Friday, January 8, 2010

Causes of Death among Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dr. Leonard Jason's Research Team

Causes of Death among Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Leonard A. Jason, Karina Corradi, Sara Gress, Sarah Williams and Susan Torres-Harding DePaul University (2006). "The three most prevalent causes of death were heart failure, suicide, and cancer, which accounted for 59.6% of all deaths. The mean age of those who died from cancer and suicide was 47.8 and 39.3 years, respectively [and heart failure, 58.7], which is considerably younger than those who died from cancer and suicide in the general population.  For each of these areas, there is supportive evidence that might help explain why heart failure, cancer, and suicide might be associated with deaths among people with CFS in this sample.  The implications of these findings are discussed."

PDF doc- Study on causes of death in CFS/ ME patients.

'Whittemore Peterson Neuro-Immune Institue - Reno, Nevada, USA). To see progress on the project go here:
Event: The International ME/CFS Conference -2007, London, UK.
[***Event organised by the UK ME/CFS charity (1114035), 'INVEST in ME' (IiME) ***].
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The published 2006 study by 'Leonard et al' found the following points regarding the average age of death of deceased ME/CFS patients Vs Avg population:
Average age of Cancer deaths:
ME/CFS - 47.8 Years * Avg population - 72.0 Years
Average age of Heart Failure deaths:
ME/CFS - 58.7 Years * Avg population - 83.1 Years
Average age of Suicide deaths:
ME/CFS - 39.5 Years * Avg population - 48.0 Years
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[*These 3 causes of death above accounted for 60% of all ME/CFS deaths in the study*]
Think about that for a second. .
The official UK Government and Medical profession line (in general) is.. 'most' people fully recover, and better still, nobody dies.
Yet the reality is full recovery runs around 2-5% and people DO die. If full recovery is 2-5% then 95-98% of people with ME/CFS never - fully recover to previous levels of health.

Now you're free to disagree, as you aren't a Doctor in charge of my health, you're allowed an un-informed opinion as you're not responsible for my treatement and survival.
But... surely people who DO deny FACT, who ARE in a position of medical trust (to the extent due to their ignorance people suffer or die) - well surely, they are deranged mentally or incompetant and unfit to practice as medical experts?
Yet the public don't know about this, no matter who you tell - your parents, your friends, your doctor, your pet dog - this evidence is not allowed to be known to the masses as it's too costly FINANCIALLY to accept the Government has injured 0.3 million people alone in the UK. So we are left to die young - as you can see...
Left to die fools.

ME/CFS patients are paying with their LIVES. Whilst Psychiatrists and pen pushers (Government civil servants) 'argue' if ME/CFS is real or not. Why?
They have been arguing since 1969 - that's 39 years ago when the W.H.O (World Health Organisation) declared ME a neurological illness.
I present to you dear Youtubers - that ME/CFS is not only REAL, it can be DEADLY to those severely affected.
Not only is this mind-blowing for an illness that is denied, but patients are dying 25 years earlier than others with the same diseases!
Download the study (Pdf) here:
Visit Dr Leonard's University website listing his work here:
Jason, L.A., Corradi, K., Gress, S., Williams, S., & Torres-Harding, S. (2006). Causes of
death among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Health Care for Women International,
27, 615-626.
For the TRUTH on what ME does to people, go to:

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