Saturday, October 31, 2009

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30

As the world enters the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic season, another possible virus emerges as 30 people in the Eastern European country of Ukraine have died from this latest flu.

Each country is dealing with their own cases of the H1N1 Swine Flu and many have even taken the vaccination but is H1N1 the only flu out there? A viral infection in Ukraine has taken the lives of 30 people and at first it seemed like an ordinary flu but after a week the symptoms became worse.

Radio Netherlands Worldwide reports 40,000 Ukrainians have contracted the disease and at least 100 are in the hospital. Tests are currently being conducted and all is known is that it is not the H1N1 Swine Flu.

A large number of schools and childcare facilities are being shut down, especially in the city of Lvov. Also, government agencies are handing out surgical masks and gloves to people in the western part of Ukraine.

However, Russia Today is reporting that it is A/H1N1 or Californian Flu and the total number of deaths is closer to 40.

Prime Minister Timoshenko stated, “Express-tests cannot provide a hundred percent verification of the virus, they give only 50% accuracy. That’s why blood probes of those who died were sent to special laboratories for further testing. And only this morning it was confirmed that at least 11 deaths were caused by the A/H1N1 virus.”

The Ukrainian government is calling for international aid to help fight their epidemic and President Yushchenko believes the country needs more than $6 million to battle the epidemic(s).

Wolne Media have also reported that the symptoms have been diagnosed as pneumonia. Furthermore, four patients in the hospital in Lviv Oblast have been confirmed to have “very severe pneumonia” after contracting the influenza

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wrong approach

Anti-defamation policy infringes on free speech

Battle Creek Enguirer OCTOBER 29, 2009

No one likes to be mocked or insulted. Nonetheless, freedom of speech requires a certain tolerance of offensive remarks. As long as words are not obscene and do not incite imminent public danger, they are allowed under the U.S. Constitution.

Such protections are essential to ensure that Americans can freely express their opinions and beliefs, no matter how unpopular they might be.

So we have to disagree with a resolution being promoted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference. The 56-nation bloc of Islamic countries wants the United Nations Human Rights Council to implement anti-defamation policies regarding religion. Like most folks, we don't like rude remarks about any religion, but trying to banish them would restrict freedom of expression and, ultimately, freedom of religion.

It is important to distinguish between discrimination and defamation. Discrimination involves actions that violate the rights of others, and should be condemned. But defamation is merely the expression of opinions, and does not have a physical impact on the ability of others to function.

The push for an anti-defamation resolution is due, at least in part, to what are viewed by many Muslims as anti-Islamic incidents in recent years, such as the publication in Europe of several cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.

While we understand that Muslims were insulted, such gestures should not be outlawed. In this country, many people are offended by the burning of the U.S. flag or the use of religious symbols in controversial art projects, yet the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that such expressions must be allowed under the First Amendment.

In trying to determine what constitutes "defamation" of religion, it seems inevitable that someone's opinions will be constrained or silenced. We live in a world where religious beliefs proliferate, and we must allow all to be heard, no matter how repugnant they might be to our own views.

In Your Voice

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Five deaths in Sweden after swine flu jab tip of the iceberg

The Flucase 29 October 2009 20:11Thursday

The five deaths as well as the 15 cases of hospitalisation reported in Sweden so far due to the swine flu jab are just the tip of the iceberg, Wolfgang Becker-Brüser of  arznei-telegramm has said, according to the Kurier.
Gunila Sjöln-Forsberg of the Swedish Medical Agency said that there was no indication that the jabs were responsible, raising concerns that the authorities are covering up.
The authorities in Sweden have not instituted a programme to check systematically side effects of the swine flu vaccine  but are relying on patients and doctors reporting deaths and damage.
According to the report in the Kurier, one million Swedes have so far got the swine flu jab.
This is the report in German:

Fünf Tote in Schweden nach H1N1-Impfung

Die chronisch kranken Patienten starben kurz nach der Neue Grippe-Impfung. Ob ein Zusammenhang besteht, ist unklar.
Als Impfmuffel kann man die Schweden nicht gerade bezeichnen: Seit 12. Oktober haben sich bereits etwa eine Millione Menschen mit dem Schweinegrippe-Impfstoff Pandemrix impfen lassen.
Inzwischen hat aber das Vertrauen in diese Vorsorgemaßnahme einen Dämpfer erhalten: Fünf Menschen starben einige Stunden bis wenige Tage nach der Impfung. Die Toten waren zwischen 50 und 90 Jahre alt. "Alle litten unter chronischen Grunderkrankungen wie Herz-Kreislauf-Leiden, Diabetes und Nierenproblemen", sagt Gunilla Sjölin-Forsberg von der schwedischen Medical Products Agency zum KURIER. "Die Todesfälle werden genau überprüft. Bislang gibt es noch keinen Hinweis darauf, dass die Impfung verantwortlich ist", betont die Expertin.
"Wenn man viele ältere und kranke Menschen impft, gibt es einfach nach der Impfung natürliche Todesfälle, die aber mit der Impfung nichts zu tun haben", sagt der Pharmakologe Markus Müller, MedUni Wien. "Todesfälle im direkten Zusammenhang mit der Impfung sind extrem unwahrscheinlich."
Als schwerere Nebenwirkungen wurden in Schweden zudem 37 Fälle von allergischen Reaktionen beobachtet, 15 der Betroffenen mussten im Spital behandelt werden. "Sie hatten eine Allergie auf Ei-Inhaltsstoffe", so Sjölin-Forsberg. Eier werden für die Herstellung von Pandemrix benötigt. Der in Österreich verwendete Impfstoff Celvapan wird hingegen auf Zellkulturen gezüchtet. Die restlichen gemeldeten Nebenwirkungen - etwa lokale Hautreaktionen - seien "erwartbar" gewesen.
"Die erfassten schweren Nebenwirkungen in Schweden sind sicher nur die Spitze des Eisberges, weil es auch dort keine systematische Beobachtung der Nebenwirkungen, sondern nur Spontanmeldungen gibt", sagt Wolfgang Becker-Brüser vom pharmakritischen arznei-telegramm in Berlin. Er kritisiert, dass in der Öffentlichkeit die Schäden, die die Neue Grippe einerseits und die Impfung andererseits verursachen, verzerrt dargestellt werden: "Bei chronisch Kranken, die nach H1N1-Infektionen sterben, wird meist ausgeklammert, dass die Patienten auch an ihrer Grunderkrankung gestorben sein könnten. Bei Todesfällen nach Impfungen ist es, wie jetzt in Schweden, genau umgekehrt."

Innsbrucker Patientin

Nicht verbessert hat sich der Gesundheitszustand jener elfjährigen Südtirolerin, die nach der Infektion mit Schweinegrippe in Innsbruck behandelt wird . Sie bleibt nach dem Versagen ihrer Lunge weiter an die Herz-Lungen-Maschine angeschlossen, die sie mit Sauerstoff versorgt. Inzwischen ist ein bakterieller Erreger (Staphylokokkus) sowohl in der Lungenflüssigkeit, als auch in der Luftröhre nachgewiesen worden. Die Behandlung mit Antibiotika und antiviralen Medikamenten werde fortgesetzt.

Breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" challenges conventional thinking on HIV, AIDS

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung isn't winning any friends in the pharmaceutical industry these days. His breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" features jaw-dropping interviews with doctors, researchers and even the co-discoverer of HIV himself (Luc Montagnier), all of whom reveal startling information calling into question the "official" explanation of HIV and AIDS.
An exclusive trailer from House of Numbers is now available on YouTube:
More information about the film is available at
The film isn't publicly available yet, as it's been screened in film festivals around the world. Check the available screening events at the film's website:
Because of the game-changing statements heard from numerous health authorities in this film, it threatens the very foundations of the HIV / AIDS industry. Pharmaceutical companies are fronting a specific mythology about AIDS that maximizes their profits from AIDS drugs and (failed) vaccines, but that mythology is about to be dismantled when House of Numbers is released in theaters nationwide over the next few months.
This could be the documentary that shatters Big Pharma's false paradigms about HIV and AIDS.

The AIDS testing hoax

In the film, Brent Leung subjects himself to an HIV test and discovers that a "diagnosis" of being HIV positive has more to do with the answers you provide to lifestyle questions than any specific microbe appearing in your blood. The diagnosis of AIDS -- as well as the very definition -- is also apparently so wishy-washy that increasing numbers of well-trained scientists are now questioning whether AIDS exists at all.
"The presently available data does not prove the existence of HIV," says one health expert interviewed for the film. Another expert says, "The more diseases they could lump into these AIDS categories, the more patients they could catch."
"I think HIV totally has turned out not to be the cause of AIDS. HIV has turned out not to be!" says another interviewee.
"We can be exposed to HIV many times without being ... infected," says Dr Luc Montagnier, the Nobel prize-winning virologist credited with the co-discovery of HIV. "Our immune systemcreates [antibodies] within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system."
The documentary film exposes the sharp contradictions in current scientific opinion about HIV / AIDS. "As I started questioning scientists and delving further into testing protocols and statistical modeling and science, I began to see a lot of the contradictions that they had amongst themselves," said filmmaker Brent Leung. "One of the things that became apparent to me is how important it is to question everything that we're told and not automatically accept any fact as truth."
One bizarre thing the film exposes is the ever-shifting definition of "AIDS." In the United States, the official definition has been rewritten three times, and definitions vary widely around the world. AIDS isn't simply the presence of the HIV virus; it's a fictitious disease label that's attached to a list of symptoms that continues to expand as the drug companies attempt to ensnare yet more victims into the AIDS label trap.

The experts sound off

House of Numbers is not a "fringe" film featuring dissenting opinions from conspiracy theorists. Rather, it is a lucid, intelligent collection of conversations with some of the world's top virologists and Nobel prize-winning scientists, including former experts from the CDC, the WHO and UNAIDS. Many are speaking out against the conventional AIDS mythology for the first time on camera.
Those interviewed for the film include Dr. Robert Gallo, Dr. Luc Montagnier, Dr. Michael Gottlieb, Dr. Joe Sonnabend, Dr. Kary Mullis, James Curran, Dr. Peter Piot, Dr. James Chin, Dr. Peter Duesberg and many others.
The film has already received "Best Documentary" and other awards from the many film festivals where it has been featured. Momentum is building for the film, and mainstream distribution looks like a healthy possibility for 2010.
"My main hope is that it educates people about the fact that this isn't a clear cut issue," says Leung. "I also hope it empowers people - that it causes them to question not just HIV and AIDS, but all facets of issues which impact our lives. I think we should further explore what we don't know, and to welcome further discussion, because that will help us to know more and become more informed."
Learn more at

My take on the film

I've served as the editor of NaturalNews for six years, and in that time, I've watched the pharmaceutical industry engage in rampant disease mongering in order to push their high-profit pills. They've done it with psychiatric disorders, high cholesterol and many other conditions. I've also watched how the cancer industry is based entirely on lies about some search for a "cure" even while most of the industry continues to push mammograms that actually cause cancer.
The AIDS industry has a lot in common with the cancer industry, in fact. They're both based on scientific quackery. They both demand the dogmatic worship of a particular set of completely non-scientific "truths" that cannot be challenged, and they both focus on generating pharmaceutical profits at the expense of human health.
Also, both industries depend entirely upon the continuation of the disease they claim to treat. Where would Big Pharma be without cancer, AIDS and vaccines? Profits would fall sharply. So diagnosing as many people as possible with AIDS (and cancer) is an important strategy for boosting Big Pharma's annual revenues.
After reading books on AIDS by Dr. Gary Null and others, I'm convinced that the official mythology about AIDS is a cruel hoax perpetrated by the drug companies. That doesn't mean there aren't people suffering from very real immune suppression disorders, but I believe it is far too simplistic to explain the root causes as being solely due to HIV. The entire HIV explanation is just a clever way to shift control over AIDS patients into the hands of drug companies where highly toxic chemicals are sold at ridiculous profits to people who are rarely helped by them.
The collection of immune suppression symptoms typically labeled "AIDS" could be far more effectively treated with naturopathic health strategies, including aggressive detoxification strategies, the removal of heavy metals, the avoidance of environmental synthetic chemicals (in foods, drugs, personal care products, homes and offices) and the addition of powerful immune-boosting herbs, foods and superfoods.
Essentially, AIDS can be cured in much the same way cancer can be cured: By radically altering food intake and lifestyle decisions to support a vibrant, healthy immune system.
Remember what Dr Luc Montagnier said in the film: "We can be exposed to HIV many times without being ... infected. Our immune system creates [antibodies] within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system."
In other words, AIDS exposure is not a death sentence (as Big Pharma would have you believe). It's like many other viruses: A weakened, suppressed immune system gives it the opportunity to wreak havoc throughout your body, but a strong immune system allows you to overcome AIDS and build up your own immunity in a few weeks.
Essentially, being labeled "HIV-positive" is a tactic being used around the world to scare people into buying more high-profit AIDS drugs. But HIV-positive isn't a death sentence, either. With the right immune-supporting solutions in place, even people who carry the HIV virus can live out a full life without any symptoms of AIDS.
What's fantastic about House of Numbers is that it has the courage to challenge the status quo with much-needed critical thinking about HIV and AIDS. As such, House of Numbers is a daring yet brilliant foray into the realms of contradictory medicine where myth trumps science... and profits win out against human compassion. For such a powerful film to have been created by such a young filmmaker is remarkable in itself; and for any film to so courageously challenge the broken mythology of the AIDS industry is an accomplishment for which any filmmaker -- at any age -- should be widely recognized.
House of Numbers will rock the AIDS establishment and cause a whole new generation of thinkers to start critically questioning HIV / AIDS mythology (and the for-profit corporations that push it).

The AIDS myth - what the experts say

To provide more information on this topic, we've pulled together a collection of statements about HIV and AIDS from our library of top health books. We're including a few quotes here, and you can read the full collection (7 pages of quotes) at:
The renaming of old diseases as AIDS further supports the hypothesis that the AIDS syndrome is never found in anyone without presence of HIV. By definition, there is no AIDS without HIV, regardless how many non-HIV people may die from the very same symptoms. Accordingly, anything that even remotely resembles immune deficiency plus HIV now counts as an AIDS disease, despite the fact that AIDS patients with Kaposi's sarcoma have been reported to have normal immune systems. It has been argued that wherever there is HIV, AIDS will be the consequence. However, this argument is heavily flawed.
- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz
He sees AIDS as a sort of catch-all term that "spuriously links 29 (at last count) old and extremely heterogeneous AIDS indicator diseases together with a presumption of HIV infection." Those who believe in AIDS as a new syndrome, he says, would have a case if, indeed, it were "a serious disease of acquired immune deficiency without preexisting or induced immune deficiency." The problem is that "in all verifiable cases, demonstrable immune-suppressive disease and/or treatment have always preceded" the onset of AIDS.
- AIDS: A Second Opinion by Gary Null, James Feast
In fact, he showed that HIV alone could not cause AIDS. Increasing evidence indicates that AIDS may be a toxicity syndrome or metabolic disorder that is caused by immunity risk factors, including heroin, sex-enhancement drugs, antibiotics, commonly prescribed AIDS drugs, rectal intercourse, starvation, malnutrition, and dehydration. Dozens of prominent scientists working at the forefront of AIDS research now openly question the virus hypothesis of AIDS.
- Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism by Andreas Moritz
Another report also noted low serum zinc levels in those with AIDS but not other stages of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. A child with AIDS was found to have all the signs and symptoms of a zinc-deficiency disorder. It is still unclear why these AIDS patients have low serum zinc levels. What is clear is that this aspect of the AIDS problem should be vigorously pursued. These exciting findings justify further clinical trials to determine the effects of supplementary zinc on the immune system and in the treatment of immune disorders such as AIDS.
- The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia by Sheldon Saul Hendler
Read the rest of these quotes about the AIDS mythology at:
Watch the trailer for House of Numbers here:
Here's another fascinating trailer from the movie, which I call the "There's no profit in nutrition" trailer:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Toxic Ingredients in the Arepanrix H1N1 Vaccine

Health Canada has authorized the sale of Arepanrix™ H1N1 vaccinebased on no conclusive clinical testing. The authorization is based on the Health Canada review of available data on the quality, safety and immunogenicity of similar vaccines, which established the benefit/risk profile in favour of inoculating the Canadian population.
Read the Notice of Decision issued by Health Canada. The decision by the Health Minister was based on a belief (not qualified or informed) that immediate action is required to deal with the H1N1 risk. The assertion that the decision is based on limited clinical testing is being misapplied.There has been NO conclusive results from any clinical trials on the Arepanrix H1N1 vaccine.
This report is designed to inform you how the risks outweigh the benefits of the vaccine. It will demonstrate how the Health Canada assessment is flawed and contradictory to established research on the detrimental health effects of the vaccine ingredients contained in Arepanrix.

Description and Composition
Arepanrix™ H1N1 (AS03-adjuvanted H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine) is a two-component vaccine consisting of an H1N1 antigen (as a suspension), and an AS03 adjuvant (as an oil-in-water emulsion).
The virus is inactivated followed by formaldehyde treatment and disrupted with sodium deoxycholate.
Preservative content:
5µg (micrograms) Thimerosal USP per 0.5mL dose or 2.5 micrograms organic mercury (Hg) per 0.5mL dose


The AS03 adjuvant system is composed of DL-α-tocopherol, squalene and polysorbate 80 in a 3mL vial:
DL-α-tocopherol: 11.86 milligrams/0.5mL dose
Squalene: 10.69 milligrams/0.5mL dose,
Polysorbate 80: 4.86 milligrams/0.5mL dose
Analysis of Ingredients

According to the Australian National Research Council, fewer than 20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be susceptible to formaldehyde and may react acutely at any exposure level.
More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems, on at least 8 federal regulatory lists, it is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health (Environmental Defense Fund).
Formalyn a 37 percent solution of gaseous formaldehyde which includes methano (used in vaccines as a tissue fixative) is considered a hazardous compound, and its vapor is toxic.
In the body, formaldehyde can cause proteins to irreversibly bind to DNA. Laboratory animals exposed to doses of inhaled formaldehyde over their lifetimes have developed more cancers of the nose and throat than are usual, as have workers in particle-board sawmills… Formaldehyde is classifed as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and as a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Sodium Deoxycholate
Sodium Deoxycholate is a water soluble ionic detergent/bile salt which causes cell death and symptoms such as burning, redness, and swelling. It has been shown to weaken the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) and subsequently activate seizures. It has demonstrated synergistic toxicity with antifungal drugs.

Detergents and emulsifiers promote tumors and cause cells to leak or explode by weakening their walls, with no mechanism for regulating destructive activity. These chemicals are not completely purified out of the final vaccine product, so they enter the body at the time of injection.
Detergents are used extensively in cell research precisely because of their ability to break cells open for further analysis. This catastrophically mimics the membrane attack complex (MAC). Detergents hit cells at random and continue destroying cells regardless of which call off the attack.
Sodium Deoxycholate is completely foreign to the relationships that define and make up the delicate balance of the immune system. It systematically disrupts these relationships to negate the optimal function and design of immune responses.


Thimerosal has powerful and damaging effects on cells of the nervous and immune systems in mammals including humans. Its effect may vary depending on the dose, the genetics of the individual, and the timing of exposure. The mercury dose from thimerosal produces acute and often deadly ethylmercury blood levels.
Organic forms of mercury are well-known neurotoxic agents
and far more dangerous than inorganic mercury sources. Exposure to organic mercury produces predominantly central nervous system (CNS) effects that are commonly severe and can induce prolonged unconsciousness, coma and death. (See: Acta Chim. Slov. 2004, 51, 361-372)

After only 2 hour exposures, thimerosal at micromolar concentrations causes neuronal membrane damage and alterations leading to cell death in immune T-cells.

Thimerosal alters the functioning of critical neurotransmitters necessary for proper brain functioning.

Thimerosal causes DNA fragmentation of neuronal cells and disrupts
neuronal growth factor signaling at micromolar and even nanomolar concentrations. It also causes DNA methylation and attentional
pathways at nanomolar concentrations, leading to alterations in brain function.
Under microscopic magnification the following video presentation by the University of Calgary demonstrates the immediate damage mercury does to the structure of brain cells.

75 Studies Demonstrating the Toxic Effects of Thimerosal and Mercury

National Center For Biotechnology Information
* Toxicity of Thimerosal
* Poisoning of Thimerosal
Adverse Effects of Thimerosal

Squalene in AS03 adjuvant
Too dangerous for human use, Squalene is not officially licensed for use in the United States or Canada. Oil adjuvants like squalene have been ordinarily used to inflict diseases in animals – for experimentation and study. According to anthrax vaccine expert Gary Matsumoto and other reliable sources, the US military used an unlicensed, experimental anthrax vaccination laced with squalene, with disastrous consequences, including Gulf War Sydrome.
"There are now data in more than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers, from ten different laboratories in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, documenting that squalene-based adjuvants can induce autoimmune diseases in animals, observed in mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Sweden's Karolinska Institute has demonstrated that squalene alone can induce the animal version of rheumatoid arthritis. The Polish Academy of Sciences has shown that in animals, squalene alone can produce catastrophic injury to the nervous system and the brain. The University of Florida Medical School has shown that in animals, squalene alone can induce production of antibodies specifically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus" writes Matsumoto.
Oil-based vaccination adjuvants like squalene have been proved to generate concentrated, unremitting immune responses over long periods of time according to a 2000 article in The American Journal of Pathology. The study demonstrated that a single injection of the adjuvant squalene into rats triggered a chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation, also known as rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers concluded the study raised questions about the role of adjuvants in chronic inflammatory diseases.
Squalene Adjuvant Toxicity in Animals

National Center For Biotechnology Information
Toxicity of Squalene
Adverse Effects of Squalene

Polysorbate 80

Polysorbate 80 is similar to Sodium Deoxycholate in its ability to increase cell permeability, damage, and bursting. After injection it can rapidly metabolize into sorbitol and ethylene oxide which is much more toxic than the original chemical. When Polysorbate 80 breaks down there are 20 moles of ethylene oxide for every mole of sorbitol. These polysorbates have been shown to cause dangerous, sometimes fatal effects, when given through a needle. Changes in heart function can occur immediately. The blood-brain-barrier (BBB) can be weakened and penetrated, followed by seizures and even death. Polysorbates demonstrate synergistic toxicity with a wide range of chemicals.
Polysorbate 80 has been found to negatively affect the immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill. According to Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7), "it is of current relevance as a 'hidden' inductor of anaphylactoid reactions", and "Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. The study included a pregnant woman who suffered anaphylactic shock after being given a IV drip of multi-vitamins containing polysorbate 80.

In addition to this, there have been studies in Food and Chemical Toxicology which showed that Polysorbate 80 causes infertility. Baby female rats were injected with polysorbate 80 at days 4-7 after birth. It accelerated the maturing of the rats and caused changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles.

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is Polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80). As it is a preferred ingredient, scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility.

National Center For Biotechnology Information
Toxicity of Polysorbates
Poisoning of Polysorbates
Adverse Effects of Polysorbates


There are currently NO clinical trials or results which have validated the long-term safety and efficacy of the Arepanrix H1N1vaccine and its integrated AS03 adjuvant. Regulatory health agencies are refusing to acknowledge this fact or the nature of toxicity levels associated with Arepanrix and its ingredients. The well documented toxicity evidence for each ingredient presented above is simply being ignored.
A simple search on the website shows that three "Rapid Evaluation" studies for Arepanrix H1N1vaccine have not even initiated recruiting as of the date this article was published.
One of the most critical elements which defines the toxicity potential of any vaccine are its pharmacokinetic properties. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Health Canada do not consider the study, analysis or evaluatation of the pharmacokinetic properties of any vaccine including Arepanrix. This means that the bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients within the Arepanrix vaccine are not known or even considered in safety assessments. This in itself is a highly suspicious and negligent behavior which leaves many questions on the credbility and reputability of GlaxoSmithKline and Health Canada and their motives for marketing this vaccine to the Canadian population.
Adults aged 18-60 years:
Dosage recommendations of 0.5ml are based on very limited clinical evidence of safety and immunogenicity data available from two 3-week studies. Neither study has validated the long-term immunogencity, safety, toxicity, or pharmacodynamics of the vaccine based on any dosage.Clinically, the shortest acceptable period to study the side effects of any vaccine is 6-8 weeks. The accepted studies noted by GSK and Health Canada are half this period.
Elderly (>60 years):

No clinical data are available for Arepanrix H1N1 in this age group including the effects of the AS03 squalene adjuvant. There is no data to justify any safe dosage in this age group.
Children and Adolescents aged 10-17 years:
No clinical data are available for Arepanrix H1N1 in this age group including the effects of the AS03 squalene adjuvant. No exact dosing recommendations can be made.
Children aged from 6-35 months:
No clinical data are available for Arepanrix H1N1 in this age group including the effects of the AS03 squalene adjuvant. No exact dosing recommendations can be made.
Pregnancy and Lactation
No data have been generated in pregnant or breast feeding women with Arepanrix nor with the AS03 adjuvant.

Fertility & Sterility
GSK suggests animal studies have not demonstrated harmful effects with respect to fertility which directly contradicts several scientific studies which show that Polysorbate 80 causes infertility.
Interactions With Seasonal Flu Vaccines
GSK claims that no data is available on the concomitant administration of Arepanrix H1N1 with other vaccines, including seasonal influenza vaccines.
A study based on research in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, has shown that people who received the seasonal influenza vaccine last year are at greater risk of contracting the H1N1 flu this year.

Adverse reactions may be intensified with co-administration with other vaccines.
Despite the suggested evidence in unpublished studies that seasonal flu vaccines can increase the risk of H1N1 flu, Canadian provinces are recommending co-administration of both vaccines in as little as 60 days. This highly irresponsible recommedation by public health officials could potentially devastate the health of millions of Canadians. An example of the schedule of shots in Ontario is listed in the chart below released in a leaflet to all Ontarians in early October 2009.

The people in Ontario need to call the ServiceOntario INFOline at
1-800-476-9708 and request information as to why Ontario is contradicting studies which demonstrate the risks of administering both the seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccine within short periods.
In addition, the Government of Ontario (and Canada) need to respond to direct queries from the public to justify why and how recommendations are being be made to administer the H1N1 vaccine to those receiving the seasonal flu vaccine, when the studies that test the safety and efficacy for the "Rapid Evaluation of Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Vaccine in Adults Receiving Seasonal Influenza Vaccine" have not yet started as of late October 2009 (with no participants even being recruited).

Adverse Reactions
Solicited adverse reactions were reported more frequently in the H1N1+AS03 group compared to the H1N1 group based on 2 studies which evaluated the safety of another AS03-adjuvanted vaccine containing HA derived from A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v-like (Pandemrix) in healthy subjects aged 18-60 years.
Since 48.6 of the 50.4 million doses of Arepanrix ordered by the Canadian government contain the AS03 adjuvant, we will focus on those adverse reactions documented which are as follows:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Arthralgia (joint inflammation)
  • Myalgia (muscle inflammation)
  • Shivering
  • Sweating
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Tingling or numbness of the hands or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)

Serious adverse reactions are as follows:

  • Blood and lymphatic system disorders (lymphadenopathy)
  • Psychiatric disorders (insomnia)
  • Nervous system disorders (dizziness, paraesthesia, inflammation of the central nervous system, inflammation of nerves, autoimmune disorders affecting myelin sheaths of nerves such as Guillain-Barré Syndrome)
  • Ear and labyrinth disorders (vertigo)
  • Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (dyspnoea)
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, dyspepsia, stomach discomfort)
  • Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (pruritus, rash)
  • Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (back pain, musculoskeletal stiffness, neck pain, muscle spasms, pain in extremity)
  • General disorders and administration site conditions (bruising, asthenia, chest pain, malaise)

Disturbing Concentrations of Squalene
The average quantity of squalene injected into the US soldiers abroad and at home in the anthrax vaccine during and after the Gulf War was 34.2 micrograms per billion micrograms of water. According to studies, this was the cause of Gulf War syndrome in 25% of 697,000 US personnel at home and abroad.
The soldiers developed a cascade of reactions including arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fever.
The AS03 adjuvant in the Arepanrix H1N1 vaccine contains 10.69mg per dose. This corresponds to approximately 2.136.0000 microgrammes pr. billion microgrammes of water, i.e. one million times more squalene per dose than the anthrax vaccine.
How much more evidence is necessary to convince public health officials that the risks of the Arepanrix H1N1 vaccine exceed any benefits?
Please do not play roulette with your health. Do not listen to the Public Health Agency of Canada or any public health or medical official that advises you to protect yourself from the flu with this vaccine. Its design and toxicity will only destroy your health.

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

“Popular websites may have to be blocked" in the case of a pandemic according to HLS

The Flucase October 27 2009

Plans are in place to shut down parts of the Internets when the pandemic situation escalates according to Reuters. Authorities will need´"legitimate" reasons to shut down sites that might give "conflicting information". Especially popular sites are in danger because the "suck up bandwidth" which would be needed by the population if "they stay at home and play online games".
It is clear that the Federal Government will actively block and shut down sites and parts of the country according to their own judgement of what is "needed" and not.

Johan Niklasson

SEC and Homeland Security need Web backup, GAO says

Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:53pm EDT
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Securities exchanges have a sound network back-up if a severe pandemic keeps people home and clogging the Internet, but the Homeland Security Department has done little planning, Congressional investigators said on Monday.
The department does not even have a plan to start work on the issue, the General Accountability Office said.
But the Homeland Security Department accused the GAO of having unrealistic expectations of how the Internet could be managed if millions began to telework from home at the same time as bored or sick schoolchildren were playing online, sucking up valuable bandwidth.
Experts have for years pointed to the potential problem of Internet access during a severe pandemic, which would be a unique kind of emergency. It would be global, affecting many areas at once, and would last for weeks or months, unlike a disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake.
H1N1 swine flu has been declared a pandemic but is considered a moderate one. Health experts say a worse one -- or a worsening of this one -- could result in 40 percent absentee rates at work and school at any given time and closed offices, transportation links and other gathering places.
Many companies and government offices hope to keep operations going as much as possible with teleworking using the Internet. Among the many problems posed by this idea, however, is the issue of bandwidth -- especially the "last mile" between a user's home and central cable systems.
"Such network congestion could prevent staff from broker-dealers and other securities market participants from teleworking during a pandemic," reads the GAO report, available here
"The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for ensuring that critical telecommunications infrastructure is protected."
Private Internet providers might need government authorization to block popular websites, it said, or to reduce residential transmission speeds to make way for commerce.
The Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security, a group of private-sector firms and financial trade associations, has been working to ensure that trading could continue if big exchanges had to close because of the risk of disease transmission.
"Because the key securities exchanges and clearing organizations generally use proprietary networks that bypass the public Internet, their ability to execute and process trades should not be affected by any congestion," the GAO report reads.
However, not all had good plans for critical activities if many of their employees were ill, the report reads.
Homeland Security had done even less, it said.
"DHS has not developed a strategy to address potential Internet congestion," the report said.
It had also not even checked into whether the public or even other federal agencies would cooperate, GAO said.
"The report gives the impression that there is potentially a single solution to Internet congestion that DHS could achieve if it were to develop an appropriate strategy," DHS's Jerald Levine retorted in a letter to the GAO.
"An expectation of unlimited Internet access during a pandemic is not realistic," he added.
(editing by Philip Barbara)

Original article

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bosnia 'on brink of new civil war'

Bosnia is heading for a new civil war as a constitutional crisis threatens to cause the collapse of the political system, the country's leaders have warned.

By Bruno Waterfield
Published: 7:00AM BST 19 Oct 2009

A worker inspects a batch of highly explosive rocket fuel cells at an explosives factory in Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The batch of approximately 61 tons, produced before the 1992-95 war, represents only a third of the entire quantity scheduled for di

A worker inspects a batch of highly explosive rocket fuel cells at an explosives factory in Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The batch of 61 tons, produced before the 1992-95 war, represents only a third of the entire quantity scheduled for disposal Photo: AP

The concerns have been triggered by Bosnian Serb leaders who have stepped up their demands for independence with a warning the country is no longer "sustainable".

The growing ethnic divisions have raised fears of a return to the fighting which claimed the lives of up to 110,000 people between 1992 and 1995.

Senior European and US officials have called an emergency meeting in Sarajevo on Tuesday to meet the country's leaders to find a solution.

The crisis centres on attempts to overhaul the constitution which was imposed on the country in 1995 in the wake of the war.

Since then Bosnia has been made up of two semi-independent entities – the Serbs' Republika Srpska and the Muslim-Croat Federation.

The two are linked with weak central institutions whose functioning is often obstructed by ethnic rivalries.

Serb groups claim attempts to streamline the complex government system are designed to undermine their position and absorb them into stronger central state.

Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb prime minister, has described constitutional changes as "unnecessary and unacceptable".

"Bosnia is an unsustainable country ... the international community has overplayed its hand in Bosnia, and this will become evident in the end," he said.

Mr Dodik has called for referendum on self-determination to be included in the constitution that could pave the way for Republika Srpska's independence from Bosnia.

Sulejman Tihic, the leader of Bosnia's largest Bosnian Muslim party, said he fears that a new war could be looming.

"If it continues to go on like this, there is no question there will be conflict. It's just a question of what kind of conflict there will be, and is it going to be in three months, six months or one year?," he said.

Lord Ashdown, who served as the international community's High Representative in Bosnia from 2002 until 2006, has also sounded the alarm.

"This is a crucial moment and if the international community fails to address it, Bosnia risks slipping towards disintegration," he said.

Jim Steinberg, the US deputy secretary of state, will fly to Sarajevo on Tuesday for talks aimed at breaking the deadlock, along with Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign minister, and Olli Rehn, the European Commissioner for Enlargement.

Mr Rehn said on Wednesday: "This political stalemate has dragged this country backwards.

"I hope that Bosnian leaders will rise to the occasion for the sake of their citizens and for the sake of the Western Balkans and Europe as a whole."

Brussels is holding out the prospect of EU membership as an incentive for constitutional reforms.

"We are aiming at agreeing certain constitutional changes that will make Bosnia-Herzegovina a functional state and able to be considered as candidate country for the EU. We want Bosnia Hercegovina to be a credible applicant for EU and Nato membership.

"But for this to happen the country needs to stand on its own feet without the OHR [High Representative] and its broad executive powers. No quasi-protectorate can join the EU."

Bosnia-Hercegovina is still recovering from the devastating three-year war which followed the break-up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.

The conflict centred on whether Bosnia should stay in the Yugoslav Federation, or whether it should become independent.

The war left Bosnia's infrastructure and economy in tatters. Around two million people – about half the population – were displaced.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exclusive: The Koran and Hadith Go Against Human Rights

Family Security Matters October 5, 2009

The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, and Hadith (fatwas of the prophet Muhammad) contain numerous passages that are incompatible with the UN Declaration of Human Rights to which, by the way, all Muslim states have officially subscribed.

One might argue that the Bible and the Old Testament of both Christians and Jews also contain atrocious passages that go against human rights. (For further information, click here.) However, while Christians and Jews ignore these atrocious passages and look at them in a historical context, Muslim believers, especially radical Muslims, do not. They are convinced that both the Koran and Hadith are sacred scriptures; the word of Allah and must be followed and implemented to the letter. Suicide and car bombers are a clear case in point. Many Muslims believe that Sharia (which includes both the Koran and Hadith) must be introduced and applied all over the world as the only best law for all human beings.

Here are some examples which clearly show that Islam is diametrically opposed to universal human rights.

While Article 18 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights prescribes: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief ….” the Koran prescribes the opposite. It says about freedom of thought, conscience and religion:

“O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” (Sura 5, verse 51).

And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah DESTROY them; how they are turned away!” (Sura 9, verse 30).

And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.” (Sura 2, verse 120).

“And KILL them (the unbelievers) wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.” (Sura 2, verse 191).

“So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them. That is the command. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them, but He ordered armed struggle to test some of you by means of others.”(Sura 47, verse 4)

“Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, heshall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming.” (Sura 3, verse 28).

And what does the Koran say about freedom of religion and about those who turn their back to Islam and commit apostasy?

“They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them (the unbelievers) friends until they flee (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and KILL them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.” (Sura 4, verse 89).

While the UN Declaration of Human Rights condemns in Article 2 any discrimination based on sex by saying, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,” the Koran calls for discrimination against women. It says:

“Men are superior to women because Allah has made so. Therefore good women are obedient, and (as to) those (women) on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and BEAT them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.” (Sura 4, verse 34).

“And as for those who are guilty of an indecency from among your women, call to witnesses against them, four (witnesses) from among you; then if they bear witness confine them to the houses until death takes them away or Allah opens some way for them.” (Sura 4, verse 15).

Men are allowed to beat women:

“Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.(Sura 4, verse 34)

According to the Koran, a woman’s testimony is worth half of that of a man:

O you who believe! when you deal with each other in contracting a debt for a fixed time then call in to witness from among your men two witnesses; but if there are not two men, then one man and two women from among those whom you choose to be witnesses, so that if one of the two errs, the second of the two may remind the other.” (Sura 2, verse 282).

As far as sex is concerned, women are sex objects, according to the Koran. They must be ready for intercourse any time the husband wishes:

“Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers.” (Sura 2, verse 223).

During menstruation, however, men should keep away from women; they are filthy. The Koran says:

“It (menstruation) is a discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves.” (Sura 2, verse 222).

According to the Koran women are, in general, unclean creatures. After a Muslim has washed and prepared himself for prayer, he should not touch a woman. Therefore, “pious” Muslims never shake hands with women.

“O you who believe! do not go near prayer until you have washed yourselves; and if you have touched women, and you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth, then wipe your faces and your hands; surely Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving.” (Sura 4, verse 43).

In case of inheritance, a woman inherits half of the portion a man inherits:

“They ask you for a decision of the law. Say: Allah gives you a decision concerning the person who has neither parents nor offspring; if a man dies (and) he has no son and he has a sister, she shall have half of what he leaves, and he shall be her heir she has no son; but if there be two (sisters), they shall have two-thirds of what he leaves; and if there are brethren, men and women, then the male shall have the like of the portion of two females; Allah makes clear to you, lest you err; and Allah knows all things.” (Sura 4, verse 176).

The Hadith is also full with passages that brazenly discriminate against women and followers of other faiths. Here are some of these passages: 

Women are deficient in intelligence and religion:

"The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."  (Book #6, Hadith #301)

Women who pass by a praying man annul his prayer:

Narrated 'Aisha: The things which annul prayer were mentioned before me (and those were): a dog, a donkey and a Woman. I said, "You have compared us (women) to donkeys and dogs. By Allah! I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in (my) bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I disliked to sit and trouble the Prophet. So, I would slip away by the side of his feet."  (Book #9, Hadith#493)

A Jew also annuls the prayers of a man:

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: Ikrimah reported on the authority of Ibn Abbas, saying: I think the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: When one of you prays without a sutrah, a dog, an ass, a pig, a Jew, a Magian, and a woman cut off his prayer, but it will suffice if they pass in front of him at a distance of over a stone's throw.  (Book #2, Hadith#0704)

Prophet Muhammad discriminates even against black dogs:

Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of 'Allah (may peace be upon him) said: When any one of you stands for prayer and there is a thing before him equal to the back of the saddle that covers him and in case there is not before him (a thing) equal to the back of the saddle, his prayer would be cut off by (passing of an) ass, woman, and black Dog. I said: O Abu Dharr, what feature is there in a black dog which distinguish it from the red dog and the yellow dog? He said: O, son of my brother, I asked the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) as you are asking me, and he said: The black dog is a devil.  (Book #004, Hadith #1032)

While Article 13 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights stresses, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement,” women in Islam are not allowed to travel alone:

(38) Narrated Ibn 'Umar: The Prophet said, "A Woman should not travel for more than three days except with a Dhi-Mahram (i.e. a male with whom she cannot marry at all, e.g. her brother, father, grandfather, etc.) or her own husband.)"  (Book #20, Hadith#192)

(40) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "It is not permissible for aWoman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to travel for one day and night except with a Mahram."  (Book #20, Hadith #194)

Women are not allowed to mourn as long they want. Why only four months and ten days? Only Allah knows:

(49) Narrated Zainab bint Abi Salama: When the news of the death of Abu Sufyan reached from Sham, Um Habiba on the third day, asked for a yellow perfume and scented her cheeks and forearms and said, "No doubt, I would not have been in need of this, had I not heard the Prophet saying: "It is not legal for a Woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to mourn for more than three days for any dead person except her husband, for whom she should mourn for four months and ten days."  (Book #23, Hadith #370)

Non-Muslims are also subjugated to the “law” of Sharia:

(54) Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar : The Jews brought to the Prophet a man and aWoman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque."  (Book #23, Hadith #413)

A woman is allowed to fast only with permission from her husband:

The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: No woman should observe fast when her spouse is present (in the house) but with his permission. And she should not admit any (mahram) in his house, while he (her husband) is present, but with his permission. And whatever she spends from his earnings without his sanction, for him is half the reward.  (Book #005, Hadith #2238)

As a man, if you see an alien woman, rush immediately to your wife and have intercourse with her to repel the devil in that woman:

Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.  (Book #008, Hadith #3240)

Jabir heard Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) say: When a woman fascinates any one of you and she captivates his heart, he should go to his wife and have an intercourse with her, for it would repel what he feels.  (Book #008, Hadith #3242)

Women are solely for beauty, status, and believers. Their brains are insignificant:

Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: A woman may be married for four reasons: for her property, her status. her beauty and her religion, so try to get one who is religious, may your hand be besmeared with dust.  (Book #008, Hadith #3457)

Women are crooks and useless creatures:

AbuHuraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: woman is like a rib. When you attempt to straighten it, you would break it. And if you leave her alone you would benefit by her, and crookedness will remain in her. A hadith like this is reported by another chain of narrators. (Book #008, Hadith#3466)

A woman who commits adultery must be stoned to death. She sacrifices her life for Allah:

Imran b. Husain reported that a woman from Juhaina came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and she had become pregnant because of adultery. She said: Allah's Apostle, I have done something for which (prescribed punishment) must be imposed upon me, so impose that. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) called her master and said: Treat her well, and when she delivers bring her to me. He did accordingly. Then Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) pronounced judgment about her and her clothes were tied around her and then he commanded and she was stoned to death. He then prayed over her (dead body). Thereupon Umar said to him: Allah's Apostle, you offer prayer for her, whereas she had committed adultery! Thereupon he said: She has made such a repentance that if it were to be divided among seventy men of Medina, it would be enough. Have you found any repentance better than this that she sacr ficed her life for Allah, the Majestic?  (Book #017, Hadith #4207)

Women are simply bad luck, bad omen:

'Umar b. Muhammad b. Zaid reported that he heard his father narrating from Ibn 'Umar that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) had said. If bad luck is a fact, then it is in the horse, the woman and the house.  (Book #026, Hadith #5526)

Narrated Sa'd ibn Malik: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no hamah, no infection and no evil omen; if there is in anything an evil omen, it is a house, a horse, and a woman.  (Book #29, Hadith #3911)

Women are breeding machines:

Narrated Ma'qil ibn Yasar: A man came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: I have found a woman of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came to him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples by you.  (Book #11, Hadith #2045)

A woman is an unavoidable evil, and marrying a woman is like buying a slave:

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If one of you marries a woman or buys a slave, he should say: "O Allah, I ask Thee for the good in her, and in the disposition Thou hast given her; I take refuge in Thee from the evil in her, and in the disposition Thou hast given her." When he buys a camel, he should take hold of the top of its hump and say the same kind of thing.  (Book #11, Hadith #2155)

If you incite a slave against their master, you are not a good Muslim:

Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Anyone who incites awoman against her husband or a slave against his master is not one of us.  (Book #12, Hadith #2170)

While Article 16 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights stresses that men and women “are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution,” Islam makes it difficult for women to divorce:

Narrated Thawban: The Prophet (peace be_upon_him) said: If any woman asks her husband for divorce without some strong reason, the odour of Paradise will be forbidden to her. (Book #12, Hadith #2218)

If you want to free a slave, free first the men, then the women:

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Al-Qasim said: Aisha intended to set free two slaves of her who were spouses. She, therefore, asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) about this matter. He commanded to begin with the man before the woman. The narrator Nasr said: AbuAli al-Hanafi reported it to me on the authority of Ubaydullah.  (Book #12, Hadith #2229)

Forced marriage and forced divorce:

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: A woman embraced Islam during the time of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him); she then married. Her (former) husband then came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: Apostle of Allah, I have already embraced Islam, and she had the knowledge about my Islam. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) took her away from her latter husband and restored her to her former husband.  (Book #12, Hadith #2231)

The son of a slave woman consummated by a free man is not allowed to inherit anything:

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) decided regarding one who was treated as a member of a family after the death of his father, to whom he was attributed when the heirs said he was one of them, that if he was the child of a slave-woman whom the father owned when he had intercourse with her, he was included among those who sought his inclusion, but received none of the inheritance which was previously divided; he, however, received his portion of the inheritance which had not already been divided; but if the father to whom he was attributed had disowned him, he was not joined to the heirs. If he was a child of a slave-woman whom the father did not possess or of a free woman with whom he had illicit intercourse, he was not joined to the heirs and did not inherit even if the one to whom he was attributed is the one who claimed paternity, since he was a child of fornication whether his mother was free or a slave.  (Book #12, Hadith #2258)

A woman whose husband dies must not use any make-up, neither dress up as she pleases. The same does not apply to the man:

Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu'minin: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Awoman whose husband has died must not wear clothes dyed with safflower (usfur) or with red ochre (mishq) and ornaments. She must not apply henna and collyrium.  (Book#12, Hadith #2297)

Islam is against human rights not only in theory, but also in practice under the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, under Hamas in Gaza, under Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, in Saudi Arabia, in Iran, Egypt, in the Arab Gulf states, Sudan, Somalia, and Morocco.

After all the above blatant evidence, President Obama and apologists across the globe still believe that Islam is a tolerant “religion.” On the contrary, Islam is a fanatic, stone-age “religion. Contributing Editor Dr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-Muslim, is a professor of Sociology and an Arab-Muslim culture specialist. He has taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University, and Michigan State University. He also writes for the Jerusalem Post.

More Insults, Please

Blocking Muslim cartoons and other attempts at Web censorship.

The Wall Street Journal October 4, 2009


In today's world of instant global communication, disagreements happen more quickly and resentments get established in real time. Just as the British and Americans have been called two nations divided by a common language, today we all share the Internet, yet we are divided by the instant communicating that digital technology makes possible.

Recall the incident in 2005, when a Danish newspaper printed a dozen cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed, including one with a bomb in his turban. Posting the cartoons on the Web resulted in protests in much of the Muslim world, including riots and deaths. The bomb-in-the-turban cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard, has received death threats and lives under 24-hour police protection in Copenhagen. Last week he visited the U.S., with the message that when it comes to insult and humor, there is little common ground around the world.

"As the Danish tradition is for satire, we say you can speak freely, you can vote, you can speak out any time, but there's only one thing you can't do—you can't be free of being mocked or being offended," Mr. Westergaard said in a speech in New York City. "That's the condition in Denmark."

Insults are a longstanding part of free expression in much of the West but are under pressure in our digital era of instantaneous communication. Instead of the Internet adding to freedom as we usually assume it does, its global reach makes it an excuse for censorship. Many governments lobby for anti-insult laws, even though insults are a key means of criticism. Leaders of several Muslim countries have tried to get perceived insults to their religion reclassified as offenses.

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Associated Press

The Jyllands-Posten newspaper solicited cartoons after threats to Danes by Islamists, including physical attacks on authors, musicians and academics. "In this situation the paper felt that it was imperative to test whether we still enjoyed free speech," Mr. Westergaard wrote in Princeton University's student newspaper last week. This included "the right to treat Islam, Muhammad and Muslims exactly as you would any other religion, prophet or group of believers. If we no longer had that right, one could only conclude that the country had succumbed to de facto sharia law."

As the cartoons spread on the Web, agitators in several countries fanned the flames by adding mocking cartoons and photos that had not actually appeared in the Danish newspaper. Danish Embassies were burned in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, and its exports were boycotted. Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, now NATO's secretary-general, refused to apologize.

The issue faded until this August, when Yale University Press decided to remove the cartoons from a book it had agreed to publish called "The Cartoons That Shook the World," by Brandeis University Prof. Jytte Klausen. Yale claimed that it was censoring not based on content but because of the risk of violence.

A group of Yale graduates sent a letter objecting. "I think it's horrifying that the campus of Nathan Hale has become the first place where America surrenders to this kind of fear because of what extremists might possibly do," said one of the graduates, Michael Steinberg.

Insults are under threat in many countries. The World Press Freedom Committee earlier this year published a survey, "The Right to Offend, Shock or Disturb," which details how laws against insults are being used to squelch free speech, including opposition to the government.

Last year, French President Nicolas Sarkozy tried to use a 19th-century law against insulting the president to ban voodoo dolls featuring his likeness. The editor of another Web site in Saudi Arabia had to flee the country when he was accused of insulting Islam by criticizing the kingdom's religious police. And in 2007, a Web site in Russia was fined for publishing an article titled "Putin as Phallic Symbol of Russia," satirizing the prime minister's effort to increase the country's birthrate.

Contrast this with the admiration we have for great insults. Winston Churchill was the master of the putdown, dismissing various political opponents as "a modest man, who has much to be modest about," "a sheep in sheep's clothing," and someone who "has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."

An article in Heeb, a self-mockingly named Jewish satire magazine, criticized Yale's censorship of the Danish cartoons: "While we would definitely be opposed to Yale University desecrating the Torah, we certainly wouldn't think it inappropriate if, in a book about the subject, they showed some photos of desecrated Torahs." The writer tried to follow Yale's contorted reasoning to justify the removal of the cartoons from a book about the cartoons, but gave up: "Who knows? We have no idea, but one thing is for sure—we know who we're rooting for in this year's Harvard-Yale game." Nice insult.

World Currencies To Join In Race To The Bottom

The International Forecaster Oct. 24, 2009

G20 meets and makes noise about the dollar, currency to soon go to a race to the bottom, a promised relief to the financial crisis in the form of policy changes, Financial education for these times is important

The G-20 finance ministers meet in Scotland on November 6th and 7th, and they will all be bleating about the fall in the dollar. France started this week, and the others will follow. Their currencies are rising in value and they do not like it.

We expect other nations to follow, Mexico and Brazil in imposing a 2% tax on incoming funds and others will print their currencies and buy dollars to reduce the value of their currencies and at the same time buy US Treasuries that are decreasing in value. That will neutralize any benefit from the exercise. In addition, they will all scream for a strong dollar policy. By the time the meeting begins the dollar should be between 71 and 72 on the USDX, the dollar index. The weaker dollar means dollar debt will be cheaper to pay back. The big question is how long will it take for the dollar to fall to 40 to 55?

We are often asked how does today compare with the 1930s in tax revenue and government spending? In 1930-31 tax revenue fell almost 53%. It increased 250% in 1932 and tripled in 1938. Yet, growth during the 30s went nowhere. In spite of an increase of 45% in government spending during those years by 1940 GDP had not returned to the levels of 1930. In 1939 unemployment was still 17.2% and in 1940, 16.4%. This is the same monetary policy being used today that was used during the 1930s. Keynesian monetization that does not work. The only reason the depression did not continue is that FDR arranged another war, otherwise the depression could have continued indefinitely. The debt bubble of the 1920s only lasted seven years. Our present debt bubble actually began in 1978, was purged in 1982-83 and began again in 1986. It was killed in 1989 and resurrected in 1994. The bubble of 2000-2001 was replaced by our current real estate bubble in 2003, which is now in the process of deflating. The privately owned Federal Reserve engineered all this.

The current fiasco was accompanied by a shortfall in tax collections to government spending from 2003 to 2007. 2008 held its own due to cooking the books and 2009 fell almost 18%. Unless further tax increases are implemented you can expect 2009 to fall short as well. Thus, if taxes are not increased the American economy will collapse. This is harsh and tax increases will come at just the wrong time. It can in part by temporarily covered by hyperinflation, but that would be a transitory solution. 62.8% of foreign reserves are in US dollars, so as the dollar depreciates foreign debt decreases. The flip side is that there is major imported inflation, particularly in the cost of goods and services.

Present government stimulation is not going to work. It didn’t work in the 1930s and Japan has found out to its dismay that since 1992 it didn’t work for them either. Why should it work in America? The debt that has been so wantonly created is still going to be there and if taxes are not raised or costs cut, it will be even larger.

Our government, Wall Street and many Americans are basing their future on stimulation and recovery and it isn’t going to happen. This supposedly is how government is going to generate its tax revenue. All we can say is good luck.

At the G-20 and G-7 we hear about an exit strategy. A strategy that doesn’t exist. Others may raise taxes but we can assure you the US and UK will be the last to do so. They are currencies in disparate trouble. The dollar will find its real value somewhere between 40 & 55 on the USDX. The dollar will become a third world currency and as a result gold will climb to $2,500 to $3,000.

The G-20 let us know that they would be replacing the G-7 and G-8. This desperation of power to developing countries would expedite the transfer of wealth from Western nations in the third world via carbon taxation in order to lower standards to meet those of the lower tier countries. This is being done to force the first world to accept world government.

In his address to the conclave US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told attendees that the US was going to legislate sweeping changes to the financial system under the guise of creating greater protection for consumers and investors and to promote a more stable financial system that would relieve taxpayers of the burden of the financial crisis.

The members still want to complete the Doha trade talks that have been bogged down for four years. What the WTO is really trying to accomplish is extreme financial deregulation under the cover of trade agreements, which would undermine genuine regulation and would make the entire world a free trade zone to be further looted by transnational conglomerates. The force behind WTO deregulation is the EU and they are pushing the worst aspects of the plan.

The WTO has an agreement called the FSA, the Financial Services Agreement that explicitly applies to more than 100 countries and mandates major deregulation. Mr. Geithner worked on this plan during the Clinton administration, so his regulation statements are meant for public consumption only. Incidentally, the WTO-EU rules are virtually unknown to the US Congress.

Geithner was the one who closed the deregulation deal for the Clinton entourage as lead negotiator. He knows all about the existing agreements. He was directly instrumental in the destruction of Glass-Steagall. The whole new crowd in the Obama administration was responsible for setting up what has become the destruction of our financial system.

The present US course is to re-regulate and that is in direct opposition to what the WTO and the EU want. There will be quite a fight over this change of direction by the US, especially over the WTO, Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services, which is severe deregulation. The bottom line is Doha, the FSA, WTO and the EU have to be stopped. More deregulation is now politically unaccepted by Americans who have lost so many jobs. There obviously are two factions within the Illuminist structure fighting this out. In fact, the FSA was largely written by American Express and AIG. These are some of the inner workings behind the scenes that you never hear about. Things are never what they seem to be.

The Treasury will have major issuances next week. On Monday alone they will issue $116 billion in new notes and bills, 2, 5 & 7-year paper; plus another $30 billion in bills and $7 billion in TIFS. Tuesday will see $44 billion in 2-year notes. On the 28th, $41 billion in 5-year notes and on the 29th, $31 billion in 7-year notes. That totals $182 billion and that is disastrous.

Domestic investors are selling the rally in domestic stocks at an accelerating rate while continuing to invest overseas, and in the emerging bond bubble.

Don’t’ be deceived by Wall Street and Washington, the worst remains ahead for the economic and systemic-solvency crisis. There are no meaningful signs of business recovery, with the current depression likely to evolve into a great depression, in conjunction with the collapse of the value in the US dollar and a hyperinflation. Risks are high for these crisis’s to explode in the year ahead. The general outlook is not changed says economist John Williams.

Mortgage application fell for a second straight week with refinance loans decreasing 13.7%, the lowest since 9/11/09.

Barclays Capital hosted a private meeting yesterday with Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn, CFO David Viniar and Global Sales and Treading co-heads David Heller and Harvey Schwartz.

How concerned are they about any new regulations on the financial industry? Not much. In a copy of the notes Barclay is putting out on the meeting, and obtained by, Goldman told Barclay that it is educating the regulators.

Barclay advised that senior Goldman management are spending an, "exorbitant amount of time thinking about potential regulatory and policy outcomes and educating regulators and policymakers on the intricacies of financial markets."

The only picture I can conjure up is Blankfein and company educating,
Gene Sperling ("Counselor" to Geithner) who last year took in $887,727 from Goldman

Lee Sachs (Geithner's "right hand man") who reported more than $3 million in salary and partnership income from the hedge fund Mariner Investment Group (started by Brace Young former Goldman partner) and Gary Gensler (Head of CFTC) former Goldman partner.