence silence continues to increase concerns that the large number of cases and deaths in Ukraine is linked to changes, which may involve the receptor binding domain in general and position 225 in particular.



    WHO Silence on Ukraine Sequences Raises Pandemic Concerns

    WHO Silence on Ukraine Sequences Raises Pandemic Concerns
    Recombinomics Commentary 19:01
    November 9, 2009

    It has now been more than a week since samples from Ukraine were sent to the WHO regional lab, Mill Hill in London.  Although comments have been made that at least 15 samples were H1N1 confirmed, and the sequences showed no large changes or resistance to oseltamivir, there have been no updates.  The absence of additional information or release of sequences, increases concerns that small changes undergoing further analysis are causing delays.
    In the days post shipment, cases in Ukraine have quadrupled to over 1 million and the reported fatalities have grown from 30 to 174. The clinical presentation of 90 of the fatalities was classical H1N1 linked hemorrhagic pneumonia, which led to the "total destruction" of both lungs.  These fatal cases were hospitalized 3-7 days after disease onset, highlighting the rapid progression of the infection in a large number of patients, suggesting genetic changes in the H1N1 virus.
    Although politicians and media reports continue to downplay the significance by citing a small number of  lab confirmed cases or more traditional pneumonia deaths, the number of fatal hemorrhagic cases was unusually large.  These deaths involve hemorrhagic pneumonia in previously health young adults.  Most deaths were 19-40 years of age.  The age group with the second highest totals was 41-55.  Thus, the age profile of these cases parallels those seen in other countries in H1N1 infected patients.
    Isolates from other countries, including recent isolates from samples from fatal cases In Sau Paula, Brazil had changes at position 225 in thereceptor binding domain (D225G and D225N).  These recent changes in Brazil raise concerns that there are similar changes in Ukraine.
    It is likely that a lack of suspect changes would have led to an announcement that no significant changes were found.  Instead WHO has remained silent since Thursday, as concerns increase.
    Sequencing should have been largely completed last week and the presence or absence of regional markers should be clear.  Release of the sequences or a list of polymorphisms under further investigation would be useful.
    The silence on the sequences continues to increase concerns.

    Swedish boy, aged 4, close to death from "swine flu" vaccine

    The almost complete cover up in Sweden regarding deaths and other severe "side effects" from the poisonous Pandemrix "swine flu" vaccine is frightening. A few stories are getting out in spite of this, like the story of Kevin, aged 4 living in Stockholm with his mom Mia who is pregnant in her third trimester.
    "- I was sure he was dead" she says in an article published at first only in the printed version of the news paper Aftonbladet and later added to their site after being "reminded" by readers to do so.
    Kevin sat with his father in a café when he suddenly started to shake uncontrollably. His little body arched backwards in convulsions and his eyes rolled backwards exposing only white. His mom was not far away and someone quickly fetched her saying "Mia come quickly, Kevin is really bad".
    When she arrived to Kevin, a ring of people surrounded him as he was lying flat on the ground. "- His lips were completely white. I have never seen a person that white in my life. I took him in my arms and he was completely limp. My only thought was, 'He is dead, He is no longer alive' ", says his mom.
    Kevin did no longer breathe. Two nurses happened to be there and they instructed Mia how to give CPR immediately. Mia started to do that while she at the same time felt she was starting to go into labor. She gave her son air as others called for an ambulance. "I lost the sense of time. But after a while his lips got their color back. He opened his eyes."
    During the ride to the hospital, Kevin only expressed one fear: "Mommy, I don't want to have another shot…"
    Doctors who cared for him at his arrival at the Hospital agreed that the only explanation to this was that he two days earlier got the poisonous Pandemrix "swine flu" vaccine. They also said "- He is the second one today, this is in no way unique."
    The news paper contacted The Medical Products Agency in Sweden and spoke with Professor Jan Liliemark who claimed he had never heard of similar cases. "- Children can come in to states of Coma from a variety of reasons. It could be connected to the vaccination but there could also be other reasons."
    Kevin's parents chose to speak about their ordeal so that other parents would be better informed than they were. They never heard that things like this could happen after a vaccination.
    Mia says "- What if it this would have happened at home while playing alone in his room while I was cleaning downstairs?"
    Original article in Swedish
    We have received unconfirmed reports that the number of vaccine "adverse effects" in sweden is now well over 500 including "severe adverse effects" which means life threatening conditions or death. The number of deaths is reported to us to be higher than 50 so far. This information is unconfirmed and the official numbers kept secret according to the also secret agreement between Sweden and GSK, GlaxoSmithKline who produces the poisonous Pandemrix vaccine.

    I today spoke with a vaccine manufacturer (a supplier of the API, the active ingredient) at their plant here in Switzerland and they stated that they felt they had to play along in producing and supplying active ingredients to the larger "big" pharma companies since these companies are "so powerful". The person I spoke with thought it was something seriously wrong with the way the whole "swine flu" scare has unfolded and the role of WHO. The same person also acknowledged that very much research in the medical field which does not support planned products of other businesses is hidden or buried. The two people I spoke with would "absolutely not" take the "swine flu" shot. They did say that the "swine flu" meant good business.

    Johan Niklasson- The Flu Case


    By Frosty Wooldridge
    November 9, 2009

    Part1: Basic incompatibility of Western thought and Muslim theocracy

    “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims,” said radio talk show host Peter Boyles last week on in Denver, Colorado.

    Boyles’ remarks followed a horrific mass killing by Muslim U.S. Army Major Nadal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas. Hasan blasted away at 42 military personnel and civilians as they stood defenseless in line awaiting deployment processing for the Middle East. He screamed, “Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar!” while unloading his firearms into the bodies of U.S. troops.

    A female off-duty police officer waded into the chaos with her gun blazing until she brought him down with four shots. He lays in a Fort Hood hospital bed in critical condition.

    His condition stands a warning and a metaphor for the United States of America as it places itself in critical danger by importing millions from incompatible cultures and languages into America at breakneck speed. It reminds me of students in a chemistry class pouring unknown chemicals into a beaker and hoping it doesn’t boil over or blow up.

    This incident isn’t the first time. A U.S. Army Muslim sergeant threw a grenade into a tent at the beginning of the Iraq War, which killed three U.S. Army officers.

    The philosopher Emanuel Kant said, “Religion and language are the two great dividers of humanity.”

    First of all, Islam’s basic tenant means, “Submission.” Imams say that Islam remains a religion of peace, but they fail to tell listeners that peace will arrive only when Islam becomes the sole religion in the world. Its prime directive in the Koran reads, “...convert or kill all non-believers, starting with the Jews.”

    If you look at Islam in the modern world, its terror tactics began in Munich, Germany 1972 with the mass killings of Jewish athletes at the Olympics. From that point, every major mass murder, or killing attempt across the planet stems from Muslim terrorists at regional levels all the way to the 19 Muslims that brought down the World Trade Towers. Muslim terrorists brought down Pan American airlines at Lockerbie, blew up barracks filled with soldiers in Africa, bombed night clubs in Fiji, killed Theo Van Gogh, train bombings in Madrid, Spain; subway bombings in London, 9/11 and dozens of other killings or attempted bombings. Muslims place ‘fatwa’s’, (a death threat for life) against writers, speakers and political leaders such as Hirsi Ali in Holland for standing up against Islam. Muslims do not tolerate free speech, free choice of religion and they do not tolerate women as equals.

    Two weeks ago, in Detroit, Michigan, 11 Muslims fought FBI agents with calls to create a separate Muslim state in Michigan under Sharia Law. Muslims rioted in Sweden this summer against Jewish tennis players playing in that country. Muslims rioted in November 2007 in France.

    Amil Imani , “Islam is Fire” , September 12, 2009, said, “The Islamic fire, fueled by immense oil income, is raging in certain regions of the world, smoldering in others, and is ready to ignite in yet other parts of the world. It is imperative for the free people of the world to abandon all illusions about Islam and put out its fire, once and for all. Multiculturalism, live and-let live, is a delusion of kind-hearted naïve people. Islam, as fractured as it is, is a non-compromising mono-culture; a cruel culture of a primitive people handed down by Muhammad some 1400 years ago.”

    Most American sit and watch with total oblivion of the march of Islam into America. In 1990, only 100,000 Muslims inhabited the United States. Today, over eight million spread across the country with over 1,000 mosques and growing. We import over 1,500 Muslims refugees every thirty days into America. They stand in diametrical opposition to a republican form of government and equal rights for women.

    At the same time, honor killings, female genital mutilation, violence toward women and hostility toward Americans accelerates.

    “Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

    For example, Muslims practice female genital mutilation (FGM). It’s 6th century Dark Ages barbarism alive in the 21st century. It occurs today in Detroit, Michigan, Freemont, California and Denver, Colorado, and wherever Islam grows in America. Seven years ago, hundreds of cases of little girls suffering from infected genitalia, after being slashed with razors and glass, landed in Colorado hospitals from the FGM ritual. Islamic practitioners, without sterile room technique or anesthesia, cut out the labia majora and minora as well as the clitoris of girls, usually less than nine years of age.

    Led by Colorado House Representative Dorothy Rupert, lawmakers passed a new law to halt it. The practice didn’t stop; it torpedoed underground. What happens when Muslim culture becomes the majority and votes it into legal practice?

    Have you seen a country devolve? In the Middle East today, Muslims stone women to death for adultery. They won’t allow women to drive. Women cannot go out in public without a male relative at their side. They demand separate swimming pool times for men and women. They make women hide their faces with a burka into ‘non-beingness’. They practice Sharia Law which proves harsh and diametrically opposed to parliamentary law.

    Don’t think it can happen in America? Fox News, July 25, 2008 reported a Muslim honor killing in Garrett, Texas when a 12 year old girl called 911, screaming, “My dad shot me; I am dying.” She died before an ambulance arrived. Reason: father didn’t like her wearing western jeans and blouses.

    In Clayton County, Georgia, July 10, 2008, a Pakistani immigrant father, Chaudry Rashid strangled his daughter for not accepting his choice of a husband. She wanted a divorce. She was 14 when she died.

    In New York, February 16, 2009, FOX News, Joshua Rhett Miller reported, “The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband,” her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York teleevision studio. Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder. “She was very much aware of the potential ramification of her filing for divorce might have," said attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding. "But she wanted to proceed despite the potential for it to erupt."

    Under Sharia Law in the Middle East, such an ‘honor killing’ remains accepted in Islamic society. Ann Curry on NBC hosted a news piece, “Honor Killings in America.” She reported on the astounding rise of honor killings in America by Muslim immigrants.

    Last week, in Glendale, Arizona, an immigrant father, Faleh Hassan Almaleki, ran down with his Jeep truck and killed his daughter Noor for being too “Westernized.” Her crime? She liked to wear jeans. A sane person might ask, “Why did he immigrate to America and why did he bring his daughter?”

    Worldwide, Muslim husbands and brothers kill 5,000 women every year, year in and year out?for disobeying thhem. (Source: Miami Herald, Leonard Pitts, November 8, 2009, “American dream doesn’t include this nightmare) And, they get away with it because Sharia Law condones honor killings. You see, Mohammed the prophet proved an illiterate tribal war leader who cut his enemies’ heads and fingers off if they disobeyed him. His barbarism remains with Islam today.

    As their numbers grow in host countries, they displace laws, culture, language and finally, take over. America will prove the last stand of humanity and Christianity against Islam’s onslaught. So, far, the USA is losing its language, customs and culture—to Islam. Of course, you see the same nightmare occurring in Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Austria, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Spain and Germany.

    Coming in Part 2: Three parts of ‘soft’ Jihad, political correctness and Robert Spencer

    Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

    © 2009 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

    Latest update- Ukraine says 155 dead since the start at the end of October

    02.06.2009 13:23:19 [UTC]


    Infected (Susp.)

    Infected (Conf.)



    Even for the untrained eye this rapid spread seem suspicious. If you go to the link and scroll down the page and read from October 1, the number is only 55 dead. The infection in Ukraine behaves more like H5N1 with blood filled lungs than H1N1.