Friday, December 11, 2009

64 People Die in Japan After Getting Swine Flu Jab

The Flu Case Thursday, 10 December 2009 11:21

A total of 64 people have died in Japan as of December 8th after receiving the swine flu shot, according to a report in the newspaper Mainichi.
One teenage boy died immediately after taking the shot.
Another man was found dead in his home four days after he received a swine flu jab.
He complained of stomach ache and vomitted and died later at home on his own. 
His doctor stated his death was not linked with H1N1 flu shot and that the side effect of the shot was only a stomach ache.

In addtion, there have been many reports of deaths related to Tamiflu in Japan, including young people falling to their deaths from their appartment after taking Tamiflu, violent and irrational actions and hallucinations.
But while the Japanese corporate media appears to downplay the side effects of the swine flu jab and of Tamiflu, it exaggerates the threat of the mild swine flu.

Accoording to Sankei news on November 27th, more than 100,000 people have been infected with swine flu in Japan. The total number of deaths caused by the siwne flu is over 100 people, it is maintained.
The Japanse government completed the first phase of its mass vaccination programme in the middle of November, after giving 450,000 people the jab.
Children and pregnant women were given the priority groups vaccinated using a swine flu vaccine made in Japan.

Norway spiral video: Mystery solved

By Dan Murphy Staff writer / December 10, 2009

A UFO? A Stargate style wormhole opening a path to other galaxies? The Aurora borealis?

A videotape of a strange spiraling cloud captured over Norway at dawn on Wednesday morning has had the Internet all atwitter (literally) with speculation as to its causes – everything from space aliens arriving to celebrate Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize award, to clandestine aviation tests.

Well, now it appears the mystery of the phenomenon, which bore some resemblance to a spiral galaxy, has been solved. Russia says it was the result of a failed test launch for its troubled Bulava missile program. In a statement, the Russian Defense Ministry said it fired a Bulava from a submarine in the White Sea near the Norwegian coast Wednesday morning. The intercontinental ballistic missile's first two stages worked perfectly, the ministry said, though the third stage engine proved "unstable."

Though the ministry didn't provide an opinion on whether its missile was responsible for the spiral, rockets often start spiraling on their own during partial engine failure. And the fact that the first two stages worked as the powerful missile hurtled skyward meant it should have been high in the atmosphere before the problem occurred, leaving a spiral of exhaust that would have been illuminated by the lights of Norway before the missile exploded.

Though the phenomenon delighted thousands in Norway, the cause behind it is the source of some embarrassment for Russia, which has planned the Bulava to be the crown jewel in its sea-based nuclear program. The missile is designed to carry a nuclear payload and to be easily launched from attack submarines, but so far eight of 12 test launches have resulted in failure.

In fact, while ET wasn't coming to celebrate Obama's prize, the test was an ironic measure of the difficult tasks before the newest Nobel peace laureate. On top of currently presiding over two wars, Obama has promised to work hard on nuclear disarmament -- one of the things the Norwegian Nobel Committee said convinced it to pick him. The Bulava, meant to be deployed from hard-to-detect submarines, and built to have evasive maneuver capabilities to avoid being shot down, is a step further away from Obama's stated goal.

I've put some calls in to atmospheric scientists on how exactly the phenomenon might have been generated, and if they get back to me with answers, I will post again later today.

Meanwhile, here's the spiral video:

Paterson: 'New York Has Run Out Of Cash'

Huffington Post DECEMBER 11, 2009

ALBANY, N.Y. — Gov. David Paterson said Wednesday that New York has run out of cash and he's directing budget officials to reduce state aid payments to schools, local governments and nonprofit service providers until things improve.

Speaking at the Museum of American Finance in Manhattan, Paterson said he'll probably get sued, but he won't let the state run out of money on his watch.

"I am directing the Division of the Budget to limit payments so that we will have the cash to pay our debts at the end of December," Paterson said. "I will continue to withhold payments until this economy is leveled off."

"Now New York has run out of cash," he said. "You can't spend money that you don't have."

Budget Director Robert Megna said the state faces a shortfall of more than $1 billion in the general fund at the end of December, which would be a first for New York.

Other state funds can be tapped to help close that gap, Megna said, but even using all $1.2 billion of rainy day reserves and delaying a pension fund payment will leave the margin "razor thin."

Rather than risking some setback that would force hasty cuts, Megna said the administration is cutting spending in an orderly fashion. The Budget Division plans to detail temporary cuts this week, he said.

In his executive budget proposal next year, Paterson could propose making them permanent.

"We've had a revenue collapse over the last 24 to 36 month period," Megna said. "The state's cash position is at its weakest point in recent history."

Last week, after lawmakers agreed to cuts of about $2.8 billion, Paterson said it wouldn't be enough. He warned then of reduced and delayed payments, targeting school aid and funding to hospitals.

Timothy Kremer, executive director of the New York State School Boards Association, said they've asked their roughly 700 members to assess the impact if approximately $300 million in school aid is delayed or permanently cut, which Paterson had proposed in November. Lawmakers rejected the cut, which would be a roughly 1.5 percent reduction across the board.

"We think it's inappropriate and likely illegal for him to unilaterally act in that way," Kremer said. Several organizations, including his association, may seek a court order to block it, he said.

Stephen Acquario, executive director of the New York State Association of Counties, said their reimbursements for providing state-mandated services like public health, mental hygiene and other programs are already lagging by months and in some cases a year or more. "Many counties don't have the available fund balance to cover the state's bills," he said.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Abortion caused by "swine flu" vaccine in Sweden - again!

The Flu Case

A woman in Sweden was pregnant in the ninth month when she was talked into taking the "swine flu" vaccine by doctors. Two days later she gave birth to a perfect but lifeless son.
"- I was longing so much to hear my child's laughter and cry", Zahra Abdelkader said.
She had been to recent check ups and everything was normal and the child was perfectly healthy. Zahra, who earlier had decided not to take the vaccine, was talked into it by staff at the local hospital where she had her check ups made.
"-Before I got the shot, everything was fine with my child. I don't know how I will be able to live with this but I have to share my experience so that other women will not be exposed to the same thing. I believe it was the vaccine that killed my baby."
Ingemar Persson, senior expert at the Swedish Medical Products Agency commented the horrible death in a statement: "- we have examined four cases earlier of women that have reported abortions after vaccination. we have looked very carefully on each case and concluded that it has nothing to do with the vaccine."
Sweden is the country with the highest number of vaccinated people. The trust in authorities is strong and media has effectively blocked out any criticism against the mass vaccination in an extraordinary propaganda campaign spanning all major news papers and TV-stations. Sweden is traditionally one of the most vaccine friendly nations where almost every child gets vaccinated at birth. The debate about vaccines and their dangers is ignored and gets very little attention by media.
Swedes are also susceptible to tricks played against them like "offering" something for free or to scare tactics and fake shortages. All these factors together with the massive media propaganda campaign and cover up is the reason why so many Swedes get the poisonous injections.

Johan Niklasson

Original article

Plague Reported in Russia

The Flu Case

An outbreak of pneumonic plague similar to that recently reported in the Ukraine and Poland has killed at least thirty people in the city of Saratow, reports Germany's Der Spiegel.
Top Russian health official Gennadi Onischenko is reported as saying the outbreak is deliberate and part of a "conspiracy." But he does not know whois behind the action. 
This is part of the Spiegel report translated into English.,1518,665238,00.html

Swine flu information disaster

Plague panic in of Russia province

By ' ); document.write( addy88546 ); document.write( '' ); //-->\n ' ); //--> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ' ); //--> ">' ); document.write( addy88546 ); document.write( '' ); //-->\n ' ); //--> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ' ); //--> ">Benjamin Bidder, Moscow

Schools are closed, the bishop has masses read - 30 deaths because of the swine flu have triggered panic in a Russian Volga city. Conspiracy theories make the rounds, the authorities are concealing the truth about how bad things are: the plague is here.

The telephone of the editor-in-chief of the “New Newspaper” rings again in the Volga city Saratow. Again Alexander Burmistrow has an excited caller on the other end. “We constantly get calls of anxious citizens”, says the journalist. There are many reports of strange vehicles, which drive along roads of the city. They are heavy tankers, report an informant. They sprayed a liquid - perhaps against the swine flu? Or perhaps against something worse?

Fear has seized the 800,000 inhabitants of the city Saratow. Fear of the epidemic: above all, however, fear of the fact that the authorities are hiding the truth from them. They are afraid that a worse illness than the swine flu is causing the deaths: the plague.

Schools remain closed, people avoid groups, business, concerts. In the evening at 8 o'clock the streets have been swept empty. The governor Itapow visited for the TV a pharmacy, before the television cameras he got his flu medication. He has already been vaccinated, announces the provincial prince. If however the normal citizens go into the pharmacy, there are no medicines for them. The vaccine remains scarce. Then public health authorities in the middle of the week announced 466 confirmed cases of swine flu. And 30 deaths, mostly young people, without any illnesses. Many women are among them.

The mobile phone network breaks down

Rumors spread like fires. The city is to be put under quarantine. The Air Force is to carry out missions to disinfect the city from air. And Iwan P., 22, medical student, types doomladen lines into its blog: “The results of the autopsy, which died from the swine flu in Sarantwo, resemble the descriptions in the medical literature of the results of the autopsy of patient that died of the lung plague.” Has the black death gone over into Saratow?

Concern turns to panic. The mobile phone network breaks down because thousands of people want to speak to dcotors and authorities at the same time. The public health authorities register huge quantities of calls. The hospitals are overcrowded, in the health centers queues form. Advice makes the round; use only boiled water and only for brushing your teeth. And hundreds of citizens write president Dmitrij Medwedew: “The enormous number of deaths among young people with the diagnosis “pneumonia" worries us” says the letter.

The statements of the authorities sounds furious. “Criminal” says the boss of federal public health authorities in Moscow, Gennadi Onischenko, about the procedures in the Volga city. It is obviously a conspiracy. “What the goals are I do not know, and I want it also to know”, storms Russia highest physician. It is “a deliberate provocation”, Onischenko tells the newspaper “Iswestia”.