Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reported Cases in Ukraine Double Again To 871,037

Reported Cases in Ukraine Double Again To 871,037
Recombinomics Commentary November 6, 2009

871,037 Influenza/ARI Cases
39,603 Hospitalized
135 Deaths

The above numbers from the latest update from Ukraine (see map) continue to alarm. More than half of the Oblasts and cities listed exceed the epidemic threshold, including Kiev and Kiev Oblast, raising concerns that the increase in case numbers will accelerate.  Moreover, hospitalization of 39,603 raises concerns that the number of deaths will also accelerate, since 11% of hospitalized cases in California died.
Although WHO has suggested that these alarming number may reflect sub-standard medical and housing conditions, the numbers remain alarming.  Mill Hill indicated that at least 15 samples were H1N1 positive, indicating they now have a small database of Ukraine sequences.  Although initial reports indicated there were no "major" changes, which presumably referred to reassortment, and no Tamiflu/Peramivir resistance, further analysis was required to rule out significant changes which were presumably linked to SNPs.
However, because the virus already has demonstrated an ability to cause fatal infections in a disproportionate number of children and previously healthy adults, small changes in the virus could lead to increases in viral load leading to an increase in cytokine storm frequency and hemorrhagic pneumonia, as reported for earlier cases.
Therefore release of full sequences at this time is warranted. 
Similarly, more detail on the number of fatal and hospitalized cases with hemorrhagic pneumonia would be useful.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doctors protest Israel's decision to give toxic Focetria and Pandemrix jabs to people

Protests are growing over the decision by the Israeli Ministry of Health to give people in Israel the toxic and untested swine flu jabs Focetria and Pandemrix produced by Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline.
At least five people in Sweden have died shortly after receiving the intested Pandemrix swine flu jab, classified as a bioweapon by EU and US regulators.
The German army rejected the "swine flu" jab vaccine with mercury and squalene as too toxic for its soldiers .
The Polish Health Minister has said she will not allow the untested jab to be given to people without more evidence of safety.
Dr Daisy J Stern outlined her concerns in a letter to Professor Dan Engelhard.
The letter (below) comes as the Swiss-based Association Around Israel has produced a leaflet about the dangers of the swine flu jab.
Professor Dan Engelhard

Head, Department of Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases

Hadassah University Hospital, Ein-Kerem

POB 12000, Jerusalem 91120, Israel

Fax: 02-6434579

Tel: 02-6778960, 050-7874040

Jerusalem, Nov. 4th, 2009

Dear Professor Engelhard,

A few days ago I spoke to you on the phone, and expressed my serious

concerns to you regarding the decision of the Ministry of Health in

Israel to administer Focetria and PandemRix, the two adjuvanted H1N1

vaccines respectively from Novartis and GSK, to the unsuspecting

population of Israel.

I reminded you of the squalene and polysorbate 80 contained in these

vaccines, and about the dangers of auto-immune reactions,

neurotoxicity, and infertility that these vaccines present. You

responded to me that you were well aware of the dangers involved, but

that you and your panel of physicians , specialists in their respective

fields, had decided that benefits outweigh the risks, based on worldwide

mortality statistics due to the H1N1 virus.

Professor Engelhard, please let me remind you of the following facts ( I

have included one or two references for each topic, but there are many,

many more, some peer- reviewed, some not. Time is of the essence and

unfortunately I do not have time to include them all at present).

Main points:

1.The statistics presented by the CDC and other monitoring bodies are

severely distorted: the proven number of deaths due to the actual H1N1

virus is much smaller than previously reported: most cases were of

patients who died of underlying, concomitant conditions, yet were

labeled as H1N1 related deaths. Furthermore, a ;arge number of so-called

H1N1 cases were never actually proven to be such, cases counted even

including phone calls made to doctors by patients worried they might

have the H1N1 virus.

2. H1N1 is a mild influenza virus, much milder even than regular, yearly

seasonal influenza. The number of deaths is relatively small, compared

to yearly influenza mortality rates.

3. The Southern Hemisphere winter season passed without any major

catastrophe. The flu season already peaked in the USA.

4. There IS vaccine available that does not contain either adjuvant or

thimerosal. That vaccine is being used on 250,000 German soldiers.

5. Squalene is highly neurotoxic and causes severe auto-immune

reactions., even deaths.

6. The concentration of squalene in both Focetria and PandemRix is

between half a million to a million times higher than the squalene

contained in the anthrax vaccine administered to US soldiers in 1991,

which was seriously implicated in the Gulf War Syndrome, and from which

hundreds of thousands of soldiers suffered terribly, and many thousands


Ongoing administration of unlisted vaccines in the US military caused

severe reactions and even deaths in thousands of people. The IDF also

recently participated in illegal anthrax vaccine experiments on 716

unsuspecting Israeli soldiers ; administration of toxic substances by

the US and Israeli government is nothing new.

7. The unnecessary H1N1 vaccination campaign of 1976 caused many cases

of Guillain-Barre, some of them permanent. Just as today, people were

not informed of the potential dangers involved in taking these highly

toxic substances..

8.Pandemrix has barely been tested on children at all, and has been

banned from use in Switzerland below the age of 18, because of lack of

clinical data.

9. The only studies done with Focetria, containing the MARKETABLE

PRODUCT, were on a total of 132 people.


10. The combination of squalene and polysorbate 80 in a buffered

solution has been shown to be an excellent anti-fertility combination,

in anti-fertility research performed by scientists for the W.H.O., who

were assigned the job of developing anti-fertility vaccines to reduce

world population. Giving these vaccines to our young population is

tantamount to sterilizing them.

(Fertility Impairing Vaccine And Methods of Use' This application claims

the benefit of U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/070,375, filed

January 2,1998, U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/071,406, filed

January 15,1998).

11. Giving these vaccines to our population is equivalent to using them

as guinea pigs for the rest of Europe, the world, and specially for

pharmaceutical companies, as they have not yet been properly tested in

children or adults in other countries.

See reference , article #8.

12. Because of the recombinant nature of the H1N1 antigen used in the

manufacture of these vaccines, there is significant risk that the

vaccine itself will lead to a much more serious pandemic, by reassorting

itself with other viruses in the community.

I understand that, in accordance with W.H.O. directives, and with Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's agreement, the goal of the Ministry of


VACCINES by December 31st.

I urge you to cancel the decision to use PandemRix in our children ages

3-10, and desist as well from using Focetria in the rest of our

population. The orders of the Ministry of Health significantly and

unnecessarily endanger our whole population; the current risk of H1N1

pandemic clearly does not warrant such a step at this time. And even if

there was a real need for a vaccine, using an adjuvanted vaccine that

contains thimerosal is totally unwarranted and contraindicated.

Yours sincerely,

Daisy, J. Stern, MD

Family and Preventive Medicine.

USA and Israel.

Tel: 054-587-2756



The Ukrainian Security Service, the SBU, -- the Ukrainian government's secret police -- has arrested a 30-year-old man who reported on the unfolding pandemic in the country, specifically on 170 people being hospitalised, trains travelling through Tarnopol without stopping, planes carrying out disinfection missions at night time and the death of students at Tarnopol and Lviv.
The case has gone to court. If found guilty, the blogger can be sentenced to one month of forced labor, have a 20% salary deduction or be fined 15 times the minimum income.
The blogger was arrested for spreading "rumours and fearmongering" under special emergency laws the Ukrainian government is implementing under the pretext of fighting a pandemic.

According to Ukraine's  presidential decree and a decision by the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Board of 30 October 2009, the Ukrainian Security Service is to "provide national security during an outbreak of a flu pandemic in Ukraine  in case of urgent actions.”
Source: Grypa666

- SBU (służba bezpieczeństwa) zajęło się osobami odpowiedzialnymi za sianie niepotwierdzonych plotek i paniki. Namierzyli 30-letniego gościa odpowiedzialnego za info o: leżących 170osobach w szpitalu, o pociągach niezatrzymujących się rzekomo w Tarnopolu, nocnej dezynfekcji z samolotów, o zmarłych studentach z Tarnopola i Lwowa i…(to najlepsze) O POLAKACH STARAJĄCYCH SIĘ ZAROBIĆ NA EPIDEMII NA UKRAINIE (jak widać jednak nie była to plotka)!
Najciekawsza jest podstawa prawna na podstawie której działa SBU: Zgodnie z dekretem prezydenta Ukrainy i decyzji Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego i Rady Obrony Ukrainy z 30 października 2009 “W sprawie pilnych działań w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa narodowego podczas wybuchu pandemii grypy na Ukrainie przez Służbę Bezpieczeństwa Ukrainy”
Sprawę gościa skierowano do sądu.
Kara grzywny może wynieść do 15-krotności minimalnych dochodów lub 1- miesięczne prace przymusowe z potrąceniem 20% wynagrodzenia.
- Serwis prasowy administracji Kijowa: Prezydent miasta Czernowiecki zwrócił się do premier Tymoszenko z prośbą o wprowadzenie kwarantanny w Kijowie w celu łatwiejszej lokalizacji ognisk choroby i walki z nią. Liczba chorych na grypę i niewydolność oddechową przekroczyła 26 tyś (4 listopada) a zmarła 1 osoba na H1N1.


Critics in the Ukraine of vaccines are to be prosecuted by the government under criminal laws, according to a report from Interfax Ukrainia Agency.
The report says the Ukrainian Health Minister Wasilij Kniazevicz has asked the country's top prosecutor to open criminal proceeedings against those people who are opposed to the implementation of the mass flu vaccination campaign also with the toxic and untested swine flu jab, sparking fears that the authorities are about to carry out wave of arrests.
The government's Chief Medical Officer Aleksander Bilovol said that the government is planning to implement a mass vaccination campaign with pregnant women an especial target.
In addition, the Health Ministry is considering extending quarantine areas in the Ukraine, which could lead to the isolation of large regions and the virtual imprisonment of populations.
It has been reported that a key Ukrainian civilian public health body has been dissolved and integrated into the army, raising fears of forced mass vaccinations by the military.
Key functions in the Ukrainian government appear to have been taken over by officials from WHO and the UN under the pretext of fighting a pandemic emergency.
Many thanks to Krzysztof Tarnawski and Mareck Podlecki from Grypa666 for the translation of the report from Interfax-Ukraina Agency.

Interfax-Ukraina Agency (after

Health Minister Wasilij Kniazevicz asks Prosecutor General to start criminal action against those who opposed seasonal vaccinations.

Berlusconi says crucifix ruling denies Europe's roots Wed

By Stephen Brown Nov 4, 2009

ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Silvio Berlusconi said on Wednesday a European Court of Human Rights ruling that called for crucifixes to be removed from Italian classrooms was a nonsensical attempt to deny Europe's Christian roots.

The Roman Catholic country has reacted with outrage to Tuesday's ruling from Strasbourg that the ubiquitous crucifixes on walls in Italian schools could disturb children who were not Christian.

The conservative prime minister, who draws much of his support from the Roman Catholic majority, told a television show the ruling was an attempt to "deny Europe's Christian roots. This is not acceptable for us Italians."

Berlusconi pointed out that Italy has so many churches that "you only have to walk 200 meters forwards, backwards, to the right or to the left and you find a symbol of Christianity."

"This is one of those decisions that often make us doubt Europe's good sense," said the prime minister, confirming that Italy intended to appeal against the ruling once his cabinet has studied it at its weekly meeting on Friday.

The Vatican expressed "shock and sadness" at the court ruling, which was condemned across the ideological divide in a rare moment of unity among Italian politicians. Only some on the far left and atheist groups backed the ruling.

Mayors all over the country vowed to defy the ruling and there were angry reactions from Catholic strongholds abroad such as Poland. Thousands of people protested on social networking sites on the Internet.

"Europe in the third millennium is leaving us only Halloween pumpkins while depriving us of our most beloved symbols," said Vatican number two, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Italy has been in the throes of debate on how to deal with a growing population of immigrants, mostly Muslims, and the ruling could become another battle cry for the government's policy drive to crack down on new arrivals.

Mara Bizzotto, a European parliamentarian for Berlusconi's anti-immigrant coalition partner, the Northern League, asked why the European court had taken action against the crucifix but did not ban Muslim symbols such as "veils, burqas and niqabs."

The case was brought by an Italian national, Soile Lautsi, who complained that her children had to attend a public school in northern Italy which had crucifixes in every room, thereby denying her the right to give them a secular education.

Two Italian laws dating from the 1920s, when the Fascists were in power, state that schools must display crucifixes.

(Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)

Polish Health Minister cut off after accusing WHO of spreading disinformation in Ukraine

TV transmission of a live parliamentary debate in Poland was cut off for fifteen minutes today after the Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz said that WHO was spreading disinformation in the Ukraine concerning the „swine flu“ pandemic.

Kopacz has come under fierce criticism from some quarters after she said she will resist pressure to press ahead with the mass vaccination of the population with untested swine flu jabs that could cause damage and death to more people than the swine flu.

The unexpected interruption of the TV and website transmission of the debate in parliament will fuel fears that portions of the Polish media and government allied to big pharma and banks are censoring critics of WHO and of the toxic and untested swine flu jabs.

The Polish Health Minister was cut off in the middle of answering questions on the „swine flu“ jab and footage of French President Nicholas Sarkozy was shown, it is reported.

Kopacz has been celebrated as a „hero“ by the general public for her stance in putting the health of the general public before the profits of big pharma and WHO.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Some flu updates and then Ukraine

  • Evidence that vaccine supplies are being deliberately restricted to create an artificial shortage and so motivate people into rushing to take the swine flu jab has been complied by Jazon Pearl in a video clip:


  • South Korean health officials put the country on the highest pandemic alert level on November 3, allegedly because of a sudden increase in deaths from the swine flu.
    The health authorities announced plans for accelerating vaccination campaign, imposing restrictions on travel and gatherings.


  • An interview with Dr Marc Vercoutère on the the 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign, WHO's pandemic statistics, the risk of H1N1 and H5N1 viruses combining and mutating, the ingredients of the vaccines, adjuvants, the pharmaceutical lobby groups, obligatory vaccination and legal action.


  • There have been unconfirmed reports of military trucks and coffins spotted close to the vaccination center in Albi, close to Toulouse, in southern France.

And then we have Joseph Moshe who tried to warn about the Ukraine outbreak already in August. No one knows where he is now.

The latest from Ukraine:

Reported Cases in Ukraine Double in Two Days
Recombinomics Commentary 14:34
November 4, 2009

478,456  Influenza/ARI
24,003  Hospitalized
60  Ventilators
81 Deaths
The above numbers are from the latest update from Ukraine.  The number of infected patients has almost doubled to just under ½ million, compared to the report two days ago (see map).  Hospitalized patients also have spiked higher, to 24K from 15K.  ICU cases are not listed, but 60 on ventilators are.  However, most (37) of those on ventilators are Chernivisti Oblast, but Lviv, which has the most fatalities and cases, has none, suggesting the data is incomplete or there are significant shortages of ventilators.  The number of dead has risen to 81, but media reports describe additional fatalities, include those in the Kiev Oblast.
The explosion of cases again raises concerns that the number of fatalities is significantly higher than the 81 listed.  Media reports have described an equal number of pneumonia fatalities which were not considered flu related.  The basis of these exclusions remains unclear.  Similarly, anecdotal reports suggest the number of fatalities is markedly higher than the 81 in the table.
The rapid rise in reported infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in the past few days raise concerns that the virus is transmitting very efficiently.  Spikes in cases have been reported throughout the northern hemisphere, but the spike in fatalities and the frequency in hemorrhagic cases in Ukraine have raised concerns.
Earlier media reports suggest that an update by WHO might be issued today and include preliminary analysis of samples sent to Mill Hill in London.
Daily updates on the rapidly evolving situation in Ukraine, including sequence analysis, would be useful.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Autism Spikes, Toxins Suspected

By STEVEN HIGGS November 2, 2009

As the national focus on the H1N1 pandemic rages, additional evidence of a more insidious epidemic has emerged, with an all-too-expected shrug from the mainstream media. Results from two federal studies announced in October say parents have a 1-in-100-or-greater chance of having a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Since boys are four times more likely to have an ASD, their odds are as high as 1 in 60.

On Oct. 2, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told the press and about 50 members of the autism community that an unreleased Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study shows the incidence of 8-year-olds born in 1996 with ASDs is 1 in 100. The agency's last two studies of children born in 1992 and 1994 put the chance at 1 in 150.

On Oct. 5, the journal Pediatrics published the results of HHS's Maternal and Child Health Bureau's "2007 National Survey of Children's Health," which showed 1 in 91 children between the ages of 3 and 17 had autism.

ASDs include Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), which are characterized by lifelong developmental deficits in social, behavioral and communication skills. According to the CDC, citizens with ASDs "have significant impairments in social skills and communication. They often have repetitive behaviors and unusual interests."

The National Survey of Children's Health data was drawn from telephone surveys of 78,000 parents who said their children had been diagnosed and still have ASDs. While its methodology has been criticized, the results aren't too far out of range of other recent reports.

In Indiana, a grossly polluted state with comparatively high rates of autism, data reported to the Indiana Department of Education, by every public school system in the state, have shown spikes in the numbers of children enrolled in special education under the category "autistic" over the past three years. The federally required counts are called Child Count Data.

"Last year 1 in 128 students were served under the eligibility category of Autism Spectrum Disorders," Cathy Pratt, director of the Indiana Resource Center and chair of the National Autism Society of America, said for a story last spring. "This year's identification rate is 1 in 113."

In June, Pratt reported the latest figures in an e-mail to The Bloomington Alternative: "Now the Child Count Data is showing 1 in 101." In another e-mail last week she confirmed its currency: "That is the latest data I have."


As Huffington Post blogger David Kirby observed in his post of Oct. 9, the mainstream media's response to the new CDC data has been "rather nonchalant." But the implications of the new incidence measures are anything but mundane. They are "startling," as Kirby, author of the best-selling book Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, says.

Improved diagnostics and changing criteria have long complicated the sometimes incendiary national debate about autism, its incidence and its causes.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), published in 1994, expanded the ASD criteria to include Asperger's and PDD-NOS. So the 0.44 autism cases per 1,000 live births that the California Department of Health Services found in 1980, for example, couldn't be accurately compared to CDC studies that showed the rate at 6.7 and 6.6 per 1,000 in 1992 and 1994. The California subjects were diagnosed before the DSM-IV changes, the CDC subjects after.

But the new 1-in-100 ratio of children born in 1996 appears to be a legitimate comparison. All three subject groups were identified under the same diagnostic criteria. And while the actual study will not be released until later this year, it doesn't appear that the CDC has altered its methodology.

And federal officials' reported response to the new numbers suggests drama. In an Oct. 5 piece in Age of Autism, Kirby described Sebelius's call to the autism community as a "hastily arranged telephone 'visit,'" during which she announced that the "prevalence of autism might be even higher than previously thought."

The secretary then hedged a bit -- "We don't know if it has gone up, and we are hoping to unlock these mysteries." -- declared autism an "urgent public health challenge" and "promptly ended her visit," Kirby continued.

The Associated Press reported on Oct. 5 that CDC announced the unpublished 1-in-100 findings "during an embargoed press briefing" in response to the published children's health survey's 1-in-91 rate.

Dr. Thomas R. Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health and chair of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, provided more detail.

In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, he sounded a cautionary note similar to Sebelius's. "It is not entirely clear what (the) increase is due to," he said. "It is not clear more children are affected rather than just changes in our ability to detect."

Another interview with an AP medical writer was more sobering. "The concern here is that buried in these numbers is a true increase," Insel said. "We're going to have to think very hard about what we're going to do for the 1 in 100."


No one knows what causes autism, let alone what is responsible for the statistical evidence that its prevalence is spiking. “Honestly, if someone was going to give a talk on the etiology or causes of autism, it would be entirely speculative,” according to Dr. Christopher McDougle, an autism researcher and chair of the psychiatry department at the Indiana University School of Medicine. “There’s nothing that’s known.”

Research has focused on perinatal and prenatal causes, he said, because autistic symptoms appear between the ages of 1 and 1½. Prenatal suspects include fetal damage from medications, abnormal brain development from genetic causes or infections. Contributing factors at birth could be prematurity, lack of oxygen to the brain, prolonged labor or infections. Shortly after birth: infections or environmental contributions.

A growing number of researchers believe that autism is triggered in genetically predisposed individuals by an "environmental hit," McDougle said.

Count Kirby among those who argue that environmental pollution is the likely culprit in the autism epidemic. Federal health officials who led the AP to report, “Greater awareness, broader definitions and spotting autism in younger children may explain some of the increase,” are misguided, he argued.

“Some have called it ‘good news’ that doctors are now so proficient at diagnosing the milder forms of ASD,” Kirby wrote in the Huffington Post. “… Many will call me an alarmist, but I believe that 1-in-60 boys with an autism spectrum disorder is a national crisis -- and not just a reassuring confirmation of how things have always been.”

Plus, he added, to buy that argument is to accept the conclusion that 1-in-60 American males, young and old, have an ASD. “Do you really believe that 1 in 60 American men are autistic?” he asked.

For Kirby, the parallel rise in environmental pollution and autism rates are related. And federal officials need to shift their focus accordingly.

“They don't seem to feel that rising levels of environmental toxic exposures in genetically susceptible children might also be at play here,” he wrote in the Huffington Post. “I personally believe that toxins like mercury can trigger ASD in children. These toxic exposures are on the rise, and so is the incidence of ASD.”

Steven Higgs is a freelance writer in Bloomington, Ind., and editor of The Bloomington Alternative, He can be reached at

Soldiers Nearly Killed with Military's Bioterrorism Vaccine

(NaturalNews) Approximately 200 soldiers have suffered from serious and even life-threatening complications from the government-mandated smallpox vaccine, and one has even died.
Starting in 2002, fears over a bioterrorist attack have led the U.S. government to require that all of its military servicepeople receive vaccination against a variety of diseases before deployment, including anthrax and smallpox. An estimated 1.7 million have been vaccinated against smallpox since then. Yet in a number of cases, the vaccine has led to severe complications such as inflammations of the brain or heart. In 2003, two expert panels concluded that Army Specialist Rachel Ray died in part due to complications from the deployment vaccines that she had been given.
"The reality is, we're never going to have zero risk on a vaccine," said Dr. Michael Kilpatrick of the Military Health System. "There's always going to be that individual that has some untoward event that would occur."
Awareness of the risks over the smallpox vaccine has prevented the government from requiring vaccination of civilians.
One potential side effect is infection with the virus used in the vaccine, a condition known as progressive vaccinia. Back when smallpox vaccination was widespread, the infection had a 15 percent fatality rate.
In a recent case, Lance Cpl. Cory Belken began to suffer from a persistent headache and unusual sleepiness one week after receiving the smallpox vaccine. He was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, which was destroying his circulatory system, and was immediately placed on chemotherapy.
The cancer treatment destroyed his immune system, leading to progressive vaccinia and no fewer than two infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. He broke out in a rash, had spreading vaccinia lesions all over his body, became delirious with a fever of 104.6 degrees, and began to suffer from organ failure.
Treating Belken required 30 times the dose of Vaccinia Immune Globulin that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has previously assumed would be needed for a single person.
Belken's family said that the leukemia would have been enough for their family to deal with, without vaccine complications on top of it.
"I think it's a big chance they're taking giving them the shots," his mother said.

Yushchenko called on to help Ukraine: Unknown virus is killing people

Kavkaz Center Publication time: 1 November 2009, 23:39

In last 24 hours, an unknown virus (presumed pneumonic plague) infected another 37 thousand and killed 12 more people. The authorities deny that this is pneumonic plague, and insist that people die from influenza, pneumonia and ARI.

Meanwhile, an emergency message from the President of Ukraine to the international community to immediately help in the fight against the virus, only reinforces the suspicion that pneumonia and influenza is not the cause.

"The current threat to national security of Ukraine, which we can not offset on our own, requires me to turn to our closest friends and strategic partners for emergency aid", - Yushchenko said in an appeal to the leaders of Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia Slovakia, USA, and EU Commission President and Secretary General of NATO.

According to the operative data of the Ministry of Health on 1 November, recorded through out the country more than 191 thousand patients with unknown disease of lungs. Of these, 83 thousand are children. Total number deaths recorded - 60, 123 people are dying.

Day before, on October 31, according to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, 154 200 people fell ill, according to official data, 48 patients died, including two children.

Authorities officially called the disease "swine flu", "California flu", "SARS","pneumonia", but doctors say on the basis of clinical data and the rapidity of the epidemic, that it is pneumonic plague.

Many Ukrainians believe that Ukraine has been infected with pneumonic plague by Russian terrorist organization, the FSB of Russia, using bacteriological weapons to destabilize the situation necessary for the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

According to unofficial information, the death rate in Ukraine from the alleged pneumonic plague is higher than officially announced.

According to unofficial data, "in Ukraine over the past week about 1500 people have already died. As noted by some doctors, the reason - pneumonic plague. High temperatures from the first day, a burning sensation in the chest, the desire to drink cold and nausea - all of these symptoms are frightening. People die within few days.

On the other hand, Ukrainian media reported that the virus is rapidly spreading in Ukraine and has already reached Odessa:

"1 woman died in the area of Odessa. Swine influenza has not been confirmed, most likely pneumonic plague was the cause.

Odessa and the region is already infected, most likely, is mutated pneumonic plague ", - said one of the doctors of private clinics in Odessa.

"The panic that spreads through the city, is so great that people are willing to sit at home even on just bread and water. Lack of gauze dressings in the city and surrounding areas - is just the beginning, and there is no elementary necessary ascorbic acid and inhalers.

Meanwhile, the first officially recorded death is because of pneumonic plague, and believe me in reality the are much more, "- says the Odessa physician.

All the doctors throughout Ukraine say that this is pneumonic plague.

"I have met with friends from the western Ukraine, the doctors say that the lungs of the dead were black. And that, perhaps this is not influenza but pneumonic plague. Well, if this is indeed a plague, then the news won't mention it for now, and certainly - it's 100% death (according to the U.S. for 1950-1994 - 41%, but the American health care, of course, not Ukrainian, and American doctors knew that they are dealing with a plague - KC).

With each passing day the picture becomes more and more dire, bloggers wrote and continued:

"The number of deaths is understated. The practice of health care service - to respond to anything after a really big problem. And "big" - far not 60 - as reported to the authorities at the moment.

All the actions talk about a really serious problem that the government is facing. The atmosphere in general - I recalled the early days of the Chernobyl accident - were the same "movement", and secrecy on the part of officials.

The regional center: converted the place to fit 200 beds, tripled the personnel of Precinct Therapeutic Services for special situation of contagious diseases (on materials of live broadcast 'Medchinovnika').

By nosocomial information - all the staff of one of the agencies was transferred to the barracks, in which there was a fatal outcome. (No one was allowed to go home at the end of the working day on Friday). Establishment is located not far away from the major microdistricts.

Traffic police from the western regions does not let transport to go to the east. People are running, it's terrible. Official comments: "information about checkpoints we do not confirm, but do not rule out such a course of action."

One of my friends in these minutes is going to Kiev by train. In our area - quarantine, in Kiev - not yet. The stewards not only wear masks but also disposable gloves - at all times. The clinical picture of what the virus is called Ukraine A H1N1 is same as the picture of pneumonic plague - the speed of hemorrhagic damage of lung tissue, on the absence of prodromal period, on hectic - up to 39-40 degrees - temperature.

- Information from Kiev says that it is not an epidemic of swine flu, but a previously unknown form of pneumonic plague. Doctors have been given the orders not to disclose this information. The figures are understated by tens of times, citizens inform.

Note that this summer in one of Chinese cities pneumonic plague was officially declared, and only 3 deaths reported. The city was quarantined. No further deaths were reported.

- All this is not known not only for the reason that the government forces not to disclose the information, carefully concealing the real situation and closes the zone where the epidemic erupted. The exact number of victims is much higher than shown by the statistics - everyone understands it. How many really died? If you take 152 thousand registered patients and only 52 deaths, even from ordinary flu more than 450 people would have died, according to the annual mortality statistics.

At the moment, in the disaster zone (Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Lutsk) receipts are taken of non-disclosure, doctors are not allowed to record the death with symptoms of pneumonic plague. Deaths are recorded as a result of heart attacks and other things.

The zones of "reanimation" increase. Departure from cordon is blocked. Photo, video filming the scene, contacts with the press - are not permitted under any pretext. Facts are checked, according to ordinary Ukrainians.

From Ternopil message: I am afraid - neighbor from above the floor died. I called my classmate - a doctor - she does not want to speak on this thing, but said that she was also scared. Perhaps we have some sort of mutated virus.

- I'm flying to Odessa this night. In Ukraine there is swine flu or pneumonic plague. They say that already died whether a thousand, or 1500 people, writes Corneliy Glas from Yerevan.

- A call on to mobile. On army channels - "Pneumonic plague. Ternopil region - 26 dead. Barracks rearranged into hospitals", said Eustas a resident of Ukraine.

Department of Monitoring,

Kavkaz Center

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Characteristics of pandemic. Symptoms and instruction (updated at 01:28 pm) October 31, 2009

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers in connection with the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) a three-week vacation is announced in all educational institutions of Ukraine, correspondent reports. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a three-week ban on public events, but also introduces a vacation in all higher education institutions.

Yulia Tymoshenko assured that to date, all pharmacies and hospitals are provided "with rapid tests to detect Californian influenza." "We have bought a sufficient number of medical masks, which are distributed to the regions of Ukraine. All the pharmacies and hospitals have already been provided with relevant masks, medical supplies and drugs for prophylaxis and treatment of swine flu", - she said.

In addition, the Prime Minister announced that all funds necessary for the purchase of medicines to prevent and treat flu, "which can cope with this disease" have been assigned from reserve fund. Yulia Tymoshenko stressed that she will control all pharmacies. According to her, for the period of the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1), all health institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, will be subordinated to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

She drew attention to the fact that now a minimum set of drug will be allocated for every drugstore. She stressed that the level of drug prices must be on the same level as last week. "If at least one pharmacy increases the price by 1 kopeck, then license will be withdrawn immediately" - promised the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister also announced that the Cabinet of Ministers will allocate Hr 500 mn for the purchase of necessary medicines in the country. After the Cabinet meeting she was going to leave for the Ternopil Region. She explained that it is necessary to control the whole situation.

Summing up, she promised all the possible symptoms of A (H1N1) influenza A (H1N1) will be reported on all television channels, radio, in all printed publications of the country. Premier appealed to citizens to seek medical help when first symptoms of the disease appear. " A person is to do the only one thing - when there are early symptoms similar to acute respiratory disease – to go to hospital because (A (H1N1) disease is threatening only when person does not go to hospital and the disease transforms into advanced infection"- Yulia Tymoshenko asked.

Yesterday, on October 30 Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych held a briefing at which he confirmed: the presence of flu virus A/N1N1-California was confirmed in the bodies of 11 patients in Ternopil and Lviv. In particular, as of October 29 at the Hromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, 22 samples of patients from Ternopil had been analyzed. A flu was confirmed in 11 cases, 7 out of them - Influenza A/N1N1-California.

In addition, experts at the laboratory of virology studied the materials of 8 people from Lviv with preliminary clinical diagnosis ‘acute respiratory viral infection’ in the presence of influenza virus A/N1N1. 4 out of them - positive for the presence of influenza virus A/N1N1-California, the press service of the Ministry of Health reports.

According to Vasyl Kniazevych, Ministry of Health appealed to the international organizations for advice and provision of number of vaccines against A/N1N1 flu -California.

General Directorate of Health and Medical Care at the Kyiv city state administration has decided to organize isolators in the dormitories of higher educational institutions in connection with the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1). The students suffering from cold will be there, was reported by the press service of the Kyiv city state administration, with reference to the order of October 30, on strengthening the preventive and treatment measures. In addition, the Administration ordered all doctors to wear masks and banned visits of patients’ relatives.

12:21 a.m. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced all events are canceled in connection with epidemic of swine flu in Ukraine. The matter is about pre-election tour of Yulia Tymoshenko "With Ukraine in the heart", and about the rally, which was planned by President of UkraineViktor Yushchenko to hold on Sunday, November 1.

Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych confirmed information about limitation of border crossing of Regions of Ukraine.

Epidemic of flu in the Western Ukraine can be used as a pretext for imposing a state of emergency and breakdown of the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Director of the Situations Modeling Agency Oleksiy Holobutsky.

"Today it is absolutely clear that a political group of the current President of Ukraine is not interested in early elections, whose personal rating is very low. The state of emergency will be imposed in Ukraine in order not just postpone the election date, and frustrate them, most likely, under the pretext of pandemic influenza on Ukraine "- UNIAN news agency reports referring to the comment of the expert.

Oleksiy Holobutsky also believes that initiators of breakdown of elections will be supported by doctors, who, according to the instructions in a pandemic, will impose a ban on public events, gatherings of people, and in this case no elections will be held.

Party of Regions will demand imposition of a moratorium on election rallies in connection with the swine flu epidemic in Ukraine. This statement was made by the Party of Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych in Kharkiv.

There is a lack of the most necessary antibacterial, antiviral, symptomatic medication drugs, as well as personal protective equipment - masks for the population in drugstores of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration Mykola Paliychuk.

Mykola Paliychuk noted that the region together with the Ministry of Health is doing everything to provide pharmacies with the necessary preventing drugs. However, he stated that the medical facilities are provided with all necessary medicines and antibiotics for the treatment of patients, and patients are provided with medical care free of charge, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

Mykola Paliychuk noted that in all the reception centers of hospitals "Tamiflu" drug exists (intended for the treatment of swine influenza).

State Border Service is taking measures to prevent acute respiratory viral infections in the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in Ukraine, is stated by the press service of the State Border Service.

Party of Regions insists on the need to dismiss Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych in connection with the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1), told the leader of the Party of Regions, candidate for President Viktor Yanukovych on Friday in Kharkiv.

12:35 a.m. Ukraine is at the highest (third) level of danger of epidemic, said Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko at a briefing yesterday, on October 30.

The Prime Minister noted that all Ukrainian factories for the production of medical masks have now been given orders for the manufacture of these remedies. Yulia Tymoshenko noted that the vaccine will be in the medical institutions, but the vaccination will be voluntary.

President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko supports the formulation of clear recommendations to the Ministry of Health for the population in connection with epidemic of influenza A (H1N1). "Ministry of Health should prepare a national plan of actions to formulate clear recommendations for population," - he said at a meeting with representatives of the media.

President Viktor Yushchenko asked the Cabinet of Ministers to allocate Hr 50 mn to the Ukrainian center of influenza and acute respiratory diseases.

The operation of all markets will be suspended in Lviv and in all settlements of the Region. In addition, the Lviv regional council appealed to the clergy with a request to reduce the number of divine service and their duration in the churches.

The Lviv Region asks the Cabinet of Ministers to allow the sale in pharmacies of drug Tamiflu, which is recommended for influenza A (H1N1).

Since October 19, 33 cases of death from influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases had been registered in the Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions. This information was confirmed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The Lviv Regional Committee on Technological and Environmental Safety and Emergency has decided to establish telephone "hot lines".

The Kyiv City State Administration imposed quarantine because of the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) in schools and higher educational institutions beginning from November 2. Also, the City Council decided to impose strict mask mode besides medical facilities in the trade institutions, catering and markets.

01:05 p.m. Ukrzaliznytsya intensified anti-epidemic measures in connection with the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) and the spread of acute respiratory viral infections.

Today President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko made a statement about the situation with influenza A (H1N1), the text of which is published on the official website of the Head of State.

The State Border Committee of Belarus has sent instructions to all the checkpoints on the border crossing on high alert in relation to the epidemiological situation in Ukraine.

INSTRUCTION: It is necessary to avoid contact with people who have symptoms of flu of influenza; restrict visits of places with a great number of people, often air the house, wash often hands with soap during 20 seconds; avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands; avoid hugs, kisses and handshakes, cover nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with nasal tissue and then throw it away. If a person has flu symptoms, you should stay away from him at a distance of at least two meters.

CLINICAL SIGNS OF A/H1N1 INFLUENZA ARE: headache, muscle aches, sore throat, fever, cough, runny nose, nasal stuffiness, in some cases - vomit and diarrhea.

In connection with epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) in Ukraine people's deputy, member of Party of Regions faction Valery Bondyk proposes the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to dismiss Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych and Minister for Emergencies Volodymyr Shandra.

The author of draft decree argues the need for dismissal of Ministers because they did not ensure the necessary measures to prevent the spread of influenza virus A (H1N1). Valery Bondyk thinks actions of Vasyl Kniazevych and Volodymyr Shandra criminally negligent and incompetent, which might lead to the significant number of deaths in Ukraine, and the declaration of a state of emergency in Ukraine.

The Ternopil Regional State Administration together with the Ternopil State Medical University established telephone hot lines to inform the public about the prevention of flu: 42-20-63, 42-20-64, 42-20-65

01:28 p.m. Kyiv Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky is afraid of rapid spread of influenza A (H1N1) epidemic in the capital of Ukraine because of its high attendance by tourists and visitors. In this regard, he said that the Kiev City Administration has established the Emergency Headquarters, which will hold daily meetings and study the situation with the influenza epidemic in the city.

Transport and Communications Ministry has strengthened Counter epidemic measures in rail, road, sea and air transport in connection with the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1). This is stated in the press service of Ministry of Transport.

Russia and India are ready to assist Ukraine in the fight against the epidemic of swine influenza. Proposal for assistance was made by Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Indian Ambassador Debabrata in an interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

According to actual data, characteristics of the pandemic are the following:

- The majority of patients get sick easily, and recover completely within a week, often without treatment, except for pregnant women and people with chronic illnesses – in 2 percents of cases  severe course is being developed

- A new virus A/H1N1 infects the lungs directly, causing severe respiratory failure more frequently among young people under the age of 25

- pregnant women, people with chronic respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus, autoimmune disorders and obesity have increased risk of complicqations, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

Ukraine will appeal for humanitarian aid for the provision of drugs against influenza A/H1N1. The decision about it was made yesterday, on October 30 at the National Security and Defense (NSDC) meeting, said the NSDC Secretary Raisa Bohatyryova, UNIAN correspondent reports.

As a reminder, on October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.

A closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health Lilia Hrihorovich (Our Ukraine-People’s Self-Defense faction) is convinced of the necessity to declare the state of emergency in five regions of Ukraine.

An epidemic of high pathogenic influenza A/H1N1 has begun when it became cold in the country, Health Minister of Ukraine Vasyl Knyazevych claimed.

Highest epidemic of swine flu in Ukraine! October 30, 2009

Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych reported that 31 samples were taken from sick people in order to determine whether they fall under the diagnosis of swine flu, of which 11 cases have been confirmed. "It is the interpretation of the result," - he said, adding that on 29 October in Ukraine, 951 people were hospitalized with acute respiratory infections and influenza. As for 30 cases of death, recorded from 19 to 29 October, he reported that the sample was taken only in one case, and the diagnosis was confirmed (A (H1N1)).

Since October 29 the Lviv Region prohibited excursions by bus in connection with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the chief sanitary doctor of the Lviv Region Roman Pavlyv reported.

An epidemic of high pathogenic influenza A/H1N1 has begun when it became cold in the country, Health Minister of Ukraine Vasyl Knyazevych claimed. He reported that yesterday, on October 29 in Ternopil, the conference took place with the participation of leading experts. "According to preliminary results, we note that Ukraine has entered into the global pandemic zone, and (the country) Californian epidemic of influenza, or influenza A/H1N1 started. Preliminary analysis of samples taken from ill people and who went to the hospital confirms this diagnosis," - said Vasily Knyazevych.

Vasily Knyazevych called on the population of Ukraine not engage in self-treatment, and go to hospital, UNIAN reports. "People died because they did not apply in time for doctors. The patients called the doctor at 5-7 days of illness, when it was impossible to help people" - the Minister said, assuring that Ukraine has enough drugs to treat this type of flu. Vasily Knyazevych assured that our doctors are competent in these matters.

Today it became known about the death of five people Drohobycz and district. They died as a result of unknown virus, which caused lightning and severe form of pneumonia that is usually impossible to have physicians from Drohobycz, which have more than 20 and 35 years of service. Both doctors said that is not observed in their practice cases such swift action of the virus, which could not resist the strongest antibiotics. According to their data, the lungs of the dead were so impressed if they suffered from chronic pneumonia, and most of the dead were young people.

Today President of Ukraine has appealed to the Prime Minister to ensure the allocation of state budget funds in the necessary volumes for the establishment of a permanent monitoring of the spread of influenza viruses, including influenza A/H1N1, and to ensure proper functioning of the virology laboratory of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine and health institutions in all regions of Ukraine.

An unknown viral infection seems to intensify its attack on the residents of the Transcarpathian Region. We recently released information about the death of a 40-year-old resident of Mezhhirya from infection in Volovets and hospitalization of another resident of the Transcarpathian Region to the regional infectious diseases hospital in Uzhhorod. Today correspondent in Uzhhorod learned about two new cases of deadly disease - in Hustka Region of Transcarpathia.

There is a lack of flu masks in drugstores of Kyiv. According to statements of employees of pharmacies, it is over. "All masks that we had in stock already are sold out, and we do not have new ones," - said the head of one of the pharmacies.

She stressed that flu masks are not produced in Ukraine, and purchased mainly in China. And as no one expected that people would need in larger quantities than usual orders, nobody did additional purchases, UNIAN reported.

The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has been convoked. The Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said: In connection with epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) (Influenza California), the government has decided to impose quarantine in nine regions of Ukraine, namely: in Transcarpathia, Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Chernivtsi, Volyn, Vinnitsa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil Regions. The movement of people between the regions and abroad –may be under special control - it may be limited due to the epidemiological situation, Yulia Tymoshenko warned.

As a reminder, on October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.

A closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health Lilia Hrihorovich (Our Ukraine-People’s Self-Defense faction) is convinced of the necessity to declare the state of emergency in five regions of Ukraine.