Friday, September 18, 2009

Vaccine contains ingredients found in spermicides, cleaners, and cosmetics along with thimerosal and squalene (MF59).

Jeffry John Aufderheide VacTRUTH 09/11/09


See for yourself the study presented at the end of article. Please spread the word and make this go viral… no pun intended. Kindly reference and link to VacTRUTH!

(  Trials for the experimental H1N1 Swine flu vaccine commence Tuesday, September 15th in Thornton, Colorado. Novartis, a bio-pharmaceutical company that manufactures the vaccine,  is recommending that children participating in the trial receive two doses of an experimental vaccine which contain ingredients found in spermicides, cleaners, and cosmetics along with thimerosal and squalene (MF59). Everyone should have a sense of concern as the only safety checks for these children are a few blood draws and follow-up phone calls. No neurological testing. No kidding.

Official opinions from federal agencies, such as the CDC, insist that the new vaccine will be safe and effective. Experts say we can trust the new H1N1 experimental vaccine because the technology used to create the vaccine is time tested. Experts argue that the only variable changing from the ‘normal’ flu vaccine and the H1N1 experimental vaccine is the novel A/H1N1 antigen. In other words, the same vaccine ‘technology’ is used but with the new virus.

However, this is the furthest thing from the actual TRUTH. As will be demonstrated, the following information was obtained through enrolling a family member into the study to gain an understanding as to what the ingredients would be.  After finding out the the information I am about to share, enrollment in this trial has been canceled.


I met with the research coordinator for the study along with Dr. Melamed, an immunologist conducting the study. Dr. Melamed altruistically shared his knowledge answering questions concerning immunology and the technology behind the vaccine while remaining evasive on questions of what was in the vaccine and legal ramifications if harm was done. Dr. Melamed reassured me several times that the experimental H1N1 vaccine was created just like past vaccines and that the technology was well established.

Requests for package inserts for the ingredients of the experimental H1N1 vaccine were denied on the grounds that this was a study and that information is privileged. However, we can still piece together some of the ingredients based upon the parental consent form.

“MF59 is an adjuvant which is used in influenza vaccines licensed for the adults and/or elderly in many countries worldwide, but it is not contained in any vaccines currently approved in the United States.” (page 2)

Isn’t it interesting that the study states it is licensed for adults and elderly? This study is designed for children between the ages of 3 and 8 and they plan on shooting up newborns and pregnant women with this stuff? Buyer beware.

Here is what the World Association for Vaccine Education had to say about Squalene (MF59):

Squalene:C30H50 an Adjuvant

Too dangerous for human use, Squalene is not licensed for use in the United States.  Oil adjuvants like squalene have been ordinarily used to inflict diseases in animals – for experimentation and study.  According to anthrax vaccine expert Gary Matsumoto and other reliable sources, the US military used an unlicensed, experimental anthrax vaccination laced with squalene, with disastrous consequences, including Gulf War Sydrome. Chemical descriptions:
Unites States National Library of Medicine: PubChem


Adverse effects:[Mesh%20Terms%3anoexp Must read:
Matsumoto, Gary.  Vaccine A; The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers – and Why GI's Are Only the First Victims. Basic Books, 2004.

Present in these vaccines:
Anthrax (experimental, used on military personnel)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny also elaborates on the deleterious effects of the Squalene Adjuvant in a 2006 article entitled, "FLU SHOTS AND THE NEW ADJUVANTS: BEWARE!" and can be found in its entirety here. An excerpt from Dr. Tenpenny's article can give a better appreciation and understanding of what squalene is capable of in the body...

"On first blush, squalene seems like a good choice for an adjuvant. Manufactured naturally in the liver, squalene is a precursor for cholesterol. In addition, squalene can be purchased at health food stores in its more commonly known form, “shark liver oil.” However, ingested squalene has a completely different effect on the body than injected squalene. When molecules of squalene enter the body through an injection, even at concentrations as small as 10 to 20 parts per billion, it can lead to self-destructive immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this reaction. Metabolically, squalene stimulates an immune response excessively and nonspecifically. More than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers from ten different laboratories throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia have been published documenting the development of autoimmune disease in animals subjected to squalene-based adjuvants. A convincing proposal for why this occurs includes the concept of “molecular mimicry” in which an antibody created against the squalene in MF59 can cross react with the body’s squalene on the surface of human cells. The destruction of the body’s own squalene can lead to debilitating autoimmune and central nervous system diseases."

“Carcinogenicity, we (Dr. Deborah Novicki of Novartis, another pharmaceutical company) have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF59 adjuvant or any of our preventive vaccines. We haven’t done it and we don’t plan to.”

This information is found on a workshop on adjuvants and adjuvanted preventative and therapeutic vaccines hosted by the FDA. This gem of a quote is on page 391.


Further down we see that, while not mentioned explicitly as ingredients, one can deduce they are in the vaccine via an implied allergic reaction.

"If your child has had an allergic reaction in the past to eggs, egg products, neomycin or polymyxin (antibiotics), sodium ethylmercurothiosalicylate or thimerosal (compounds containing mercury that are frequently used as preservatives in vaccines), beta propriolactone (substance that inactivates a virus), or nonoxynol 9 (substance commonly used in cleaners, cosmetics, and spermicides), you must tell the medical staff..." (pg 8) (emphasis mine)

Thimerosal has been thoroughly exposed as a neurological toxin largely in part and much gratitude to Lyn Redwood who obtained the meeting minutes from a secret meeting between government officials and pharmaceutical companies discussing the effects of the mercury additive. The document is called the Simpsonwood document and details exclusively the neurological harm thimerosal causes in children. Dr. Russell Blaylock has a commentary on the document here or read the meeting minutes yourself here.

“the number of dose related relationships [between mercury and autism] are linear and statistically significant. You can play with this all you want. They are linear. They are statistically significant.” – Dr. William Weil, American Academy of Pediatrics. Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

“the issue is that it is impossible, unethical to leave kids unimmunized, so you will never, ever resolve that issue [regarding the impact of mercury].” – Dr. Robert Chen, Chief of Vaccine Safety and Development, Centers For Disease Control, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

“Forgive this personal comment, but I got called out at eight o’clock for an emergency call and my daughter-in-law delivered a son by c-section. Our first male in the line of the next generation and I do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on. It will probably take a long time. In the meantime, and I know there are probably implications for this internationally, but in the meanwhile I think I want that grandson to only be given Thimerosal-free vaccines.” – Dr. Robert Johnson, Immunologist, University of Colorado, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

“But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect that it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say…My mandate as I sit here in this group is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 are immunized with DTP, Hepatitis B and if possible Hib, this year, next year and for many years to come, and that will have to be with thimerosal containing vaccines unless a miracle occurs and an alternative is found quickly and is tried and found to be safe.” – Dr. John Clements, World Health Organization, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

One can only wonder the harmful effects nonoxynol 9 could bring. I could find no past flu vaccine that contained this ingredient nor study showing it is safe to inject into humans.

At this point, it must be said. According to the CDC’s vaccine schedule, children now receive 36 vaccines prior to going into kindergarten. This fall season will add 4 additional vaccines to this total for a grand total of 40!? And we’re not even getting warmed up…


By far the most entertaining part of the meeting with Dr. Melamed is when my eyes bugged out on page 6 and 7 of the study. It was explained to me that the side effects I am about to list off are side effects for all vaccines… and that I had nothing to worry about because this vaccine, this vaccine as you recall was made with ‘established technology’. If that is the case, it is the cause for even MORE concern!!!!

Other side effects that have been reported in clinical studies with other influenza vaccines or have been reported by people who received influenza vaccines may include: [VacTRUTH Editor's Note: Potential Flu Symptoms Highlighted in RED]

Reactions at the site of injection:

  • bruising
  • itchiness
  • rash
  • warmth
  • lump or irritation at the site where the vaccine was given
  • sharp pain in or along nerves or tingling of pins and needles (paresthesia)
  • pain limiting movement of the limb where the vaccine was given
  • infection
  • muscle ache

Other general reactions:

  • hot flashes or flushing
  • chills or shivering
  • dizziness
  • generalized weakness
  • fainting shortly after vaccination
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • loss of appetite
  • abdominal pain
  • back pain
  • lymph node enlargement
  • temporary decrease in the number of blood platelets, which may increase the risk of bleeding
  • bleeding
  • decrease in red blood cells, or anemia, which may make you feel tired.
  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • shortness of breath
  • wheezing
  • chest tightness
  • chest pain
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • “pins and needles” in the skin
  • sweating
  • skin disorders related to allergic reaction (which can lead to rash and skin loss)
  • inflammation of blood vessels (including inflammation of blood vessels that may cause short-term effect on kidneys)
  • confusion
  • headaches similar to those described as migraine
  • seizures associated with fever
  • spinal cord or brain inflammation (encephalomyelitis)
  • paralysis
  • muscle weakness
  • infection
  • life-threatening and/or debilitating disorders of the nervous system

On IMMUNoE’s website, on page three of this flier, it states:

“Q: Could the new H1N1 vaccine cause a person to get the flu?

A: Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to get flu from a flu vaccine. This is true for the seasonal flu vaccine, as well as the investigational(sic) H1N1 vaccine.”

Are the vaccines the same or not the same? Of course, Dr. Melamed at this point tells me about how people with weakened or no immune system can actually get the disease from a vaccine. I asked what measures were being used to understand what the child’s immune response would be (or even if they had an immune response to indicate it was working PRIOR to the vaccine) and Dr. Melamed said, ‘none’. If they don’t measure before and after, how will they know?

“These other general conditions have occurred in people who received influenza vaccines:

  • autoimmune disorders (these are disorders in which the body’s tissue are attacked by its own immune system and include liver injury or nerve injury)
  • arthritis (joint pain)” (pg 8)


Being a concerned parent one at this point would probably want to know how neurological damage is measured to know if it has occurred in their child. To my surprise, NO NEUROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS are taken!!!Neurological damage can clearly be seen in past flu vaccines as was the case in the 1975-76 swine flu vaccine.

Dr. Andrew Moulden gives laypersons clinical skills to detect neurological damage occurring after a child or adult is vaccinated. I highly recommend his DVD – Tolerance Lost that is found on his Brainguard website or reading several articles posted exclusively on VacTRUTH which will give you these skills. They are respectively entitled, “Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines” and “Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us all“. The second article has photographs showing you precisely what is occurring.

In a separate interview with Dr. Moulden, he succinctly states that if neurological measures are never taken, the industry can say that vaccines are safe.

The only measurements taken will be a brief physical exam, measurement of vital signs and body temperature, blood samples to check for immune response, reviewing diaries with staff, and follow up phone calls. (pg4) Monitoring for safety is occurring for 13 months. How can, then, the vaccines be declared for public use with any certainty of safety in less than 2 months?

“It is also of the understanding that eight investigational (sic) vaccine formulations with different amounts of A/H1N1 antigens and with or without adjuvant will be tested for this study.” (pg 2)


Let us recap.
1. The vaccine contains squalene (MF59) which has not been tested for causing cancer.
2. The vaccine contains thimerosal, a known culprit in causing autism and neurological deficits.
3. The vaccine curiously contains nonoxynol-9 used in spermicides.
4. The vaccine will likely cause (and spread) the flu.
5. No neurological testing will be done to ensure the vaccine is safe from harmful neurological side effects.
6. Monitoring for safety will last 13 months, well beyond the flu season.

As to my knowledge, this information is the first of its kind validating the ingredients and the intent to use them on the population. Buyer beware of this vaccine as we are likely to see an onslaught of damaged men, women, and children if there are forced vaccines. The ‘new’ experimental vaccine is certainly unlike any other that we, as Americans, have been exposed to in the past.

Full Documentary - Weather warfare, chemtrails- The History Channel


The Blood Typing Farce


Some amazing information about blood types that I had no knowledge about, worth a read.

Nearly 95% of the population, who have blood type ‘O’ and ‘A’ which are the thinnest blood and lowest blood volume, and blood type ‘B’, have copper deficiency, due to slow poisoning from blood thinners, alkalizing chemicals, copper binders, and copper antagonists, that they have completely and thoroughly saturated the food and food chain with, in addition to wirelessradiation poison which is the quickest and most effective method for depleting copper, and is one of the primary methods for expediting our death. These poisons have altered and damaged the proteins/DNA of the blood and other tissues of the body, with the damage (and deficiency) passing down through the generations. Starting in 1996, the copper depletion rate was significantly increased and coincides with the onslaught of GMO foods, chemtrails, wireless technology, increase of diseases and debilitating symptoms, weakened immune system, and decreasing lifespan.

Copper is essential in the formation of normal healthy proteins, that is, normal amino acid sequences, in that it provides a balanced pH state for the blood and tissues, maintaining the proper concentration of hydrogen for forming the bonds in normal protein synthesis. Copper is acidic at a pH of 5.5 and is important in providing a balance of the numerous alkaline and acidic nutrient minerals. A balanced pH of 7.00 is present in blood type AB, which is the only normal blood type, while the pH of the alkaline blood types (A/O) was set up to 7.54 by 31 March/1 April 2005 and the pH of the acidic blood type B decreased further by the same date. Lifespan decreases as blood pH moves further away from 7.00. The desired population reduction rate was set up by increasing the pH level of the alkaline blood types to 7.54, while decreasing the pH of the acidic blood type.
Consequently, due to unbalanced pH levels, the vast majority of the population has malformed proteins and is missing normal proteins, as can be evidenced just in the blood properties as noted in different “blood types”. The blood types of A, B, and O are missing the normal (clotting) proteins; type A is missing B, B is missing A, and O is missing both A and B proteins. The “Rhesus Factor” (D-protein) is a probable malformed or variant A or B protein, resulting from insufficient copper levels. Moreover, we were not created with “blood incompatibilities” that would harm us and our unborn children, as known to occur with an rH negative mother and rH positive fetus, and with blood transfusions. The blood type AB is balanced and therefore does not carry the malformed “Rhesus Factor” protein as found in the other blood types, thus, only AB negative blood is possible.

“The life of a creature is its blood.”
United States Population Closer to 200 Million (as spoken through His servant John):
Reporting shows increase of deaths in the age groups of 45-54 and 55-64 years of age and decreases in the ages 65 years and older. More interesting, a huge discrepancy is noted in raw death number totals (one state in 2008) versus the “official” death numbers coming from the national and state level. The raw data is consistently about 66-67%, based on average daily deaths by month in 2008. Assuming a reported death rate of approximately 9.2 to 10 coupled with the raw numbers, this state’s population was about 66-67% of the official 2008 numbers.

Use Diabetes Prevalence and Type B Blood to Determine National Population Numbers: This particular state has diabetes prevalence 3% higher than the national average, thus about a 4.5% higher type B blood than in the overall population, due to a greater degree of copper deficiency. (Note: The percentage of type B blood can be estimated in a population as 1.5 times the diabetes prevalencewhen the population is not decreasing, because it is known that one third of type B blood may not develop diabetes in their lifetime. However, when the population is decreasing as it is now, diabetes prevalence is continuously changing and the multiplier of 1.5 cannot be used.) As diabetes prevalence increases there is a corresponding increase in percentage of type B blood in a given population, due to the alkaline blood types of A/O dying off at a faster rate than blood type B. Indeed, type B blood has increased from 10% in the 1960’s to about 26% based on the current diabetes prevalence and pre-diabetes status of the population. The accelerated deaths of the alkaline blood types are followed closely by blood type B which is also at an accelerated death rate, all due to severe copper deficiency brought about by copper depleting poisons. Only the death rate of the blood type AB is normal with long healthy average lifespan – that is an average of 120 years, which they have concealed. (See Paragraph on Diabetes Prevalence below for further explanation.) Using the above mentioned 3% difference in diabetes prevalence, or 4.5% difference in type B blood between that particular state and national percentages, would place the 2009 national population numbers at about 70% of the official numbers. Therefore, as of about 25 Jul 2009 the population of the United States was approximately 214.7 million. To determine when the population numbers peaked, add 1% for each year going back (start with 70% for 2009) and multiply by the “official” population numbers for that year. The population peaked at about 226 million in 1979-1980. Thus far, the population has decreased by 5% since 1979-80, with the greatest yearly decreases in the last few years. This is when the blood pH deviated further away from 7.00, when the alkaline blood types were approaching the 7.54 pH level and the acidic blood type B became more acidic. This is when the “Abomination that causes desolation” – depopulation, was set up, when the final extermination phase was set up.
Current Blood Type/Group Distribution in the U.S.: The previous blood type distribution, disclosed in about the 1960’s was AB – 4%, B – 10%, A/O – 86%. Now with the copper depletion rate accelerating, the blood type distribution is approximately as follows: AB – 6.8%, B – 26.2 %, A/O – 67%. Thus, currently there are close to 200 million of the 214.7 million in the population who have been copper depleted – poisoned. This explains what is spoken through His servant John, “The number of the mounted troops was 200 million; I heard their number.”
Decreasing Lifespan: Reporting by national sources, “Baby Boomer Deaths Could Fuel Funeral Industry”, indicates that many of the baby boomers (born between the years 1946 – 1964) are scheduled for extermination in this decade. The article also indicates the overall average national death rate is expected to increase from 8.1 to 10.9. In some states where the death rate is already 10 - 11 could be expected to increase to approximately 13-14.
These are indicators that not only is the population not increasing in numbers as we have been led to believe, but is in fact decreasing. Cancer deaths have been decreasing for the last few years, while major cardiovascular deaths have been on a slow decline for some time now since about 1980. The decline in these two major causes of death is not due to being healthier and living longer, but is evidence of the population decreasing.

Indication of Significantly Lower Birth numbers: In 1979-1980 school age children, 5–17 years of age, numbered 48.041 million (Ref 15), comprising 21.4 % of the total population. As of two years ago, spring 2007, the total number of school age children was approximately 52.0 million. (Computed from Ref 16: ages 5-17 given for home schooled, non-home schooled possibly 4-19 years of age due to preschool and many being held back now) Although this represents an increase of 8.2% of school age children, the “official” total population numbers increased 33.2%, from 226.0 million in 1979-1980 to 301.1 million in 2007. This is indication that birth numbers are greatly exaggerated. School age children comprised 24% of the real 2007 population numbers, not 17% reflected in the fraudulent inflated population numbers. This 24% in the lower age group is the result of a “trickling down” effect from the older age groups dying off and a decreasing average lifespan. The age distribution is manipulated by artificially increasing the total population numbers. The fraudulent age distribution of 17% of school age children is used to explain that the population is living longer.

Using the ratio of the actual increase of school age children of 8.2% to the fraudulent total population increase of 33.2%, the birth numbers are no more than 25% of “official” numbers. This would make the actual Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) at least four times the official rate. Although the infant death numbers appeared to be close to the actual number, (at least until 14 July 2009), the artificial increase in population numbers coupled with exaggerated birth numbers make it appear the IMR has been decreasing over the years.
Ongoing Manipulation of Age Distribution/Age Structure: The same discrepancy between the raw death numbers and the “official” national and state numbers continues into 2009. Evidence of manipulation of the age structure is apparent by comparing raw death numbers to incoming national/state death numbers by age group for 2009, (one state). Thus far, as of 21 August 2009, about 96.3% of the inflated death numbers appear to be in the 45+ year age groups.
World Population Closer to 4 Billion: Researching the world blood types distribution, it is apparent that most of the rest of the world, excluding the western nations, has been in the final extermination phase for decades now, and thus, their numbers have been negative population growth.

The Fraudulent Global Warming:
With the alkaline blood types in particular, the body uses compensation or buffer measure to bring down the blood pH and that mechanism is to retain carbon dioxide (CO2). It is not the fraudulent “Global Warming”, an “increase of carbon dioxide in the environment” that is causing humans to die off. The fraudulent “global warming” science explains that the elevated CO2 level in blood is caused by increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere/environment particularly in the last 50 years. This is used for evidence the “carbon cycle” is causing the alkaline blood types O and A to go into extinction first, followed by blood type B.

The last disclosure of blood type distribution was about 50 years ago, when the alkaline blood types were at a higher prevalence and the acidic blood type B was at a lower prevalence in populations. The upcoming disclosure of blood type distribution reveals decreasing blood types A/O prevalence and increasing type B prevalence will “prove” that CO2 levels are rising. (See above section on current blood type distribution in the United States.) In truth this is evidence populations are dying off, have been in negative population growth, with much of the world in the final extermination phase for generations now. The last remaining nations, the Western nations, were set up in the final extermination phase in 2005. Like the United States, these western nations’ populations peaked in about 1979-1980.

The remaining blood type AB, the only normal healthy blood, will be the ones to survive; hence -- “survival of the fittest”.

Blood pH Levels Background: The A-protein is alkaline as it is made up of more of the alkaline amino acids. The B-protein is acidic with more of the acidic amino acids. Although no specific range was found for type B blood, a person with diabetes is known to have a pH of 6.8, and some references document a pH range of human blood of 6.8 – 7.7, which would encompass the type B blood at the acidic end. When the A and B proteins are present together, as in Type AB blood, the pH of the blood is in a balanced state or approximate pH of 7.00. A balanced pH is also indicative of the nutrient minerals being in balance. Individuals with blood types A and O have a propensity to carry a blood mineral/metal imbalance toward the alkaline, while those with blood type B have a propensity to carry a blood imbalance toward acidic minerals/metals, all cases due to copper deficiency.

With type O blood, the alkaline level is so high that even the normal alkaline A-protein cannot be formed, and thus, is missing. According to numerous references and texts, at least up to about the mid 1970’s, the pH range for blood in the US was 7.35 – 7.45, with an average pH of 7.40. (Some reference books document a pH above 7.45 is indicative of severe alkalosis and is fatal.) Assuming Type B is acidic and Type AB is at or near 7.00, this range apparently included type A’s and O’s, which comprised 86% of the US population. The same dated texts and references document the percentages of type O as 45 % and type A as 41%, in the US population. It is interesting to note that a clinic in the US recently measured blood pH samples of 259 clients, from January 2004 to June 2005, and found the average pH to be significantly higher at 7.54, as of December 2004 – March 31, 2005. (Ref 12) If assuming only Type A’s and O’s were recorded in the samples, and O’s are the higher pH, this data may indicate that type O blood in the US could be currently near the 7.60 pH level. Additionally, many individuals with type A blood may change over to type O blood if the pH has increased to a point or range at which the A protein disappears.

Fraudulent History & Evolution Theory: “In 1900, Karl Landsteiner, a physician in Vienna, Austria, noted that the sera of some individuals led to the ‘discovery’ of ABO blood types.” (Ref 1)Essentially, he noted a distinct difference in viscosity/pH level or the clotting factors of blood. Later on his students “discovered” the AB blood type. Then, in 1940, the “Rhesus Factor” (D-Protein) was detected. In truth, there is only one blood type among humans, and that is type AB. Anything else is a mutation due to copper deficiency.
As each generation has been deprived and depleted of copper, the mutated genes/proteins have become weaker. These mutations of the blood and other structures that have manifested over the generations, is used as supporting evidence for the fraudulent “Evolution Theory”. The mutated blood types of A, B, and O and the presence of the “Rhesus Factor” are used to establish a lineage/correlation of the vast majority of the human population to the man-apes. This correlation does not exist, since humans are created solely with blood type AB, and the man-apes do not carry this blood type.

Blood types and DNA are used to establish fraudulent migratory patterns of different populations around the world. The higher the percentage of type B blood in a given population correlates to a more severe copper deficiency in that population. This is because the type B blood has a longer lifespan on average than the alkaline blood types of A and O. In other words the alkaline blood types are dying off much more quickly than the blood type B, and in fact are in the process of moving toward extinction, followed closely by blood type B, all because of copper deficiency. It should be mentioned here that according to Ref 2, in 1959 20% of Black Americans had type B blood and Caucasians had 10% type B, different severity levels of copper deficiency, indicating that Blacks may have been copper deficient (poisoned) before being brought over on slave ships. (One last note is, there were a small number of populations that contain only alkaline blood types, but these populations may have been manipulated by intentional extraction of the type B blood.)

We were all created with type AB blood, with normal viscosity/balanced pH level with normal protein structures. Through a misinformation campaign the “official” history is that blood type AB is the newest and rarest, emerging 500-1000 years ago, while blood type O is the oldest. It is interesting to note that the Shroud of Turin, the suspected burial cloth of Jesus, has blood type AB. The cloth has been dated to about the first century AD, and as of yet has not been disproved.

Copper Functions: Copper maintains mineral balance, thus a balanced pH with normal blood viscosity, by functioning as the primary antioxidant in the body. When the blood is of normal viscosity with optimal blood flow, the blood is able to rid the body of toxic metals, chemicals, and any overload of other minerals, (and harmful bacteria and viruses), thereby retaining and balancing out the nutrient minerals. It has been documented that a “decrease in antioxidant protection caused by copper deficiency goes beyond a decrease in the activity of copper-dependent enzymes by inducing a wide range of disturbances in the other enzyme systems.” (Ref 4) This is because copper provides a balanced neutral pH of 7.00 that is required by these enzyme systems in order to activate and function at normal levels. Enzymes are made up of proteins and if any are missing or malformed due to copper deficiency, they do not activate and function at normal levels. These other enzyme systems are involved in the formation of bone and connective tissue, immune system, cardiovascular and heart, brain, liver, blood vessels, pigmentation, collagen and elastin, blood clotting factors, all the glandular systems, and many others. (Ref 4) Thus, it can be stated with certainty that copper is the single most important nutrient in the body. This is why copper is the target for deprivation and depletion.

Restated, copper deficiency causes a complete breakdown of the blood’s ability to eliminate toxins/poisons from the body. These toxins then deposit and accumulate in various locations of the body, which then acidify those locations causing serious life threatening disease states such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, immune deficiencies, neurological dysfunction, and many other diseases and symptoms. Alkalizing the blood and body does not solve the problem, and will only deplete more copper and move the pH further away from 7.00. The solution is neutralizing the pH (7.00) by balancing the nutrient minerals. The mineral that performs this function is copper. Thus, the solution is to replenish copper and remove all copper depleting poisons from the food chain and the environment.

Diabetes Prevalence Reveals Increased Mortality Rate in Alkaline Blood Types (Blood Types A and O):
Diabetes data was chosen for the purpose of this writing because it correlates to blood type B, thereby making it easier to isolate the type B blood from the alkaline blood types in disease. Not surprisingly, national level health and medical organizations did not have any data on blood type correlated to diabetes, or other diseases for that matter, when requested. But, we know that blood type B is the acidic of the blood types and diabetes is known to be caused by an elevated acidity level of the blood. According to documentation, diabetes is associated to a blood pH of approximately 6.8, thus, diabetes does correlate to type B blood. Indeed, when the diabetic individual’s blood becomes dangerously high in acidity, Diabetic Keto-Acidosis (DKA) occurs, and is treated with high alkaline chemicals. Additionally, according to estimates in 1959 and possibly until about the mid 1970’s, blood type B comprised about 10% of the US population, which corresponded with the combined estimate of both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes. (Note: Most documentation on diabetes indicates that one third of all cases are undiagnosed. It may be that one third of individuals with type B blood do not develop diabetes, but do develop other diseases associated with type B.) According to datedreferences about 20% of African Americans and 10% of Caucasians carry the type B blood in the US, which is why African Americans were at twice the risk of developing diabetes than Caucasians.

The following web site should be referenced for graph and data interpretations: Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes by Age, United States, 1980-2004. The graph depicts percentage of the population on the vertical axis and the years 1980 through 2004 on the horizontal axis. The age groups are color coded lines according to age range. (Since this writing, CDC site was updated to include up to 2005. In October 2008 CDC added in the year 2006, and at that time a change was noted in the 2005 figures.)

Data Analysis: Ages 0-64 yrs show a slight increase from 6.1% in 1980 to 7.0 % in 1995, and then in 1996 a steady significant increase started in the 45-64 yrs age group. Concurrently, significant increases started in the combined 65+ yrs age groups. The combined percentage in the older age groups indicates that about 1 in 3 individuals aged 65 and older were diagnosed with diabetes in the year 2004, indicating the blood pH has decreased in this age group. Note that in the same year, 2004/2005, there was a significant increase recorded in the pH level of the alkaline blood types, a pH of 7.54. (Paragraph 3) If including the undiagnosed cases, that is -- the one third of type B who may not develop diabetes, the data indicates that about 1 in 2 individuals over the age of 65 years, has type B blood.

The significance of this data is as follows: 1) At some point within the year 1995/1996, an increased rate of copper depletion began, which started manifesting in the year 1996. It should be mentioned here the year 1996 coincides with the onslaught of wireless radiation and chemtrails, in addition to increased copper depleting poisons in all the food and water. 2) The ratio of type B blood changes from about 1 in 8 in the age range 0-64 yrs to 1 in 2 in the age of 65+ yrs in 2004, after factoring in the “undiagnosed” cases. This does not mean that individuals with the alkaline blood types A and O are changing over to the acidic blood type B, but that many with the alkaline blood types are now dying in their 40s and 50s. 3) Although a shortened lifespan, individuals with type B blood have a longer life expectancy on average, than the alkaline blood types. Note that Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, strokes, and amputations are all linked to diabetes, all of which greatly affect quality of life. 4) Lastly, the decreasing lifespan in the alkaline blood types will cause a corresponding increase in the percentage of individuals with type B blood in the overall population, as well as an increase in the percentage of individuals with type AB blood.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) reports in 2008, an estimated 54 million Americans have pre-diabetes and 20+ million have been diagnosed with diabetes. This may indicate the percentage of type B blood in the overall population has risen from 10% in 1959 to approximately 26% now, with most of the increase occurring from 1996 to present. Also, according to the ADA, American Indian, African American and Hispanic/Latino have an increased risk of developing diabetes. This is because these groups started out with a greater degree of copper deficiency (poisoning) and thus, a greater percentage of type B blood than Caucasians. However, Caucasians are now quickly catching up to the other groups, starting from 1996 to March 2005, when the pH level of the alkaline blood types was increased to 7.54. (see: pH chart) Of all the groups in the U.S., American Indians appear to be the most decimated, as evidenced by the high rate of diabetes and short lifespan among some tribes, such as the Lakotah Nation.

The Myth of “Disease”: (See Ref 4,5) In their multitudes of “scholarly” medical works there is virtually always mention of missing and “variant” proteins in regards to different diseases. Copper deficiency causes “variant” malformed, missing, damaged DNA/proteins, and is responsible for virtually EVERY “disease” and symptom manifesting now, accelerating aging and death. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, mental depression, diabetes, autism, other neurological diseases, ADD, ADHD, pancreatic & digestive problems, inflammation, inflammatory diseases, obesity, bleeding disorders, anemia, low hormone production, levels of “bad” (malformed) hormones/proteins, “bad” (malformed) cholesterol, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypoadrenalism, hyperadrenalism, cystic fibrosis, many other ‘birth defects’, congenital malformations, infant and fetal deaths, cancer, bone & muscle degenerative conditions, shortened lifespan, heart/cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, allergies, respiratory illness, C.O.P.D., bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, kidney disease, liver disease, hearing and visual problems, and the list goes on. These things happen gradually over time, so we do not suspect we are slowly being poisoned. (See Ref 10 for neurological diseases being caused by copper deficiency.)
The “copper overload” disease or “copper toxicity syndrome” is caused by copper deficiency. This phenomenon is characterized by the presence of biounavailable or unbound copper accompanied by low levels of the copper transport protein ceruloplasmin. Due to the biounavailability of much of the copper, the body cannot accomplish the tasks of building, repairing, and healing to normal levels, resulting in symptoms and disease states. This phenomenon further emphasizes the importance of copper’s function in the body. However, based on the biounavailable copper, this phenomenon is routinely erroneously described as the presence of toxic levels of copper, when in fact it should be described as diminished levels of ceruloplasmin – MISSING PROTEINS due to copper deficiency. Copper in its natural, untampered with form is essentially non-toxic and any excess is readily excreted from the body.
Hair analysis results have been used to erroneously identify “copper toxicity”. Hair analysis reveals what is being excreted out of the body. The copper in hair analysis can show varying levels of copper output depending on an individual’s release of copper (individual biological response to disease states) and the types and amounts of copper depleting poisons that are being taken into the body. Regardless of the copper level output in a hair analysis, a presence of mineral imbalance indicates copper deficiency. Sufficient copper levels are essential in neutralizing the blood pH, by removing toxic metals/minerals and retaining and balancing the nutrient minerals.

“Survival of the Fittest” = Survival of the Unpoisoned

Copper Depleting Poisons: If the food and food chain was untainted and did not have any poisons, we would not be copper deficient. ALL the food now contains copper antagonists, blood thinners, alkaline chemicals, and copper binders, so that any copper that may have been present is negated. They have been depriving and depleting us of this most important nutrient, which must be acquired through the diet. We were born copper deficient, not because we were created with “genetic defects”, but because we have been slowly poisoned over the generations with copper depleting poisons. All the proof is self evident in the stores. There are thousands of these ingredients in everything we consume, and put on our skin. EVERY item has a combination of copper depleting poisons. One popular ingredient added to MANY foods and beverages is corn syrup, (which contains mercury), is specifically known to deplete copper from the body, and has been positively associated to diabetes prevalence and heart failure.(Refs 13 & 14)
Even “nutritional” supplements are loaded with copper depleting poisons. Note that some are stacked with vitamins, which are not required for supplementation, since the body produces its own. Vitamins deplete copper. One cannot get a copper supplement to boost levels of copper – they have ALL been prepared in an alkaline base or other chemical that negates the copper.

Some of the Genetically Modified (GM) foods have been modified by changing an acidic protein to an alkaline protein or by raising the pH level above that of copper (5.5), by inserting additional alkaline amino acids into the sequence, thereby negating any copper that was contained in the food. Other protein foods have been modified by adding additional sulfur amino acids into the amino acid sequences. Sulfur binds with copper and pulls it out of the body, thereby depleting copper status. This is the purpose of GM foods, to deprive and deplete us of the mineral copper, and to do further geneticDNA damage to the body structures, tissues, and blood. The “Mad Cow” disease that is widespread is from copper deficiency – (Ref 10). This is another way they deprive and deplete us of copper, by depriving and depleting the entire food chain of copper. They claim the populace gets plenty of “copper rich” foods, but when examining the list, these foods are known to be very rich in sulfur. (Foods Rich in Sulfur) Vaccines are loaded with toxins that deplete copper from the body, specifically targeting the liver, where the greatest percentage (~10%) of the body’s copper is stored and much of the protein synthesis takes place. Mercury is contained in many if not most vaccines, in addition to food and food chain. The primary accumulation points in the body for mercury are the brain and liver, displacing and depleting copper in those locations, causing massive DNA damage, (accompanied by devastating neurological dysfunction), by disrupting normal protein synthesis.

Radiation is extremely damaging to the body because it quickly depletes copper, while simultaneously raising the requirements for copper in the body. Radiation quickly and effectively breaks down the body at the cellular level causing massive DNA damage. More specifically, the damage occurs in the proteins, particularly in the blood, in which the hydrogen bonds that hold the proteins together are destroyed. Copper maintains a balanced pH of 7.00, providing the proper concentration of hydrogen in the blood. Therefore, since 95% of the population is already severely deficient in copper, this radiation will quickly deplete what copper is remaining resulting in severe symptoms and/or death. In other words, radiation expedites the onset of all the “diseases” and symptoms mentioned previously. Some additional more subtle signs of radiation poisoning: headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, (any abnormal heart beat), nausea, digestive disturbances, bowel problems, inability to stay asleep, hair loss, loss of pigmentation in hair, any signs of increased or accelerated aging, joint pains, vision and hearing problems, ringing or humming in the ears, irritability, reduced ability to concentrate, short term memory loss, tingling/tightening of the scalp and other parts of the body, dry or brittle skin/hair, increased severity of pre-existing symptoms or disease. Sources of radiation: WI-FI (wireless internet), computers, wireless CPU cards, wireless USB modems, wireless routers, television, high power lines, depleted uranium, cell phones, cell towers (nodes of the overhead/satellite wireless configurations) mammograms, and other sources of man-made radiation. Cell tower coverage now extends to virtually the entire land mass of the U.S., and other countries. Additionally, WI-FI is being installed everywhere now, even in fast food restaurants and campgrounds, schools, businesses, nursing homes/assisted living centers, overnight accommodations, libraries, universities, airports, flights, and many other places, making dangerous radiation exposure compulsory for everyone. Tenants unaware of the radiation dangers are having wireless installed in most if not all apartment buildings/complexes, and if only one tenant gets wireless (WI-FI), everyone else in the building is getting exposed, because the waves travel up to 300 feet (and greater depending on equipment) in all directions. The wavelength range for WI-FI, 12.07 – 12.43 centimeters, overlaps the wavelength of microwave ovens which use primarily a wavelength of 12.24 centimeters. The wireless industry is not providing warnings on the dangers of radiation exposure and claim to have no knowledge of these dangers, although there is vast evidence and information to the contrary. In September of 2007, Germany issued a nation wide alert for all its citizens to avoid or stop using WI-FI and cell phones. It is a known fact that human radiation experiments were conducted from the 1940’s to the 1970’s by the US government to determine the distance and duration required to kill or seriously injure different age groups of the population, ranging from toddlers to adults, so yes, they are totally aware of the dangers. Furthermore, there is no evidence proving that wireless radiation is harmless. (Research links: Radiation Poisoning of America, RF heating of body tissues and possible DNA alteration (mutation) happens to 100% of the people exposed to RF;too many sites to list)

The Poisoners & Population Reduction: How did they manage to pull off such a successful, massive poisoning campaign, and deceive everyone on the different blood types and diseases? They are one entity coordinating & cooperating with many, they possess great wealth, and they have many fronts. They own/control ALL the food and food processing entities, personal care products included, and everything that manufactures poisons, and they have a monopoly on the wireless industry. They successfully sneak the poisons into the food and food chain, because they control every level and function of our government – every agency, organization, the administration, congress, house, all the political parties, FDA, AMA, CDC, USDA, FCC, naturapathic and alternative health care community, their “research” institutions and foundations, and the list goes on. They have agents and fronts to control us and control what goes into our food and food chain. It’s all about control, greed, keeping our minds weak, and decreasing our lifespan. This is how they have been accomplishing their goal of population reduction.

Body bags disrupt Canada's flu-readiness message

REUTERS Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:41pm EDT

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - The Canadian government sent body bags to some remote Indian reserves as it prepared for the winter flu season, sending a jarring message at odds with its promise that it's ready for the H1N1 flu.

The body bags went to some reserves in Manitoba, the western province in which some remote Indian communities were hard-hit by the flu in the spring, Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said on Wednesday.

"It is very disturbing," Aglukkaq told reporters on a conference call. "It's a serious issue and it's very concerning to me."

Aglukkaq said she didn't have details of the body-bag shipments and has ordered officials to investigate.

At least four Manitoba reserves received body bags from Canada's health department in shipments that also included supplies like masks and hand sanitizer, the Winnipeg Free Press said.

"This says to me they've given up," the newspaper quoted Chief David Harper of Northern Manitoba's Garden Hill reserve, which received some of the body bags, as saying.

Sending body bags is "a totally unnecessary thing," said chief public health officer Dr. David Butler-Jones.

Canada, a country of 33.6 million people, has ordered 50.4 million doses of vaccine and plans to begin immunizations in November. If Canada doesn't need all its order, it will leave some vaccines available for other countries, Butler-Jones said.

Government officials aim to first distribute H1N1 vaccine to pregnant women, people living in remote communities, people with chronic health conditions and health-care workers.

"The whole population can be immunized very quickly," Butler-Jones said.

The flu, now a worldwide pandemic, has killed 76 people in Canada.

BREAKING NEWS Meredith: Bloody Footprint 'Doesn't Match' Iran president says Holocaust "pretext" to form Israel

Reuters Parisa Hafezi
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday the Holocaust was a "lie" and a pretext to create a Jewish state that Iranians had a religious duty to confront.Skip related content
"The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false ... It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," he told worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally.
"Confronting the Zionist regime (Israel) is a national and religious duty."
Since coming to power in 2005, Ahmadinejad has provoked international condemnation for saying the Holocaust was a "myth" and calling Israel a "tumour" in the Middle East.
His government held a conference in 2006 questioning the fact that Nazis used gas chambers to kill 6 million Jews in World War Two.
Ahmadinejad's critics say his fiery anti-Western speeches and questioning of the Holocaust have isolated Iran, which is at odds with the West over its disputed nuclear program.
The hardline president, who often rails against Israel and the West, warned leaders of Western-allied Arab and Muslim countries about dealing with Israel.
"This regime (Israel) will not last long. Do not tie your fate to it ... This regime has no future. Its life has come to an end," he said in a speech broadcast live on state radio.
European countries have criticised the hardline president for his views on Israel, which Iran refuses to recognise since its 1979 Islamic revolution.
Israel, the United States and their European allies suspect Iran of trying to use its nuclear program to build an atomic bomb. Tehran insists its nuclear work is aimed at generating electricity.
Ahmadinejad said Iran rejected any Middle East peace plan that did not guarantee the rights of the Palestinians.
"The Palestinians should know that they owe everything to their resistance," he said, rejecting any solutions based on compromises.
The hardline leader played down the importance of any protests he may face in New York during his upcoming trip to attend the U.N. General Assembly.
"These futile actions have no political value. The Iranian nation will not blink an eye over your actions," he said to chants of "Death to Israel."
Ahmadinejad railed against the United States during his previous appearances at the General Assembly, which takes place at the U.N. headquarters on international territory on the east side of Manhattan.
All world leaders are invited to the annual gathering in September, to the discomfort of the United States which has been forced over the years to allow in foes like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Ahmadinejad.
(Additional reporting by Firouz Sedarat, Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by Charles Dick)

EXCLUSIVE: W.H. collects Web users' data without notice

The Washington Times By Audrey Hudson (Contact)


The White House is collecting and storing comments and videos placed on its social-networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube without notifying or asking the consent of the site users, a failure that appears to run counter to President Obama's promise of a transparent government and his pledge to protect privacy on the Internet.

Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said the White House signaled that it would insist on open dealings with Internet users and, in fact, should feel obliged to disclose that it is collecting such information.

"The White House has not been adequately transparent, particularly on how it makes use of new social media techniques, such as this example," he said.

Defenders of the White House actions said the Presidential Records Act requires that the administration gather the information and that it was justified in taking the additional step of asking a private contractor to "crawl and archive" all such material. Nicholas Shapiro, a White House spokesman, declined to say when the practice began or how much the new contract would cost.

Susan Cooper, a spokeswoman for National Archives and Records Administration, said the presidential records law applies to "social media" and to public comments "received by the president or immediate staff."

Read entire story here:

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

News Analysis by IBD | Posted Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:30 PM PT

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.

IBD Exclusive Series: Condition Critical: What Doctors Think About Health Reform

The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors' own lobby — the powerful American Medical Association — both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul.

It also calls into question whether an overhaul is even doable; 72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost.

The IBD/TIPP Poll was conducted by mail the past two weeks, with 1,376 practicing physicians chosen randomly throughout the country taking part. Responses are still coming in, and doctors' positions on related topics — including the impact of an overhaul on senior care, medical school applications and drug development — will be covered later in this series.

Major findings included:

• Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration's claims that doctors are part of an "unprecedented coalition" supporting a medical overhaul.

It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a "majority of physicians want public and private insurance options," and clashes with media reports such as Tuesday's front-page story in the Los Angeles Times with the headline "Doctors Go For Obama's Reform."

Nowhere in the Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA — the "association representing the nation's physicians" and what "many still regard as the country's premier lobbying force" — is "lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama's sweeping plan."

The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA's support of Democrats' proposed health care overhaul.

• Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.

More than 800,000 doctors were practicing in 2006, the government says. Projecting the poll's finding onto that population, 360,000 doctors would consider quitting.

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• More than seven in 10 doctors, or 71% — the most lopsided response in the poll — answered "no" when asked if they believed "the government can cover 47 million more people and that it will cost less money and the quality of care will be better."

This response is consistent with critics who complain that the administration and congressional Democrats have yet to explain how, even with the current number of physicians and nurses, they can cover more people and lower the cost at the same time.

The only way, the critics contend, is by rationing care — giving it to some and denying it to others. That cuts against another claim by plan supporters — that care would be better.

IBD/TIPP's finding that many doctors could leave the business suggests that such rationing could be more severe than even critics believe. Rationing is one of the drawbacks associated with government plans in countries such as Canada and the U.K. Stories about growing waiting lists for badly needed care, horror stories of care gone wrong, babies born on sidewalks, and even people dying as a result of care delayed or denied are rife.

In this country, the number of doctors is already lagging population growth.

From 2003 to 2006, the number of active physicians in the U.S. grew by just 0.8% a year, adding a total of 25,700 doctors.

Recent population growth has been 1% a year. Patients, in short, are already being added faster than physicians, creating a medical bottleneck.

The great concern is that, with increased mandates, lower pay and less freedom to practice, doctors could abandon medicine in droves, as the IBD/TIPP Poll suggests. Under the proposed medical overhaul, an additional 47 million people would have to be cared for — an 18% increase in patient loads, without an equivalent increase in doctors. The actual effect could be somewhat less because a significant share of the uninsured already get care.

Even so, the government vows to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from health care spending to pay for reform, which would encourage a flight from the profession.

The U.S. today has just 2.4 physicians per 1,000 population — below the median of 3.1 for members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the official club of wealthy nations.

Adding millions of patients to physicians' caseloads would threaten to overwhelm the system. Medical gatekeepers would have to deny care to large numbers of people. That means care would have to be rationed.

"It's like giving everyone free bus passes, but there are only two buses," Dr. Ted Epperly, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, told the Associated Press.

Hope for a surge in new doctors may be misplaced. A recent study from the Association of American Medical Colleges found steadily declining enrollment in medical schools since 1980.

The study found that, just with current patient demand, the U.S. will have 159,000 fewer doctors than it needs by 2025. Unless corrected, that would make some sort of medical rationing or long waiting lists almost mandatory.

Experiments at the state level show that an overhaul isn't likely to change much.

On Monday came word from the Massachusetts Medical Society — a group representing physicians in a state that has implemented an overhaul similar to that under consideration in Washington — that doctor shortages remain a growing problem.

Its 2009 Physician Workforce Study found that:

• The primary care specialties of family medicine and internal medicine are in short supply for a fourth straight year.

• The percentage of primary care practices closed to new patients is the highest ever recorded.

• Seven of 18 specialties — dermatology, neurology, urology, vascular surgery and (for the first time) obstetrics-gynecology, in addition to family and internal medicine — are in short supply.

• Recruitment and retention of physicians remains difficult, especially at community hospitals and with primary care.

A key reason for the doctor shortages, according to the study, is a "lingering poor practice environment in the state."

In 2006, Massachusetts passed its medical overhaul — minus a public option — similar to what's being proposed on a national scale now. It hasn't worked as expected. Costs are higher, with insurance premiums rising 22% faster than in the U.S. as a whole.

"Health spending in Massachusetts is higher than the United States on average and is growing at a faster rate," according to a recent report from the Urban Institute.

Other states with government-run or mandated health insurance systems, including Maine, Tennessee and Hawaii, have been forced to cut back services and coverage.

This experience has been repeated in other countries where a form of nationalized care is common. In particular, many nationalized health systems seem to have trouble finding enough doctors to meet demand.

In Britain, a lack of practicing physicians means the country has had to import thousands of foreign doctors to care for patients in the National Health Service.

"A third of (British) primary care trusts are flying in (general practitioners) from as far away as Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland" because of a doctor shortage, a recent story in the British Daily Mail noted.

British doctors, demoralized by long hours and burdensome rules, simply refuse to see patients at nights and weekends.

Likewise, Canadian physicians who have to deal with the stringent rules and income limits imposed by that country's national health plan have emigrated in droves to other countries, including the U.S.

Tomorrow: Why most doctors oppose the government's plan — in their own words.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone

Monday, Sept 14th, 2009

Dr Marc Girard, a specialist in the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has said said on French TV that the “swine flu” vaccine could cause 60,000 deaths in France, especially among young people, children and pregnant women.

He also said that the people promoting the “swine flu” vaccine are doing so because they have links with the pharmaceutical company.

The problem with the “swine flu” vaccine is that it is not just “badly developed” but “not developed”, he said, adding that it is being prepared in conditions that endanger the public health



“A vaccine is being developed in conditions of amateurism such as I have never seen. Lets take the pessimistic hypothesis: one death among every 1000 patients. There are plans to vaccinate 60 million people, and you so you already have 60,000 deaths, and this time, young people, children, pregnant women.”

“What you are saying is serious because many people are getting ready to get the vaccine and you, you are saying: „You must not get a vaccination!”

” YES, it is a vaccine that has been developed at great speed in conditions that put in danger the public health. There is a need to return back to the obligation that politicians have right now to protect citizens against the desire of the pharmaceutical industry to make money with all these vaccines. There is a public health code of law from 2007 which obliges all health professionals who give their opinions to reveal their interests. That law is ridiculed every day. All the people who you see saying: „the flu, its very serious, have interests, their lines interests, and that is why they say what they say. The public health administration is an example to us of a daily violation of the law. I am a medical specialist and I am against medicines that have no purpose. This vaccine is not just badly developed: it is not developed!”

Monday, September 14, 2009

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'


Last updated at 6:59 AM on 14th September 2009

As many as one million people flooded into Washington for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama is driving America towards socialism.

The size of the crowd - by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January - shocked the White House.

Demonstrators massed outside Capitol Hill after marching down Pennsylvania Avenue waving placards and chanting 'Enough, enough'.

Tens of thousands of people converged on Capitol Hill on Saturday to protest against government spending

Tens of thousands of people converged on Capitol Hill on Saturday to protest against government spending

The focus of much of the anger was the president's so-called 'Obamacare' plan to overhaul the U.S. health system.

Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading 'Go Green Recycle Congress' and 'I'm Not Your ATM'.'

The protest on Saturday came as Mr Obama took his campaign for health reforms on the road, making his argument to a rally of 15,000 supporters in Minneapolis.

Saying he was determined to push through a bill making health insurance more affordable, Mr Obama said: 'I intend to be president for a while and once this bill passes, I own it.

US President Barack Obama sports a mustache famously worn by German dictator Adolf Hitler

US President Barack Obama sports a mustache famously worn by German dictator Adolf Hitler

Demonstrators hold up banners on Capitol Hill in Washington on Saturday

Demonstrators hold up banners on Capitol Hill in Washington on Saturday

'I will not waste time with those who think that it's just good politics to kill healthcare.'

But in Washington, protester Richard Brigle, 57, a Vietnam veteran, said: 'It's going to cost too much money we don't have.' Another marcher shouted: 'You want socialism? Go to Russia!'

Terri Hall, 45, of Florida, said she felt compelled to become political for the first time this year because she was upset by government spending.

'Our government has lost sight of the powers they were granted,' she said. She added that the deficit spending was out of control, and said she thought it was putting the country at risk.

Anna Hayes, 58, a nurse from Fairfax County, stood on the Mall in 1981 for Reagan's inauguration. 'The same people were celebrating freedom,' she said. 'The president was fighting for the people then. I remember those years very well and fondly.'

Saying she was worried about 'Obamacare,'Hayes explained: 'This is the first rally I've been to that demonstrates against something, the first in my life. I just couldn't stay home anymore.'

Andrew Moylan, of the National Taxpayers Union, received a roar of approval after he told protesters: 'Hell hath no fury like a taxpayer ignored.'

Republican lawmakers also supported the rally.

'Republicans, Democrats and independents are stepping up and demanding we put our fiscal house in order,' Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said.

'I think the overriding message after years of borrowing, spending and bailouts is enough is enough.'

FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House of Representatives Majority Leader Dick Armey, organized several groups from across the country for what they billed as a 'March on Washington.'

Organisers said they had built on momentum from the April 'tea party' demonstrations held nationwide to protest at Mr Obama's taxation policies, along with growing resentment over his economic stimulus packages and bank bailouts.


The heated demonstrations were organized by a Conservative group called the Tea Party Patriots

The heated demonstrations were organized by a Conservative group called the Tea Party Patriots

Other sponsors of the rally include the Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform and the Ayn Rand Center for Individuals Rights.

Recent polls illustrate how difficult recent weeks have been for a president who, besides tackling health care, has been battling to end a devastatingly deep recession. 

Fifty per cent approve and 49 per cent disapprove of the overall job he is doing as president, compared to July, when those approving his performance clearly outnumbered those who were unhappy with it, 55 per cent to 42 per cent.

Just 42 percent approve of the president's work on the high-profile health issue.

'Parasite-in-chief': The title given to the American President during the demonstrations on Saturday

'Parasite-in-chief': The title given to the American President during the demonstrations on Saturday

The poll was taken over five days just before Obama's speech to Congress. That speech reflected Obama's determination to push ahead despite growing obstacles.

Prior to Obama's speech before Congress U.S. Capitol Police arrested a man they say tried to get into a secure area near the Capitol with a gun in his car as President Barack Obama was speaking.

On Thursday police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider said that 28-year-old Joshua Bowman of suburban Falls Church, Virginia, was arrested around 8pm on Wednesday when Obama was due to speak.

Bowman's intentions were unclear, police said.

Read more: